This Week in Gaming - December 19th - January 16th

image: 28wjlli

Each week I plan to cover the past week's latest news surrounding the world of gaming, including major tournament results, headline gaming news & headlines and notable games releases and updates. The past month has seen the Christmas & New Year period which is notoriously quiet for gaming news or major competitions - combine that with the Community Awards, CF 4 Beta Launch and the ET Guide - and we have a months worth of news to look back on!
image: s_head

Gaming News

The last time I wrote this newspost was one month ago and the leading story was that of SOPA, also known as the Stop Online Piracy Act. I've posted a column which you can read here, summarising the ongoing SOPA-saga, but the upshot is that SOPA is a bill which is making all the headlines as it jeopardises the internet as we know it. Today, January 16th it was announced that SOPA is set to be shelved after American President Barack Obama publicly stated that he would not support it. The trick here is that SOPA has a sister bill, known as PIPA, which is slightly less radical and has flown under the radar thanks to the public awareness of SOPA. So the saga doesn't end here. Check the column.

In other news, Skyrim was the UK Christmas #1 and became the first non-EA or Activision game in 8 years to do so.

The amazing platformer Bastion won over 70 awards and has sold over 500,000 copies. This indie title has been featured many times on Crossfire before and if you've never heard of it, make sure you check it out. It's a great little game and well worth your time.

Steam announced their 100% growth for the 7th consecutive year. The online distribution service will be a household name for the majority of users on Crossfire and with a bit of luck, we might be seeing Enemy Territory on Steam in the future.
image: s_head

Notable Releases

The Christmas and New Year period is a notoriously quiet time for gaming releases so we can take a moment to look forward to some of the most hyped PC games due for release in 2012:

  • Diablo 3 (?)
  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  • StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Metal Gear Solid: Rising
  • GRID 2
  • Beyond Good and Evil
  • Fallout Online
  • Far Cry 3
  • Counter Strike: Global Offensive
  • DOTA 2

What have I missed?

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image: s_foot
I'm going to buy Diablo 3 &Grand Theft Auto V!! for sure!!
Welcome back, nice read ^,^

I'd give Diablo 3, GTA V and CS:GO a shot.

Quote by Baggiez
The online distribution service will be a household name for the majority of users on Crossfire and with a bit of luck, we might be seeing Enemy Territory on Steam in the future.

I recall you or someone else posting something a while ago about getting ET in Steam.. Was there any way we could help?

Quotecl4ym4n on 30/03/11, 03:47:12

You, as a simple user can't release shit on Steam. If you're a developer or publisher, you can get in touch with Valve and they'll go through their list of criterias. If you meet all of them your game eventually makes it onto the Steam platform.

"¬ Potential for Steam server browser integration"

This would require SD to implement the Steamworks API into the game and since i doubt they still care about putting additional effort into a game that they've already released the sourcecode for, i highly doubt this will happen.
Valve should buy the rights for that game -> add custom hats -> great success
Look forward to StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm and GTA V
What I'd like to see: jak 4 (Continuation from the Jak and Daxter series from Naughtydog)
I'm going to buy all new Blizzard games :D!
quite a week there
2012 will be a comparably boring year for gaming as i expect many of the announced titles to be pushed back even further (the ones we havnt seen any real gameplay footage of yet). 2011 wasnt half bad but nothing comes close to 2007.

ur list of noteable releases is cleary not supposed to name all titles comming up but i think stuff like borderlands 2, Max Payne 3, Hitman Absolution, Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Light, Guild Wars 2 and so on should be on there. maybe even indie titles like torchlight 2
Diablo 3 for sure
Borderlands 2
Hitman Absolution
Halo 4?
Guild Wars 2
Tomb Raider
A new Assassins Creed title is due out if you believe the rumours too, but it wont follow Ezio

List could go on really
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory 2 ?
This week in gaming
December 19th - January 16th

long week? :p
bad news that skyrim got #1, It may well be a good game but Bethesda are simply incompetence personified - I dread to think that they will release a potentially good title and self destruct due to poor planning and not listening to a community (again)
Elaborate please?
They always seem to release games a bit too early - ie beta stages. Skyrim had some issues but I guess due to sales they were ironed out a lot quicker. Brink & Rage had pretty big issues regarding performance and Brink especially was not moved on quick enough in the early stages, something that any game needs if it has a chance of becoming a competitive title.

Kind of want someone like Blizzards dev team (although I dislike Blizzard :D) to produce a team based shooter, Sc2 if I recall was developed for like 5+ years, I saw showmatches of it 3 years before release and the beta was seemingly a year or so too. They wanted it released in a good state - something that team based fps titles have never had for MP except for a few (cod2 / cod4 / rtcw)
I guess it's because Blizzard has only had three major franchises (Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo), each with a massive following that actually participates in Beta-testing and gives thorough feedback because they want a good game eventually. Blizzard knows or at least has reason to assume that when they release a game, it will be played for 5+ years. They even promote an entire industry around it.

The only two real follower-heavy franchises Bethesda has are Skyrim and Fallout, both Singleplayer and non-competitive and somewhat casual games. Since they both sold so well Bethesda was of course eager to sort bugs out. Blink and Rage on the other hand were kinda shots in the dark. They didn't gather the prior excitement Bethesda probably hoped for.

The only real FPS equivalent I see that could achieve what Blizzard has been doing for more than a decade now is CS:GO. It has a huge fanbase that is willing to participate to make a good game. However, after having seen some videos it seems to be worse, community-wise, than the 1:1 revamp CS:Source was. It seems more casualized with no longevity in mind at all. You can't expect people to play the same game for over 10 years, just with better graphics.
While Blizzard redid all the units in SC2 to create an entirely new game mechanic, all Valve did is to add a few shaders and some unlockable guns.

Needless to say, all the love I had for Valve after HL2 will probably be gone after the release of CS:GO.
Something I have discussed with some other people is that Blizzard dont actually ever have to release games again (ofc, they will) and because of this they are not in some insane rush to release - perfection in their eyes can be reached and they can go more for getting top gaming awards etc / prestige / fan base because of better more complete / worked out titles.

I checked CS:GO, indeed - wtf :D it looks, imo, worse then CS:S which was exactly like this seems to be, a graphics upgrade... noice.
Hello to Diablo III and WoW !
Mythos will be relieased 1.2.12 if i remember right, tho its not really known + d3 is cumming!
mythos got cancled afaik

QuoteMythos Being Discontinued

Frogster regrets to announce that the Mythos Europe game servers are to be shut down.

However, we welcome our loyal Mythos fans to explore the other exciting game worlds we have on offer.

such a shame, was real fun most of the time
Thats oldshit bro!

I like them at @ facebook so i know this! :P
my old ID doesn't work there. or are they wiping them anyway? :(
they wiped out everything :D
diablo 3 and guild wars 2
GW 2 isn't released yet, can't wait though. :O)

Edit: Misread :|
QuotePC games due for release in 2012
Neither is diablo 3 :P

And agreed, having my hopes up high :)
For the statistics - Waki is wating for it too
I hope it'll not be released until April, might sound odd, but otherwise I don't know how to pass my exams and my traineeship @ school. :P I'll so start nerding this game, if it'll be as cool as it looks like. Still finishing my HoM, so that I get halfways cool bonus equipment. :)
GTA V in 2012

you wish
waiting GTA V only fuuuuuuuuuuuuark
gta = full of win, didnt like IV though :(
didnt get the chance to finish it :,(
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