CB NationCup XV: First Playoffs

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LIVE:[list][*] 22.58 CET France gained their self-confidence back and improved their whole gameplay. Tank already destroyed the bank doors, gold got taken and truck is driving with more than 11 minutes left. GG`s coming from both sides. So 4-2 for France Team France [*] 22:53 France established a superb bank defence, it was impossible for Norway to take to gold. Now the pressure is on the frog`s shoulders. they have to set a time. Otherwise we will see a second decider! [*]22:45 Poland was too strong for the Czech`s. 4-0 for Poland Team Poland[*] 22:40 CET Another sneaky action by Snuble brought Norway the tank - 12:38 left on the clock![*] 22:34 CET sw_goldrush_te will be the decider for France vs. Norway (Norway is attacking) and Poland have done another fullhold on Radar just as a small sidenote[*]22:29 CET France is pushing and Norway is in trouble. We most likely go for a decider![*]22:25 CET In the meantime Poland have done a fullhold @ tank. So 2:0 for Poland and Radar should start in a few minutes [*]22:23 CET Norway was able to do a last minute escape. Time set to 14:27. France now attacking![*]22:20 CET Although skAldE was able to sneak through and build the crane controls the truck is stuck inside the base.[*]22:16 CET Snuble and co were able to capture the flag, build cp and open to gates as well as driving the truck to the crane controls and still 7 minutes left on the clock. France really have to improve their teamplay![*]22:11 CET Norway Norway just won Missile against France France and Supply is going to be played right now.
[*]22:08 CET Poland Poland set a ~12 minutes time on Goldrush and Czech Republic CZE is currently attacking but it seems not that good with just another 6 minutes left on the clock and still no tank for the Czechs!

The groupstage of this NationsCup finished and tomorrow we will get the first 2 games of the playoffs. This means that the more serious matches are coming. The first matchweek is from 19th of February till te 26th of February. Most games are scheduled on sunday a part from those two. I'm talking about PolandPoland vs Czech Republic Czech Republic and NorwayNorway vs FranceFrance.

I will give you a short review about their latest matches and a peak up on their next matches. Also some predicitions of Players and known crossfire members can be found below.

image: s_head

image: s_news


Poland dialer
Poland fanatic
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland hunter
Poland Krein
Poland zMk

image: s_news

Czech RepublicCzech Republic

Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic charliezed
Czech Republic jalo
Czech Republic Rifleman
Czech Republic CYPIS
Czech Republic mnew

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Date: 23-02-12
Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te,Radar
League: image: etCB NationsCup XVimage: game31302
image: s_foot
PolandPoland where the groups favorite and will be the favorites for this match aswell. They have played 2 matches so far 1 versus AustriaAustria and ItalyItaly and won both games. Czech RepublicCzech Republic weren't the favorites from their group, they had to give that to FinlandFinland. They managed to win from BrazilBrazil and IsraelIsrael, both with 4-0 for them. They had to leave it down to the mighty FinlandFins and lost that match.

The winner of this match will continue to the Upperbracket Round 2 and will play either versus NetherlandsThe Netherlands or CanadaCanada. The loser will continue this tournament in the loserbracket and will have to fight the loser of the above mentioned countriesimage: s_head

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Norway Snuble
Norway w3st
Norway Kris
Norway Woah
Norway Domi
Norway Lakaii

image: s_news


France An7ho
France karnaj
France emorej
France kartez
France rizkk
France didi

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Date: 23-02-12
Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: tba,tba
League: image: etCB NationsCup XVimage: game31328
image: s_foot

NorwayNorway has been doing great so far they only had to give away one match and that was verus NetherlandsThe Netherlands. They won from United States of AmericaThe United States and SwitzerlandSwitzerland.FranceFrance won all matches so far and all rounds aswell apart from a single round versus CanadaCanada. They took the points from SpainSpain and RomaniaRomania securing their first place in the groupstage.

The winner of this match probably has to face one of the favorites of this tournament, FinlandFinland. Unless AustriaAustria surprises us with a victory over the FinlandFinns, they will face the loser.
image: s_headPredicitions:

Quote by An7ho, Captain of Team FranceThis match against NorwayNorway is really important for us to continue our good work. It will be a nice way to test our gameplay against this NorwayNorwegian line up full of individualities. I think it will be an interesting game for viewers

Quote by Fanatic, Member of Team PolandNorwayNOR vs FranceFRA is going to be a nice game to watch, As team FranceFrance has some nice individuals and I think that will make FranceAn7ho with his boys take it with 4-0.Well, I believe in myself and my teammates so as for PolandPOL vs Czech RepublicCZE game I predict 4-0 win for PL. In my view Czech RepublicTeam Czech is missing some of the iR players, that's why it shouldn't be hard to beat them.

Quote by Krein, Member of Team PolandWe are pretty confident to take it 4:0. We haven't pracced a lot but we all know each other so the chemistry is definitly there :) and for Francefrance vs Norwaynorway:Eventhough I'm hoping for NorwayNorway to win atleast a map it's most likely a walk in a park for France. Seems like they can simply autaim Norway so I say 4:0 or 4:2 for France.

Quote by fumbleAs one of the favourites for the tourney I think PolandPoland will win, but Czech RepublicCzech have strong teamplay so this game could be close, although I predict a 4-0 win for PolandPoland. FranceFrance also boast many allstar names and with emorej back in the team it can only be good, NorwayNorway also have a strong lineup, for this game I predict a 4-2 win for France.

Quote by LeFrancisIt's nice to see new players in this Francefrench team. Antho managed to get motivated and decent players to compete in this nations cup.I have to say I was relatively septic about this brand new lineup but they ended up at the first place of the group stage. I have to add I'm pleased to see the return of Marseilleemorej among frogs.Well, even if team Norway must not be underestimated I think the moustache power will be with croissant eaters!

CB Playoffs tree
19.02.2012 - 26.02.2012 W1 - Upper Bracket 1
26.02.2012 - 04.03.2012 W2 - Upper Bracket 2 and Loser Bracket 1
04.03.2012 - 11.03.2012 W3 - Loser Bracket 2 and Upper Bracket Round 3
11.03.2012 - 18.03.2012 W4 - Loser Bracket 3
18.03.2012 - 25.03.2012 W5 - Loser Bracket 4 and Upper Bracket Final
25.03.2012 - 01.04.2012 W6 - Loser Bracket 5
01.04.2012 - 08.04.2012 W7 - Loser Bracket Final
08.04.2012 - 15.04.2012 W8 - Grand Final
Playoffs matches - Part of rules
  • A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.

  • One SW round will be played on each map.

  • The admin will choose which map is played first.

  • Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.

  • Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.

  • In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first.

  • Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

CupSupervisor: Belgium GoldoraK
Co-Sup: Czech Republic t4MjEE

CB news post
NationsCup XV - Enemy Territory
nice post :)
I'm glad to hear this and ofcrouse I'm open for any feedback or suggestions.
nice work, but dont bold country names and add a flag, imo, one or the other ;)
both matches 4-0
Nice post :)
"France also boast many allstar names"

what the fuck seriously, where is this game heading.... +1 for emorej +- karnaj, wouldnt call rest of the team "allstars" rofl

nice post tho

e: nvm. Member For: 2 years and 6 days
wow couldnt see ur reply because admins r mad
im hoping for a close and fair fight between Norway and France.

Gl to all! :)
Who is woah? :)

I hope norway surprises and takes 4-2 win, eventhough it won't be easy! They have good looking lineup, only missing eirik I'd say. Hard to say anything about their teamplay, but I guess(and hope) that snuble has done good job! In my opinion France has nice objective whore (antho) damage dealer is one of the best in the game(karnaj) and great aiming medic (emorej, imo he has always been bit unstable though :d) only missing good rifle as I don't even know who is rizkk(is he the rifle?) I guess he is missing the experience from the highest top.

Poland vs. Cz is much easier to predict as I'd say Poland is better in every aspect(is that right:D?) But much depends on how's jalo and malfoy playing, malfoy has been good this season. Missing denton as rifle though. Poland has many experienced owners so shouldn't be too big problem, only question is have they pracced as all this season and are they motivated to go far in this cup?
woah has been around for a very long time, and has managed to fight his way into our lineup as Eirik decided not to play. He was one of our best players in the match vs USA, and hopefully he can pick up the same against France.

With Eirik, we would have had our damage dealer, but without him, we have to focuse even more on our teamplay. It will be very interesting to see what we can get out of this match:)
Where are alleviate and moldu, arguably the two most sexy Norwegian men?
alleviate doesnt play ET, and moldu have had one prac with norway but was lagging like shite:)
oh, and btw.. noone as sexy as me=)
Ah okay!:) Gl!
thank you! :p
Eirik <3 Kick his ass so he will play.
Ive played vs norway and france and it will be an easy 4-0 for fr
GL Norway :)
Where is RaZiel? :DD
nice :D joke :D man :D
nice news simon :)
lol wasnt Rifleman busted like 2-3 times? Was on every customer list, fusenlist and others...
Rifleman? Nope... Maybe mnew, buy it was sedou nvm?!
Nice post xo
Finns not Fins ffs.
Fins Finns
superises Surprises
Keep up the good work with contributing!!
Didn't actually know that you spelled it as Finns, other one was just a typo since I was sleepy when writing, thanks for the comment thought!
no problemo!
wd SimonKinsler!
NorwaySnuble potm
lol:) i love the irony.. hehe

loved this one though:
Quote22:40 CET Another sneaky action by Snuble brought Norway the tank - 12:38 left on the clock!
love you too bro
my brotha from another motha!
lol nice simon really :)
we do have a nice coverage team now...just cross the fingers we can keep the motivation ;)
(unfortunately i ll leave for 2 weeks - snowboarding...)

simon will hopefully do another great post for the sunday games ;D
I've also done two posts :D
I didn't do the live update today was spu9 and fanatic yesterday it was me thought.
Would've been easier for Francefrogs if [flag=superfrenchie]Tomoyo played :) Too bad the entire NC Franceteam are egonerds
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