PDT - Signup Reminder

image: deraftorunapl

After great response from the Poland Polish community here is a reminder for all the people that forgot to sign-up or didn't notice there is cup like that. All the info can be found in the original news post. Below we show you the list of people that signed up so far. If you signed up and you're not on the list, then it means you got rejected or we are still discussing your fate, in that case, you can pm Robert to find out your fate. Vulgar messages will be insta ignored.

To sign-up you have to send me Crossfire private message. In the message you give me the following infos: Nickname, CB link, Specify your Main Class (rifle,engi smg etc), Want to become captain: Yes/No.

Note: fact that you are on the list below doesn't guarantee that you will play in the cup. Sadly we have to limit players to 48 people (+ some backups). Signup count: 50

Signed up players so far (alphabetical order):
  • Arturinho
  • baq, BloOdje, bytheway
  • cisy, coxie
  • damagee, dialer, Dim, dIZEL
  • Elviss, Estaloth
  • fanatic, flo
  • gruchaa, grzesiek
  • HaoKakao, hitsu, hunter, Hydraulik
  • Jadol
  • Kento, Krein
  • l4z, Lucas
  • m4lCzik, moLy
  • nORAs
  • palemki, Pius, pow4h, promen
  • ridji, rubrAh
  • s1LENT, samraj, son1c, staminaboy, stexx, syriusZ
  • tanchez, tIKEJ, Tokar, topek, Tramalek, troja
  • viC, voiler
  • WuT
  • zMk

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

  • Signups opened: 23th January 2012 - 00:30
  • Signups closed: 29th January 2012 - 18:00
  • Captains announced: 29th January 2012
  • Teams announced: 31st January 2012
  • Brackets announced: 5th February 2012
  • Main Tournament: 6th February 2012 (Monday), 18:00 or 19:00


Banner by Poland chickita
go go, sign up
silent :p
provided us with proper documents, he is a citizen of Poland even if he doesn't live here
Id never come up with such document if I had one.

nice job with the cup, I very rarely have anything good to say about you or your actions but this looks nice. gl to u & fana
most credit should go to fanatic, so far I just help with decisions who should be allowed and who shouldn't and giving some small ideas
how to adapt good idea and try to make it work in fucked up community*
hm everything I did worked kinda well, since I have 2 times the number of signups from the last edition
I don't see whats your problem. Just get lost already.
he asked me if he was allowed to use it and I said that he was but that he had to wait till BeNe-cup was finished, but he didnt listen
why should I need your permission to run a cup? afaik I asked you only for some rules, because firstly I had wanted to do some cup similar to you (based on regions in Poland). This cup is not related to yours at all
s1lent i m4lczik noo oo oo o oo nie wiem ! xD
a ciekawy jestem dlaczego nie?
s1lent pokazal obywatelstwo, od m4lczika fanatic mial ogarnac jakis dowod, nie wiem czy w koncu poprosil, ale jak do niedzieli nie dostane to m4lczik z listy zniknie
M4lczik nie jest obywatelem PL? Zglaszam do urzedu emigracyjnego.
To sa jakies kpiny kolezko :D?
no ktos tu w reprze UA biega to ja pewny byc nei moge!
Stary, a jak jest w innych reprezentacjach? Nie bede nikomu nic udowadnial, to nie ten etap "zabawy". Troche to jest wasze "widzimisie", ale spoko, jak tak robicie, to moge nie grac.
s1lent problemow nie robil
s1LENT nie mieszka w Polsce - to raz, dwa - jest w odwrotnej sytuacji, bo w moim przypadku musialbym byc w Reprze PL, ktory chce zagrac w Drafcie Ukrainskim. Sam pomysl.
kapitan reprezentacji Ukrainy wzbudza nasze podejrzenia :x
dobra, widze ze ta gadka nie ma sensu. Az tak mi nie zalezy, zebym Ci wysylal moje prywatne dane. Poza tym, mieszkam w Polsce, mowie po Polsku, jestem Polakiem, ktory sobie gra 4fun w reprze Ukrainy, a Ty chcesz potwierdzenia mojej tozsamosci? Smieszne, doprawdy.
chytrze probujesz wyciagnac jego foto
rozgryles mnie, nie mam do czego fapowac juz, przejrzalem caly internet
gdybym mial mica... :)
jest z czego wybierac, bedzie imo konkretnie. gl
a ty czemu sie nie zglosiles?
mam 6 egzamin o 15, ostatnio wszedlem o 21 wiec male szanse zebym sie wyrobil
aaa ok ok. cup sie zacznie albo o 18 albo 19, wiec zawsze jako backup mozesz byc u kogos i na jakies mecze pozniejsze sie zamienisz z najslabszym ogniwem z teamu ^^
fajnie, w takim razie to jak mozesz to daj mnie na backup
izi for son1c :>
a chuj tez se zapisze 8D
rabit przekazuje ze tez chce grac
aha ale nie potrzebuje opinii randomow, sorry
Member For: 6 months and 11 days

dobra, nie chce mi sie takich gownianych odpowiedzi czytac, wypierdalaj
Ciebie ktos wyprowadzil z rownowagi? Takiego mistrza trollingu? :DDDDD
o widze znalazles czas miedzy meczykami w jakas gre komputerowa zeby posledzic moja dzialalnosc na crossfire
a co do twojego pytania - nie, szkoda mi klawiatury na takich sucharow jak on i ty, wiec rowniez wypierdalaj idioto z tlustymi wlosami
zamknij juz dupe , masz teksty jak subak XDDDD
o kurwa to swietnie, ale nie ekscytuj sie tak bezrobotny smieciu
zamknij dupe subak
alez pocisk
Age: 19 ( 19 May 1992 ) i wszystko jasne.
captains will be announced tomorrow (some late signups may be accepted as well, till I won't write new newspost about captains)
fajnie ze zniklem z listy zapisanych XD
nice banner :D
a gdzie kapitanowie ?
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