Tuesday ESL 3v3 ET Games!

image: et1
By heading over to GamesTV.org the schedule for today seems very drowsy but with a closer look one will discover two very interesting ESL Winter League 3v3 playoff games with 1 of them being a "make-or-break" clash.
The first game I want to talk about is the winner bracket match between Europe randomZ and Netherlands Mouse Control. According to the ESL site both teams have won their first round games without any problems but tonight they will face new circumstances and after the sunset just one can advance. Personally I would bet my money on the all Dutch lineup consisting of three top players but we should never underestimate the new up and coming talent mental as well as one of the more known Belgian players chry and the "pracc hard go pro" player razz.

Next up is the above mentioned make-or-break game between Europe Queens and Europe wiSe-guys. I am sure that during the group games a lot of people have voted for Queens taking home the cup victory but with beeing beaten by mCon the are on the skids. By comparing the lineups on GamesTV it seems nearly impossible to predict a clear winner and with Artstar, phyZiC, stexx or sqzz playing for the Queens side their final lineup isn`t sure yet. Regardless of which plays it will not become a walk in the park for zMk, hunter and fanatic - that`s guaranteed!
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Europe randomZ

Germany mental
United Kingdom razz
Belgium chry

image: s_news

Netherlands Mouse Control

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands xPERiA

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Date: Tonight
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: TBA, TBA
League: image: etESL Winter Leagueimage: game31297
image: s_foot
image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe Queens

United Kingdom Artstar
Iceland phyZiC
Poland stexx
United Kingdom sqzz

image: s_news

Europe wiSe-guys

Poland zMk
Poland hunter
Poland fanatic

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA, TBA
League: image: etESL Winter Leagueimage: game31295
image: s_foot
And again: to round this newspost off I gathered some predictions from known gamers and community contributors -
Quotequeens vs wiSe could be a close game if artstar is playing for queens. If he isn't it will be a easy 4-0 for Q. Otherwise I think it will be a 4-2 for Q. mCon will easily win their game vs randomZ cause as I know randomZ kicked their keyplayer out due to being to inactive. I wish all much fun :). - Germany stRay

QuoteQueens vs Wise should be a close game with top aimers like phyzic and sqzz playing, Artstar is sure to be the brains of the team gelling together the three, on the other hand the tmoe players have played together for some time and should demonstrate excellent team play with aim power coming from hunter and fanatic, I predict a 4-2 win for Queens. randomz vs mCon should be an mcon win considering they have played together for some time, however with razz playing he may be able to do something extra special, also mental and an7ho are top players. I haven't got a clue who will win this one. - United Kingdom fumble

QuotemCon should win easily over randomZ, based on the lineups & fact that they played more as a team & got better teamplay ( I believe ) 4-0. wiSe vs Queens is a bit closer - depends if artstar is playing or not. Lets say artstar is not playing and phyzic is in shape, 4-2 for Queens. - Finland toNi
Good to see you back @ coverage ! :D
All we miss is an ESL newspost :(
get your asslicker to do it :P
nice coverage spu9! :)
Might be Belgiumchry for An7ho and NetherlandsxPERiA for SQuid

Anyway, great coverage!
might be or definitively?
chry for us, not sure about mCon with xperia
yea ill play for mcon
3v3.. and a rg as banner nice :DD
not to mention battery !
owjaa heeel scherp van jou, en GL vanaf he als je speelt wel winnen, geld op jou staan enzo
do me a suited on and i ll edit!
thought saame
Finlandre+play waiting the winner
I wonder how you are not in LB! Oh wait, now i remember :P
True, gotta admit you were really tough opponent and we struggled against you in that game.
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