Missile_b4 Cup

image: missilec

Since GermanyeiM and Netherlands xeoxis released Beta4 of Missile, this gives a perfect occasion to make a cup dedicated to this map in order to give them some feedback, pushing who project towards the final version of the map. Rules are pretty simple, each rounds teams fight their way to the final on Missile_b4, in case of double fullhold decider will be frostbite.

[23:22]And that's it! After amazing display of teamwork and bit of drama West Parts were secured and United KingdomQueens got themselves a victory in the cup, leaving EstoniaNight and co with just 2nd place. Thanks for following, see you next time.
[23:14]11:18 time by EuropeMA and anything can happen in this last round. NetherlandsLampje and EstoniaNight weakest links and Netherlandsjoshua playing very decent round.
[23:01]And the last map left after elimination is radar. Classic map, quite surprising to see this in game like that. MA starts on the attacking side. Can they keep up the good work?
[22:58]9:19 time and we're going to need 3rd map.
[22:47]And what a comeback from EuropeMissile Allstars. Amazing fullhold and great job from whole team, especially NetherlandsxPERiA. The let down of the 1st round was definitely the Netherlands duo of joshua and saKen. 2:1 and game definitely on.
[22:25]And that's it for missile with amazing attack and time of 4:25 by United KingdomQueens. FinlandmiNd is pretty dissapointing today. Moving on to sw_goldrush_te.
[22:15]1st round is over with EuropeMA setting time of 11:56. Very decent defense by United KingdomQ, will they be able to keep up this performance?
image: game31411

[21:46]United KingdomQueens beat the time without even sweating and will join EuropeMissile Allstars in Grand Final.
[21:37]In other game, United KingdomAlmighty just set a time of 10:17. Will it be enough to beat the star and saken-filled United KingdomQueens?
[21:36]And that's it, after brave fight CanadaEnhanced are out of the cup. They just couldn't make it past crossfire on the last stage.
[21:26]EuropeMissile Allstars just set time of 7:52, will CanadaEnhanced be able to beat this time?
image: game31409

[21:10]And United KingdomQueens are the last team to join the semi-final poule after Europehackers did their best to stop them.
image: game31405

[21:06]EuropeMissile Allstars are easily walking to the semi-final after a fullhold and around 5 minutes times vs HungaryHUNpower.
[21:00]CanadaEnhanced is the 2nd team to secure victory after a close game against Germanywnbpro, including one of the makers of the map -GermanyeiM.
[20:54]1st result just came in and the 1st one to beat their opponent is the United KingdomAlmighty side with amazing time of 4:39, which they easily held.
[20:30]The cup has started with 8 teams showing up, including some incredibly skilled mixes. We're hoping for some nice games tonight. Stay tuned for ETTV requests.

Date: 25 February 2012
Format: 6v6
SignUp: http://missileb4.tourney.cc/sign-ups/

Check in: 20:15 CEST
Brackets: 20:30 CEST
Start: 20:30 CEST

8 / 16 Teams.
Every player has to record demos.
Side allowed in all maps.
If a player is caught cheating, the team will be disqualified.
Atleast one player from each team must idle in #missilecup
Both teams must lock & speclock to prevent any problems, use specinvite.
If a team fails to check in, they will NOT be playing.
If a team doesn't show for 10 minutes, they will be disqualified.
Every player must use TZAC, Linux/MAC users not allowed
Every team is supposed to check TZAC id's before the game and report any problems (banned players, mad players, retarded players) to admin BEFORE the game starts.

1st Round - missile_b4
2nd Round - missile_b4 (8 teams)
3rd Round - missile_b4 (16 teams)

Final (ETTV)
missile_b4/loser's choice

Mappool for final



Cup Info on CF

All teams participating in cup are encouraged to leave their thoughts on the map under this newpost.

Banner by Polandchickita.
Perhaps it's a better idea if you guys combine your efforts?

wait, fanatic and Roba? ;d Together in one team? ;d

its like + and -
its like water and fire
its like cold and hot
its like...
They could try acting like professionals for a fucking change.
opposites attract
I must say, that was ownage! :)
That's what she said
image: 123aindian-movies-are-funny
It´s like batteries!
not gonna happen again, don't feel like having teams with cheaters
QuoteClanbase/ESL/TZAC banned/busted players NOT allowed. Same with Linux/MAC users.
I think same or simillar rule appeared in .pl draft cup
oh you silly boy
Banner coming soon
fixed, thanks for spotting
np, nice cup

avi for this
25.2 or 26.2 ? oO

Cupsection says 25.2, and your Text 26.2 !
fixed, thanks for spotting
coming from you, that's quite funny
Entertaining people since 2k9
funny isn't same as entertaining
Nevermind, fanatic dropped
Quotewhy on earth would you jeopardize both cups by running two tournaments at the exact same time with the same purpose? Seriously, if this is a troll, it sucks. If it is not, change the date & time.
only possible date for me+they differ a bit, I'm aiming at missile only, fanatic goes with library and erdenberg
it is hard enough to get teams for one of these cups, especially on a saturday. You should know that. And I highly appreciate the support of Library, as it is a great map.
it's hard to get ET players play even one new map, 2 new maps in cup is a bad idea, library deserves its own cup
well it seems fanatic left. Really unfortunate as I am glad about any support we can get. But well, go ahead! I'll leave for vacation on sunday, but should be able to check feedback gathered e.g. on GTV or here
Gonna try and gather some on IRC too
low- merc avi
Nerds avail
why you steal fanatic's idea? cunt
bitch please :D

Much better on Sunday
check NC roster
omg banner by chickita omg
Fix CP spawnpoint bug
you mean that you get changed back to main, when you first build CP and then destroy main gate, right? I heard of another bug at second stage when allies pushed the button. But never experienced it myself..
QuoteWill it be enough to beat the star and saken-filled Queens?

Fix CP spawnpoint bug

rest is good, better this way with the truck put at another spot, less lotto imo.
good map in overall but prefered the smaller door at first main plant its impossible for allies to get a good main plant when they dont have flag, the rest is actually excellent like it alot. Also the upper spawn in 2nd part is good i dont think 2nd part needs anywhere a change. Last part needs some changes, the house is a good idea but useless you could add like a spawn there so axis could spawn there also its almost impossible for axis to go defend truck if allies gets objective, you should add something so axis could defend easier the truck or it's gonna be the same has b3 but the difference is that axis will de less faster to try to return obj­.

GJ good work eiM and thx for cup roba
watching you mind. watching you.

QuotemiNd is pretty dissapointing today.
i thought you were the bestest
Thanks to all participants and to GTV for support.
Map is pretty sick as usual, only thing i have to say is that after you secure the first objective, the door takes aaages to open, unless thats intentional, then its fine

The last stage upper way, that long window is so annoying as axis, allies can set up there pretty easily and its hard for axis to do anything.

Overall the map is wicked :)
Yeah that is on purpose, to stop allies for a short while :)

@Window, I experienced that myself... We were afraid it would give Allies too much power for the stage. Question is, when we remove it again, is the stage too hard to attack, or will it be fine?
Personally I found missile really easy to attack, even at last stage. The only thing I could think of is reduce the length of the window and increase the height a little bit.

I mean it's not a desperate change, but it is something I found annoying as axis..but hey if that's how the map is supposed to be I guess axis have to adjust to that.
machs doch einfach zu ner art galerie, kleines geländer, ein paar boxen und dann passt die sache hinter den boxen kann man sich verstecken, ansonsten kann man wenigstens beschossen werden. Rifel ´kann dann da oben auch mitmischen, alles izi

EDIT: ähnlich wie wenn nach der 1. stage die tür aufgeht. wo man oben rum zur objabgabe gehen kann
thx for the cup, was fun
I liked all the changes. :)
in my opinion you chanced the map from playable/decent to decent/bad :& don't like most of the changes, but time will tell i guess
I want that logo!
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