CDT2 Team Formations

image: 29zqew

Drafting Process TODAY!

Upon changing the cup system to Open Signups, this has boosted the number of players in the Poule from the 48 invited players in CDT1 to 144 signups for CDT2. This gives each captain a very big choice over players, I'm quite sure nobody will be unhappy with their team and nobody will be 'forced' to play with anyone they don't want to.

COMPLETE Signup List[/b]]
Slovakia aiRen
Finland Altsi
France An7ho
Netherlands Ati_
Canada anim[/b]
Netherlands aphesia[/b]
United Kingdom Baggiez
Belgium bltzz
Poland BloOdje[/b]
Belgium Buzzer
Estonia Cannonize
Germany caTchEr
United Kingdom chewz
Sweden cupcake
Poland Czarek/voiler
Switzerland DabSter
Belgium dAv1d
Iceland deztro
Norway Domi
Finland eiB
Poland Elviss
Poland fanatic
Slovakia filuS
Poland fixxxer
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Sweden Fr!ght
Estonia frEeze
Finland froxe
Croatia frozz
Sweden fuchS
Poland fuxor
Latvia FUZZ
Belgium Gifted
Germany gr0ss
Poland grzesiek
Spain hayes
United Kingdom hsTE
Germany humM3L
Poland hunter
Finland Iron
Netherlands j4CK
Austria jaN
Estonia jenka/yEnch
Belgium Jere
Finland Jewe[/b]
Iceland jEzt0rr
Netherlands joshua
France kartez
France kARn4J
Belgium kaze
Germany Kenji
Belgium Kevin
Germany Kevji
Germany kiwi
United Kingdom koop
Poland Krein[/b]
Netherlands Kri
Netherlands L4mpje
Germany laNgo
Netherlands LavOd
Belgium Lazio
Finland lettu[/s]
Netherlands m4rk
Estonia mant
Germany mental
France MENTh
Spain methoj
Finland Metsuri
Poland mikEHhhh
Poland miks
Czech Republic milhAus
Finland miNd
Czech Republic mnew
Poland moLy
Israel montage
Netherlands MOTiF
Germany mztic
Estonia Night
Finland Niki0o
Hungary Nonix
Poland numeric
Finland OldenSan
Sweden olpen
Germany Oxy
Israel p6tyyy
Poland palemki
Iceland phyZiC
Austria potter
Germany RAMOZ
Sweden ratZillA
Romania raZy
United Kingdom rAzZ
Finland rEEtyy
Croatia rimi
Iceland rNz
Germany s1LENT
Portugal saeba
Finland Salaneuvos[/b]
Sweden sAvage
United Kingdom Scarzy
Germany ScaTmaN
Austria Scorch
Hungary sebi
Latvia sfinnn
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia Skeit
Sweden slajdan
France sMiRZz
France Snatix
Norway Snuble
Germany Specula
Netherlands spho
France spltH
Finland Squall
Netherlands SQuid
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom sRTz
Finland Statti
Poland stexx
Germany stRay
Estonia subbi[/b]
Poland sw1ruz
Poland tanchez
Poland techhh
Poland tIKEJ
Germany TimeN
France TOMOYO[/s]
Netherlands ton1
Finland toNi
Finland twidi[/s]
Poland upload
Finland Vanhaomena
Germany viol
Italy vj7o
Finland vokki
Sweden Weslann
Spain Winghaven
Belgium Xionn
Denmark xcN
Poland Yoddha
Netherlands ZaK
Croatia Zheljac
Norway Zodiac
Poland zMk[/s]

The final signups to the draft cup were in the final minutes before the signups closed, these three were Finland Squall, Finland lettu and Estonia Night. Arguably some of the highest quality signups overall, will be among the 144 signups to be allocated to teams starting at 19CET!
  • To see players being picked live, join #crossfire.cup on IRC (QuakeNet) at 19CET
Teams FINISHED![/b]]
Finland Matias
Finland Squall
Finland Iron
Finland twidi
Finland Jewe
Finland Salaneuvos

Netherlands xPERiA
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Germany gr0ss
Finland miNd
Netherlands L4mpje

Poland dialer
United Kingdom sqzz
Iceland phyzic
Germany Kevji
Poland Krein
Canada anim

Germany kReSti
Poland BloOdje
Poland miks
Poland palemki
Poland stexx
Germany humM3L

Sweden tornis
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands SQuid
Finland Altsi
Finland Vanhaomena
Germany s1LENT

United Kingdom griim
Spain Winghaven
United Kingdom Baggiez
Netherlands aphesia
Germany kiwi

Belgium chry
Estonia freeze
Belgium Jere
Netherlands ZaK
Finland lettu
Poland numeric

Latvia Clown
France kARn4J
Netherlands joshua
Belgium dAv1d
Poland zMk
Poland Elviss

image: footer2
let's see who will play
Lets see who's gonna pick Germany Ramozz
will be firstpick imo!
uhm pretty sure I said no to sign up, but sure -- bring it on :s
Question 1: Will all players be chosen, or those who aren't are left out from the tournament?
Question 2: Why are some names crossed out?
only 40 players will be chosen to the teams + some players will be selected for the backup player pool (don't know how many exactly)

crossed out = already picked
crossed out names are those being chosen at #crossfire.cup
like anyone would pick me :D
everytime the same , boring shit
its so boring cuz everyone is picking his friends everytime

Ok I win this cup and for next1 I'll just pick players who are good but I barely played with!
can you tell me if lepari is ever coming back?
no he isnt :<

forever gone.
bullshit lol. look at those teams, how can you say it's friends only? maybe Matias' team but nobody else.
only kresti seems he picked someone different..atleast 2/3...the rest always the same :) better call it ET all stars or something like this..check ex lineaup..same players maybe mixed in the teams...tbh it's becoming so boring..nice idea but atleast it's always the same thing.
there are 19 players who played in the last tournament, that means 21 players who never played the draft tournament, can you stop spreading lies now please? thank you.
no offence but i dont agree with u :)
21 new players = you are wrong, so it doesn't matter if you agree or not ;)
NOT everyone :DDDD
Would be much better to use some less skilled people as captain, so there's no real way to see any friendship on rosters.
who cares if there are friends in the same team :d that's got nothing to do with what this tournament was about, I made it because teams were dying and players were going inactive, maybe because they lost motivation or whatever, but the first cdt cup was to wake up the highskilled scene and hopefully cause some people to make new lineups and form teams for the spring season. if there are talents who aren't being noticed, it's sad and unlucky, they need to make some friends and get on ETTV more, maybe they they'll be noticed by the skilled scene.
gl&hf Poland kresti
For the next CDT: maybe make 5 groups, sort the singed up ppl skillwise and put a certain amount in group1, another ammount in group 2 etc, and then the captains are allowed to pick one player from each group. Group1 means highskill, group 5 worst singed up player. That way you will get new teams, and not always teh same ppl playin :p if you want different teams ^^

its very fucking different teams now from last time, even some good players were not picked up.

no ppl want to play with two highskills and rest lowskills

also who will rate the players?

why would anyone wanna spec hysteria games instead of some semi quality ones ??
KRP ET Council could rate em yes?
hum... good question, good argument aswell, was just an idea, maybe not the best one i ever had, but nvm :p
some super weird picks!
You being one of them!
lol wtf a lot of good players are still in the list
Kresti nice LU XD
rofl Baggiez

u fucking mad son?
super secret ALNC prv channel:
(@Baggiez) oh my god... only dave and I can do something there, rest of my team got cancer
wheres the backup pool?:D
QuoteBackup Poule

Instead of each team having a backup, there will be a backup poule of players who volunteered as a backup. You can pm me that you'd like to join the backup poule now, but I'll only take people seriously if they apply as a backup on the day of the tournament - 28th February.

Imaginative from matias. Mihin matjöö kentsu on kadonnut?

kenneth vaan pilkkii nykyään :D

mitäs äijä?? :B
Mä tiesin sen jo sillonku se harrasti maassa makaamista!

Keiloordeis sun ääni oli niin samettisen pehmee, joko se on viskibasso? Oli hyvät läpät sillo jackien kans :D

Kyl mä viel pubia runkkaan
veikkaan et pelästyisit jos kuulisit mun äänen :D

jengi sanoo et kuulostan joltain 30-40v:ltä, mitäköhän jakki duunailee nykyään?
only team Kresti (+ TOMOYO maybe) looks really surprising for me...

Team xPERiA looks slightly stronger than the others in my opinion,i would say:

1. Team xPERiA
2. Team Clown
3. Team Dialer or Team Chry.
so hard to please people :p I think it looks weird tbh.. look at all the skilled players who didn't get chosen. :D
tomoyo best rifle.
no offense to him,but not even close to other guys like An7ho,Ati_ or Koop for example!
yes, those 3 are realy good, thats for sure. And probably better than tomoyo aswell. But its nice to see him getting a chance to play :)
an7ho was horrible rifle when i specced him: D
everyone has their off days/matches:P
not an7ho !
kresti's got this
kresti's crazy! :D
take that back daniel :S
good luck !
Gl to all teams and players participating.

I would have loved to play, but maybe i get picked another time:) Enjoy ur matches people!
France TOMOYO best rifle of this cup
i make love to you yes
2 Français :s on voit bien la notre niveaux.

gl !!
Ahwyeah! Good luck FranceTOMOYO! Show dem ego tards from the NC team why they retards for not picking you :D
1. Team xPERiA
2. Team Clown
3. Team chry

e: also make an edition for what lower players that are like med/+ ( or even lower )
It will probably wont have many viewers, but atleast they get a chance to shine and give their best.
I would look at the teams and like to say

u just jealous not to get picked!

i was surprised tho
Not at all, I actually expected not to get picked.

But the fact of some players that are actually in those teams makes me lol when they're far better players that didn't even get picked
I expect that you mean there are better players still in the pool than some of who got picked? (couldn't make out too much sense from that sentence but then again I'm fairly tired atm.)

well, there's only one team that strikes my attention at first glance (cough*), but I think the captain wasn't too serious about the tournament anyhow.

Other teams seem to have thought put into it. (with a few surprises though, such as myself)
Yeah that's what I mean

The teams are good/mediocre but I just think a lot of higher skilled players were left out.

I expected you to get picked somewhere in there :P
gl to you! <3
One thing u dont notice here is talk activity on comms, etc etc, even to one guy might be viewed as lower player than other he might get picked over him due comms & fitting to team better

Lots of the higher skilled players who didnt get picked just dont fit the spots ppl needed players for, after all captains are supposed to build a team that works best together

It's also amazing how ppl rate players just due what they have seen on ettv, there is so many players out there that shine on ettv, yet they are pretty bad on comms and could be easily replaced by someone little less skill ing but better activity on voice, comms are the most important thing on the game after all

As a solid example, i could pick some finnish players, good players, yes, but many lack alot on comms and could be easily replaced by someone with proper comms

Shitloads of text, idk if this makes sense but i tried!
Finland miNd - The best on comms award 2011
I didn't really think of this as a factor in the captains choices.

All of what you said is pretty true, however I still see players in those lineups that shouldn't be there, regardless of how perfect they are with comms.
kresti said he just doesn't wanna choose friends, that's why his team was so weird =P + hummel ofc
good on kresti going out on a limb with his selections, hopefully some of the "unknowns" in his line-up can step up.

Also... "omg it's Winghaven!" o^_^.
I'd say at least palemki, miks & stexx are good players (from team kresti). I'm surprised people don't know who they are, only stexx is recently playing in a decent eu team but they all played on an OC premier level before and palemki + miks both played EC a couple times afaik. could be a good team for all we know :3
well yeah i'm not saying its a bad/average team at all, just in general terms, not many people know these polish players (outside of 3on3 and OC).

personal note, i've heard of all of them except BloOdje.
Quotestep up

How do u step up while getting raped?

It's amazing that ppl think they could see someone stepping up on draft games and whatnot, make 6 mixes full of lowskills & one highskill, it will end up everyone being rambo and everyone wanting to "step up" And aint even gonna talk about what it is for viewers...

Why do these "lower" skilled need to get "chance" to step up? If they are really worth of it they will be picked up, and if they dont they will work their way there
Not really, very rarely do players outside of the "high skilled" level get picked up by those same teams. Most of the other line-ups are a great example of this, they only picked people they know.

Mixing up the line-ups it gives known players a chance to see if these other lesser known players just want to be rambos and "look good" or are serious about playing a decent team. If it is the later then they will no doubt be considered by higher teams later on or even be able to form their own team.

Fuhrer hummel will keep them in line anyway ;]
Bloodje? who? :X

n1 lu kresti ,also nice to see winghavens panzer again ^^
make 16 cpts :D
nice nice ... you pick loads of players and then they just pick all the "good" people to the teams , whats the point? Giving a hope for other players to get picked?:D
Apparently cdt1 got a lot of complaints having only invited players. Signups were now open, and of course captains pick the players who they see fit.
Would you pick yourself over Squall for example?

Imo people should give thumbs up for these sort of efforts in stead of being skeptical and generally negative.
To have best possible teams to fight eachother? Stupid fuck.

If you want to spec lower skilled games go to spec some random 6th division OC games, jesus.
same shit, different day
PolandTeam kReSti made me smile :], NetherlandsxPERiA is going to take this or Latviaclown will stay champion.

I'm glad to see SpainWinghaven back in action.
perhaps its nice to not allow players to compete twice in a row. Not going to watch it anyway but would be better to not have the same players being picked over and over cause they are the best ET has to offer. (yeah yeah I know 21 players are new, but still..)
not gonna happen =P won't restrict captains on who they can choose, though one rule I'm contemplating is a limit on players you can choose from your own nation =]
Why not, guess there is enough intrest to do this, maybe even make it 2/3 drafts. That is if the amount of hosted cups increases. Guess thats the only way to make this appealing at all for less then med+high players. Besides the lucky picks from friendly captains (i guess tomoyo seeing koop and others didnt get picked :x)
easy for xcon.. oh wait!
And good luck guys
and kresti I'm disappointed you picked that pirck hummel
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