Nordic to make up on Library?

[img=center][/img]image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany Team Library

Germany urtier
Netherlands aphesia
Belgium Kevin
Canada monkeyy
Germany ScaTmaN
Germany eiM

image: s_news

Sweden Team Sweden

Sweden tornis
Sweden slajdan
Sweden sAvage
Sweden newbje
Sweden jonas
Sweden ansikte
Sweden SMeKHT

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21.15 CET
Maps: Library_b1, Library_b1
League: image: etShowmatchimage: game31095
image: s_foot

After yesterday's big success in the first 3-star showmatch of Library_b1 between Europe Team R0SS and Finland Team Twidi (4-0) with 281 viewers. We are ready again to showcase this new piece of gameart to you TONIGHT.

This time another all-nordic lineup will try to beat the mixed veteran side of Germany Team #Library generals. After the finish failed to win yesterday, Sweden Team Sweden lead by Sweden tornis are now up against a european selection. But do not think the swedes are new to this territory. Sweden tornis and Sweden slajdan have tested the map long enough, in order to even
Germany Team #Library's expertise with aim and tactic.

So who will it be this time? Can Sweden Sweden accomplish what the people of Finland Finland could not? Find out tonight on GamesTV!

QuoteTeam R0SS was able to defeat the great nation of finland yesterday in a close match. In order to reestablish some pride for the northern people we would like to present you another showmatch between Team Sweden and a mixed Library team. We hope for another exciting game and many spectators. Any feedback, positive, negative and suggestions of possible changes, is highly appreciated. - Germany urtier

QuoteThe Libraray crew is happy and glad that so many people watched the showmatch yesterday. 281 is an amazing viewer peak for our first showmatch. We received good feedback from both teams that we will implement soon. Beside that we arranged a 2nd showmatch between team library and the nationscup team of sweden. I hope you enjoy the match and that numerous people tune in, like yesterday - Germany ScaTmaN

QuoteWe will do our best and hopefully this is what will happen: Captain Allstar Tornis (nyaan nyaan) comes up with a mastermind plan for librarian conquest, S@V@G3 will shank tanks and newbje will steal books. The rest of us will sit back and read a good book. I wish most of fun and working bits to Team #Library - Swedenslajdan

Due to the nature of the 'showgame', we are very interested in peoples's reaction post-game, i.e, after you have watched the match on ETTV. Just join our #Library channel for discussions and feedback. Both teams will play the map atleast twice and in case of a decider you even will have another round on the new map.

image: lib
Good luck & have fun players & specs! :)
eiM there to even odds a bit? :D gl both
eiM there to outbrain dem newbs
aphesia hacker wtf?
his ban was a mistake
His ban was found to be broken hardware caused after a review
I'm going to count how many times eiM is going to spam his bind! good luck to both teams and jion #library after the match guys and give some feedback!
so ist das eher bissl sinnlos jungens^^
english please and reason your comment please :p
wont reason it here!
theeeeen do not complain :)
gl sweden
No nuggan? would have liked to see him playing!
autofill , maybe he play :o)
Yeah I tought it was autofill, that's why I asked/hope that he will play!
internet problemz
he is nerding fifa 24/7

thats why
QuoteSo who will it be this time? Can Sweden accomplish what the people of Finland could not? Find out tonight on GamesTV!

Haha sounds like an advertisment on syfy :D
Seriously.. more cheaters please.
I'm fed up with the brothers, the broken hardware, the hacked accounts.. excuses.
gg letting obvious cheater play

25$ to my paypal and I will review your ban
its not eiM ..... its tiM
NA DAS WIRD JA EIN K(R)AMPF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ribuli mab
looks cool :)
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