a.ToOn Win JeeSports Qualifier #4

image: ET-header-banner

Europe a.ToOn have managed to beat the odds and take victory in the 4th JeeSports Qualifier, joining Germany Anexis eSports, Netherlands ONEMOVE.ESO and Netherlands Mouse Control in the final tournament to be held in February. They can thank the performances of Germany kevji, Poland Elviss and Finland Statti for the win as they played a very influential part in the Europe a.ToOn win.

Grand Final

Poland fanatic
Poland czaroo
Poland hunter
Poland zMk
Poland dialer
Poland syriuszimage: game30852Germany kiwi
Germany kevji
Poland stexx
Poland elviss
Finland statti
France kartez

On Supply and the Poland tMoe defence is living on a knife edge as they lose flag and cp quite quickly but manage to hold off the allies at controls with Poland zMk and Poland hunter throwing up a few nades throw the window - but it didnt slow the allies down for long as they managed to build around a minute later. Europe a.ToOn managed to get the truck out of main as Finland Statti was on form to shut down a few attempts at slowing it down, the trucked rolled in to set 8:20 on the clock. On defence Europe a.ToOn managed to hold them off for a bit, Germany kevji helping out with some nifty rifle shots but it wasnt enough to stop the Poland tMoe side getting the flag after just over a minute. the CP prooved a bit more difficult as Poland Elviss and Germany kevji were on hand to lay down some spam but again Poland tMoe managed to get through to take the CP. Again the defending team held off the attackers from the next objective, main gate, with Finland Stattie and Germany kiwi picking up important frags, the Poland tMoe team again pushed through and managed to plant. They also pushed through for the controls and they got the truck moving but it was too little too late and although the Europe a.ToOn defence was not amazing they did enough at every stage to slow down the enemy and secure the map win.

After a small delay we start with some nice defensive moves from Europe a.ToOn and Germany kevji again picking up a lot of frags before a blunder cost them the flag. In an attempt to block the enemy at the flag Finland Statti killed himself miliseconds before actually blocking the opponent. Poland tMoe caused a lot of problems on attack securing CP and the keycard in one big attack as Poland Dialer picked up a hattrick of MG frags to give his team the edge. It was now Europe a.ToOn's turn to live life on a knife-edge as they managed to recover the truck garage with France kartez and Germany kevji picking up some important frags, but the next wave took them down and Poland tMoe got away with the truck and managed to plant the barrier in the same rush, leaving a clear path to escort. The Europe a.ToOn team managed to slow down the trucks progress, building the last barrier in the mean time but the Polish side pushed through setting a 8 minute time. On defence Poland tMoe did a good job of holding off the attackers until Europe a.ToOn managed to put down a plant and kill a sneaky eng attempting a disarm. Europe a.ToOn managed to steam through well picking up the CP quickly as well as the keycard, Germany kevji had his ninja hat on and managed to hide in the rafters in the truck garage and pounce to rebuild the truck just as the Axis were respawning. The attackers kept the truck company past the first barrier and managed to escort the truck all the way to take the second map win and victory in JeeSports Qualifier #4.

Semi Finals

Finland miNd
Finland kolibri
United Kingdom Artstar
Finland walle
United Kingdom Scarzy
United Kingdom fumbleimage: game30847Germany kiwi
Germany kevji
Poland stexx
Poland elviss
Finland statti
France kartez

image: s_head

Finland Metsuri_
Finland Swanidius
Finland Juuti
Finland jutizieks
Finland jewe
Finland babloimage: game30845Poland fanatic
Poland czaroo
Poland hunter
Poland zMk
Poland dialer
Poland syriusz

Quarter Finals

Belgium PlAyer
Estonia freeze
Canada bN
Belgium shizzle
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia yEnch image: game30841Finland Metsuri_
Finland Swanidius
Finland Juuti
Finland jutizieks
Finland jewe
Finland bablo

image: s_head

Finland miNd
Finland kolibri
United Kingdom Artstar
Finland walle
United Kingdom Scarzy
United Kingdom fumbleimage: game30839Belgium Gifted
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium Boss
Belgium Sup3R
Germany oxy
Germany butchji

image: s_head

Germany kiwi
Germany kevji
Poland stexx
Poland elviss
Finland statti
France kartez image: game30837Czech Republic denton
Poland ridji
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic ShiSha
Czech Republic milhAus
Czech Republic Green_Clon

First Round

Germany RAMOZii
Germany Fendah
Germany s1LENT
Germany ohzor4
Germany mztic
Germany sTOWNAGeimage: game30836Finland Metsuri_
Finland Swanidius
Finland Juuti
Finland jutizieks
Finland jewe
Finland bablo

Full Bracket
Original Post[/b]]The fourth edition of JeeSports.ET Qualifiers is due to kick off in just over an hour and should give you a few nice games to watch this evening to determine who will be the last qualifier for the JeeSports Finale sometime in February. There is still time to sign up but any team who doesnt have at least 6 members in the lineup and tzac ids for each will not be added to the brackets. Check-Ins open at 17:50CET and close an hour later, leaving 10 minutes for bracket and gtv gamelink creation.

Schedule JeeET Cup #4
  • Check in start: Monday 30th January 17.45 CET
  • Check in closes: Monday 30th January 18:45 CET
  • Tournament start: Monday 30th January 19.00 CET
  • Slots: Upto 32 teams
  • Bracket: Single elimination
  • Match time: 1 hour each game
  • Signups close: Monday 30th January 17:45 CET

Hopefully there will be live updates throughout the night on the tournament progress so keep an eye on this post if you want to know the latest results or any upcoming or in progress matches. The first set of games start at 19:00CET and depending on the amount of check-ins the fina should be at around 21:00CET.

Sign up to play in JeeSports tournaments[/b]]
To play in one or all of the qualification tournaments is simple, you and your team mates must sign up at Jeelounge.com and once your account has been confirmed you can “create your clan” which can be found on the right hand side of the website. The leader of the clan can simply paste the team page to his team mates where they can hit the join team" button. Once you and all your team have signed up you will all need to add your TZAC account details to the website. Visit JeeLounge's fanpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" with your ID number in the 'nickname' field available - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct. Use This Image to guide you if you have problems adding your TZAC ID.

For a step by step instructions visit the tournament website or view the video guide.

You only need to signup once to play, if you participated in Qualification tournament #1 you do not need to sign up to the website again!

Rules for participating[/b]]
Each round will be played Best of 3 for the remaining Qualification tournaments. Only if more than 16 teams sign up will we change round 1 and round 2 to best of 1. A player who has already played for a qualified team may not play for a team competing in any qualification tournaments, even if only mercing, the player and his team risk being removed from the final tournament - for a full rundown of the rules please visit the JeeSports ET rules page from out first qualification tournament.

image: ET-footer-banner

#JeeSports.et @ Quakenet
how to check in?:D
As some may have noticed the last qualifier page hit a snag, please use the new one to signup your team and check in - http://www.jeesports.com/tournament/details/1/973

sorry for the inconvenience (o:
Teams look nice!
avi /q biZZy at irc
good luck Teamoxid

never seen bigger nick lamer
you think you're gonna escape your nickfaking?? THINK AGAIN.
we're both talking about ET right?
seNtic -> zeNtic? :D
ye after I realized it was faked I changed it to mental
if this was ESR i would plus you
totally random comment... that was the most unexpected
atoon will take this without any problems :-)
well played atoon and nice way of covering with the hide BBcodes at the frontpage.
gg, nice cup :)
LOL fucking idiot you made me choke with that profile pic it was so unexpected

haha gg gg xd
gratz atoon :)
Nice coverage, gj merlin and congratz atoon!
(image: cup_gold)6on6 JeeSports Qualifier #4 with Germanya.ToOn
well done guys :)))))
CTRL+F -> Kevji

congrats to atoon
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