BeNe-Cup Captains!

image: 900bene_cup2

And we've already reached the moment to announce the team-captains

for the BeNe-Cup 2.0

So what's the process now?

You can send a pm to your province captain and ask him if you can join the Line-Up. Before saturday 4 February 24:00 the captain needs to PM me with the folllowing things: His Line-Up with min 8 players and max 12 players, the TZAC ID's from all his Line-Up players.

When you scroll further down you can see the brackets and the groups. You play against every opponent in your group 2 times. Winning a match gives you 2 points and losing a match won't give you any points. There will be played 1 match every week. So this means we start monday 6 february with the first week. A week goes from monday to monday. We have 3 teams in each group. The first week 1 of the group plays against 2 of the group, second week 1 vs 3 and third week 2 vs 3, and week 4 we start again with 1 vs 2 etc.. I will anounce the matches that needs to be played that week every sunday evening.

Before a match the captain pm's me when it will be played and which maps will be played. After a match the captain pm's me with the score and with a screenshot from the TZAC I"D"s of all players, taken with the command /ac_listplayers.

Every captain needs to choose a back-up captain, this person will take the role of captain when the main-captain isn't able to play.

Help my province doesn't participate??

If you're province doesnt participate you are allowed to play for every other province, but you need to ask me for permission!!


- Supply
- Sw_Goldrush_Te
- Missile_b3
- Bremen_b3
- Radar
- Adlernest
- Special Map: Karsiah_te


image: 479Image5


Overijssel and Utrecht in the same group, gg.
outlaw shouldn't be allowed to play anywhere
why (i am not really into the scene...)
isnt he playing all the time 3v3 cb offis ? and what about the speedcup? or is it another outlaw?
yeah he just keeps coming back, playing same as at times he was busted. shouldn't be trusted after so many bans
lol one month & captain twice.
me too, we're such powners. wtf!
n-h not playin so no playin gg bb
Please, don't hide those answers, so annoying to check...

You should show the captain and under hide-command the people whom have signed under the area...

EDIT: Kevin or Otyg going to deliver. Propably Otyg because he is on better channels ;)
Poor Gelderland & Antwerpen
you know right:P
no noord-holland? :D et is dead
Lol @ group a..
Does Wallonia have enough player? :D
omg otyg best leader evurrrrrrrrr. NB gon deliver
QuoteIf you're province doesnt participate you are allowed to play for every other province, but you need to ask me for permission!!

Makes sense, as all the teams that do participate already have plenty of people.
Wallonie will roll :D
QuoteHelp my province doesn't participate??

let them doing "bene mix" and play as a "mix team" ?

or let them only play to the province around their one.
Yes, I tought of that but I cant have another team in the cup cuz I get 13 then, can't make fair groups wit 13 teams..
Jere low :PpPpPppPPpPPpP
who you gonna play for?
Vlaams Brabant (Jere Boss Chry Player dAv1d + 6th)
nerds gonna get rolled

Im actually from Valmas Banarbant too, I can play for you
Chill, we haf 6 then
Easy bash for Team-Wallonia
1. Vlaams Brabant
2 & 3. Limburg/Zuid-Holland
it's my time to rise again and destroy these dweebs
inbe4 utrecht not finding playsers
jetro is wvl captain, not kevin ;-)
nakato en ik zijn capt
en nog rifle nodig dus alle help is welkom bij het zoeken ;)
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