CB NationsCup XV: Playoffs

image: playoffbanner

With the group games finally behind us, the CB NationsCup XV is now moving on to the PlayOffs!

Congratulations to all teams that made it to the playoffs. We've seen some thrilling games, mostly those for second place in the group. Top teams might have been a little bored during the previous weeks, but it is now time to wake up and switch to serious mode in order to achieve the best possible result!

Group stage's final results:[/h3]]
image: grupy

The Play Offs are as follows:

  • Finland Team Finland
  • Austria Team Austria

  • France Team France
  • Norway Team Norway

  • Germany Team Germany
  • Iceland Team Iceland

  • United Kingdom Team United Kingdom
  • Sweden Team Sweden

  • Belgium Team Belgium
  • Croatia Team Croatia

  • Estonia Team Estonia
  • Hungary Team Hungary

  • Netherlands The Netherlands
  • Canada Team Canada

  • Poland Team Poland
  • Czech Republic Team Czech Republic

CB Playoffs tree

Playoffs are going to be played in Double Elimination mode. Remember, there are no wildcards! All teams that advanced to the play-off stage are now available to challenge their first opponents. Visit Clanbase roster page in order to set the date with your opponent. The games should be scheduled by Wednesday 22th of February to avoid forcing the date by the admins. First MatchWeek is starting from 19th of February - 26th of February.

From now on every team can also select their own map to play but remember clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games. Good luck to all teams that have been promoted to playoffs play it to the play-off and thanks for competing to those that didn't.


19.02.2012 - 26.02.2012 W1 - Upper Bracket 1
26.02.2012 - 04.03.2012 W2 - Upper Bracket 2 and Loser Bracket 1
04.03.2012 - 11.03.2012 W3 - Loser Bracket 2 and Upper Bracket Round 3
11.03.2012 - 18.03.2012 W4 - Loser Bracket 3
18.03.2012 - 25.03.2012 W5 - Loser Bracket 4 and Upper Bracket Final
25.03.2012 - 01.04.2012 W6 - Loser Bracket 5
01.04.2012 - 08.04.2012 W7 - Loser Bracket Final
08.04.2012 - 15.04.2012 W8 - Grand Final

Playoffs matches - Part of rules
  • A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.

  • One SW round will be played on each map.

  • The admin will choose which map is played first.

  • Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.

  • Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.

  • In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first.

  • Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

CupSupervisor: Belgium GoldoraK
Co-Sup: Czech Republic t4MjEE

Original Clanbase newspost
NationsCup XV - Enemy Territory

edit: ow noes we have bad brackets :/
Seems kinda clear.

*fingers crossed for some suprices*
Don u will have to pracc hard to get this one, go for it :D
would be first prac :D
wp norway reaching this far
France vs Norway the one to watch
NL - CAN! :p
on va se faire defoncer
possible, mais "sur le papier" je vois pas d'autres match de gros niveau a peu pres équilibrer
jespere qu'ils vont pas nous defoncer comme ils ont fait en pratique
"pratique" :D:D
Ca se dit souvent ça?

ici ca se dit, je c pas comment c en france/belgique, c des expressions comme ca qui nous differencie :)
Non oui, je sais ce que veux dire "pratiquer" mais je pensais pas que ça s'utilisait dans les termes d'une "pracc" sur ET :P
ET c comme un sport (ok pas vraiment) :D
une pratique d' foot ET
Tu te muscles les doigts, c'est ça? ;D
Enfin ouais, je prefère dire pracc que pratique x) (dans les jeux vidéos en tout cas)
Plus communément connu sous le nom d'entrainement dans nos environs :)
Ouais, je sais bien, mais faut croire que j'ai l'habitude d'utiliser des termes anglais... :P
yes, gonna eat them froggies
i'm trusting you
great work and hf to all participants!
Team United Kingdom
Team Sweden

Team NL vs Team CAN one again!

gl all hf
ohoho i see my crotards doing well nice work guys gl.
.ee line-up please!
e: shit, hell plays D:::::::
GL Croatians <3
cannot into scheduling.. "not in cups"
i try to schedule and get error. also it tells me i have to select a map. usually as stated in the rules, you dont have to chose the map, you have to tell it 30 mins before the match. so why do i have to chose one in order to challenge?

QuoteA playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start.
ok gonna try to fix it asap
same thing every year in every competition, just wait for CB to figure it out, they will fix it (at least they used to fix it fast when goldo wasn't in charge)
i see that snuble from NOR has already managed to create the challenge in his match, so I guess it's possible now ! :)
still have to select a map. ok theres the option to hide the choice, but i still get an error:

image: c1c4egx6ou0tm6rhk
ok with the 3rd try it worked now.. wtf is this shit oO
are you sure that it's fixed? atleast I'm not able to create to challenge our opponent without having to choose the map
3 teams open a challenge without entering map, same system for each teams also for yours
it must be something with this what twidi is saying, because dialer had to choose the map as well :D
When I try to do the challenge without selecting a map it gives me this:

Quote# The following errors were found:No level selected

Please fix them and try again.

When I try to do the challenge with a map selected, but hidden from opponent:

QuoteNot in cups! Sorry!
hm i fix it yesterday...nvm if u have to enter a map we will follow rules about it, ill post a message on the bug report forum to see if someone can do something, because i dont want to reset the playoffs tree

sorry for it
damn Poland will face Belgium/Estonia in LB ;/. gg
you'd prefer us to play against germany?
hey at least we arnt last in this NC :)
exactly what i was thinking :)
I'm ready;
United Kingdom vs Sweden

going to be a good match!
Or is it? :d
you play with us sir ":D"
winner bracket final fin vs. belgium
grand final fin vs ger!!!!
Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Estonia, Canada, Poland
I don't think that CAN stand a chance vs NL tbh
I believe that maybe i think and i guess to be honest
i will not get drunk this time the night before the match
goooooooooo canada
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