Library_b2 released now on BiO and Hide&Seek

image: 2

The beta 2 of library is here, after hard work of AustriaBlAcky I can proudly introduce the second beta of this hopefully new competion map. We recived a lot of feedback since the last two show matches, you can find the replays
image: game31075 image: game31095

#1 Download
#2 Download
#3 Download
#4 DownloadAfter downloading you can check the map out on a public server provided by United KingdomPotty from Wolfa Hosting
Public server: by Wolfa hosting.
BiO with Library:
eLemenT'Hide'N'Seek with Library:
With the upcoming Library tournament of tomorrow(16-02-12) we are hoping for even more feedback, constructive criticism is more than welcome. You can give the feedback over at #Library @ Quakenet. There is still room for more teams to jion this one day cup you can sign up here and find more information about the tournament here

A short overview of the changes:
  • removed the lower axis-library-entrance
  • removed the broken table near the transmitter
  • removed the stairs near the tank-start/gun
  • added a ladder near the tank-start/gun
  • added a door with a little window at the bridge
  • added signs to find the right way :)
  • added serval objectives to the command map
  • added a window at the upper axis-library-entrance

Enough said, Portugalag0n was once again kind enough to make some screenshots and those pictures will make the changes of the map more clear than my words will:
image: 0000000000
image: 0000000009

Thanks to everyone that was involved into making this map and a special thanks to Netherlandsh3ll for the support and PolandChickita for the banner and to GermanyeiM for fixing the tanks script and a very special thanks to Finlandantman for the custom command map icons etpro shader,download link #1 and the new locations files.
I hope you'll enjoy the new version!

#Library @Qnet for feedback!
add ag0n's skybox please BlAcky, link down :o
Quote•removed the stairs near the tank-start/gun
•added a ladder near the tank-start/gun

WUT ^^ ho no plz the stairs is more interesting that the ladder, less possibilities to cover the engy when planting with a ladder :/ to bad imo stairs should stay really even i think its a really good map

Bw if this version is the latest one just let me know
a player -i dont want to say any names- gave me that as feedback/idea to make the 2nd stage A BIT easier for axis.
we will see it in the cup tonight how it is... i'll tell u tonight/after the cup if ill release a b3 (with the stairs again) today/tomorrow ...
Thx to all who helped us :)
oh and a little idea for Austria BIAcky.

I think the map design and feeling fits a dark night map, with some more intense lights outside, perhaps some fog!! A invasion to library to steal secret information! Think about it ;)

edit: needs this darkness skybox!
you didn't cc these screenshots, did you?
no :o all default!
because this is just screenshots to present the map to community. Doesn't make sense to add colors n stuff to screenshots if the community, at its best chance, will get the same quality as this screens, without any further colors or effects.. so? :D
wasnt serious meant btw, I guess you got why I asked this already on fb :*
Sweet first comment deleted on crossfire ever. I hope BIAcky considers those light boxes, they are nice.

<insert spiderman meme about having fun time with sky>
Oh an old friend of mine made this, remember seeing it first time in Marrakech Streets 2 - By Night and after that in Rushers 11, remeber being blown away.
they are actually pretty good, fits perfectly the map imo. It's up to BIAck to improve the looks after we solve the bugs/improvements etc.

As for me, i think this map is good for competition so far. It's pretty simple to play.

I would only remember useless corridors or these fucking doors. I am always trying to open the doors that cannot be opened.
looks nice :)
but consider it increases the pk3 size of your map by various mb's and only looks good without picmip etc ;)
I haven't checked but the skybox might not be that big lol... like +1.5mb, no big deal i guess! Library b2 has only 5.65mb
add 1,5mb to that (though I guess its more) and you'll have a rather large pk3. Nowadays that shouldnt be a big problem, but still it could keep some from connecting to a server where download is not too fast ;)
download is to not fast... WHAT? NIggah please, welcome to 2012. And afaik, shouldn't server downloads (or wwwdownload?) be disabled because of some exploit. I don't remember downloading a map from a server since 2007 lOl.... it's way to slow.
dunno, not playing much nowadays. But most people get new maps via download from a public sever (or comp server) when it is in the cycle or voted by the opponent and they do not have it. For a public that means 2mb more to download might be the reason one drops :p I always aimed to keep the pk3 low, eventhough probably noone cares nowadays
I completely disagree.

I even remember pubs with some giant map with around 20mb (yes, u hard me. twenty megabytes), people downloaded the map from there and the server was always full. Afaik it didn't keep anyone from joining the server when it was their wish.

edit: plus, this is a competitive map. I hardly doubt any competitive player will get the map from a war server when we all know usually the download is very slow (less than 100kb/s).
you can't say a bigger map does not make a difference if someone has to download it from a server. Atleast I often enough disconnected from random pubs when I had to download shitloads of pk3s.
So that is my point proven :p
If you dont care about that, you are an example of those who do not get scared away by a big pk3. But nevertheless there are those (like me), which you lose, if a map is unproportionally big ;)

Smaller pk3 can't hurt. Afterall its up to blacky if he thinks the skybox fits and its worth it for those few that play without any picmip.
Well, doesn't make sense. If you are playing at bio, map ends and library starts, you don't have the map so you have to download from the server. Would you stop downloading if the map is 10mb bigger and not 6? Simple answer: no, you would keep downloading it. Do not tell otherwise tbh, doesn't make any sense.

So you have to walk 5 km to get 10000000€ price, suddently rules change and you need to run 10km, would it make any difference? Would you stop? -.-

I could understand the fact that ET would take more time to open or load the map if the file is bigger etc, but the excuse u said is not valid for me atleast.
well, it is like I said :D If you don't believe me that is fine for you. I've often enough see a whole public server go empty because a new map was in the rotation and noone bothered to download ;) Simple truth
Nice nice, good luck boys
Seemed awesome
too bad that LAN announcement steals all your publicity :D
is the map fully drawn this time?(e.g where the obj is :D )
looking forward to the cup tonight
uploaded it to our server but cant vote it
already deleted the b1

fixed by uploading it to the etpro folder
should not need to be in etpro folder... might be a bug somewhere
upload it to the etmain folder, vote another map (supply or smtng), vote library_b2
tried but it didnt work
Braundorf revised.
et is saved now
my public with b2 only on :
1 week later b3 is released wtf
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