CB NC XV: FIN vs UK – Most promising match so far?

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Debatably the most promising match 2012 has offered us so far. A match which will see the winner qualify into the Upper bracket final of this NationsCup! With players like FinlandSquall and United KingdomsqZz battling it out, and with United KingdomOwzo maximizing the excitement by casting the event, this could surely turn out to be one of the best matches of 2012! For the players that can’t use ETTV SlovakiaaiRen will be streaming this game again. As usual, you will find review of the latest matches and predictions below.
The maps for tonight will be radar and supply.
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Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Squall
Finland Stuka
Finland twidi

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United KingdomUnited Kingdom

United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqZz

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Date: 08-03-12
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB ET NationsCup XV image: game31610
image: s_foot

FinlandFinland: The country that has failed to give away a map to any opponent so far in this years NationsCup. This match is expected to be their first real challenge for FinlandTeam Finland. Their previous match was against FranceTeam France with saw an unexpected struggle on adlernest. FranceFrance managed to set a time of 3:28, perhaps this is why it’s called lottonest by many? Even though they managed to set this amazing time, it wasn’t good enough to take the map from the FinlandFinns; FinlandFinland didn’t even need 3 minutes, to be exact, they only needed 2:55 for them to secure the object. After that, Bremen_b3 was played and everything went as expected for the FinlandFinns, showing their dominancy and winning the map.

Some would arguably say the United KingdomUnited Kingdom had a tougher opponent in their last game, GermanyTeam Germany. Facing Team Germany so early on in the upper bracket wasn’t that comfortable for the United KingdomUK, yet they managed to surprise the community by winning both maps over the mighty GermanyGermans. The Germans were clear favourites for this NationsCup, at least that’s what the Poll results on Crossfire told us; soon after the game it changed. Bremen_b3 was an exciting map with United KingdomR0SS out damaging everyone in the first round with 5.4K damage onto the German side. Germanybutchji was a clear star for the GermanyGerman side, returning to his former glory. He tried to carry Germany to victory but his efforts weren’t enough. Radar, the best map in ET? Well at least a map that requires a team to maximize its teamplay. The time set on this map by the United KingdomUK wasn’t incredible and it almost resulted in playing a deciding map; A time of 8:47 was set by the United KingdomUnited Kingdom. GermanyGermany managed to steal both parts and take them to the truck. With Germanybutchji making a 3 man frag with around 5 seconds left to secure, it looked certain GermanyGermany would take the map. However United Kingdomgriim came to the rescue with all guns blazing in the final moments and prevented GermanyGermany from securing those parts causing GermanyGermany to lose 4-0 and be sent to the Lower Bracket of the Tournament.

Preview of The teams
We will begin with FinlandTeam Finland
twidi, team captain of Finland takes the role of Engineer SMG together with Matias he will do the ingame leading. Iron is the rifle for Finland, considered one of the best rifles in ET at the present time. Jewe, Stuka and Squall will take to the syringe and play as medics. Only Matias is left for the job as multi classer with his experience of winning multiple LANs he will surely know how to prove most effective for his team. Players to spectate: Squall and Matias will be clear favourites to spectate from the Finnish side, due to their endless achievements both online and offline, and experience. However, Jewe, the upcoming Finnish talent has yet a lot to prove to the community, filling the boots of the Finnish powerhouse olBaa.
United KingdomUnited Kingdom:The ingame leading will come from no other than R0SS, who will most likely play as medic. Baggiez will be the engi SMG, his play style shows that an Engineer SMG is able to pull of damage as well. koop, considered break through player 2012 and also rifle of the United Kingdom has got his hardest game yet and has a lot to prove; if supply is played, keep your eyes on this guy. razz will probably take the job of multiclasser on his part. We are left with sqZz and griim as the medics. Players to watch from the UK side would be sqZz for his awesome movement and aim of course, and razz who try top pick up the damage with his field op skills.

Tonight we have predictions from 4 CB NC Team Captains
Quote by xPERiA.NLThe Finns are the obvious favourites because of their past victories, but in my oppinion UK is the stronger team. As if their teamplay isnt enough, they've got insane aim on top of that aswell. I see UK taking this in an as close match or even closer match than the UK-GER one. Players to spec Finland sQUALL and United Kingdom sqZz

Quote by *** shmoeAfter our recent loss vs UK, and the experience we got from our pracs against Finland I expect UK to take this 4-0, maybe 4-2. This of course depends on the mappicks of both teams. Gl to everyone.

Quote by fin|twidiI have had UK marked as our top contender for a long time already and I wasn't hoping to face them before WB Final. Our preparation hasn't been as good as it could've been as we haven't really gotten to play with the main lineup and our lineup has been changing from game to game. UK has a very stable and active lineup of 6 really skilled players so it's going to be a really hard game for us. Our lineup is pretty much the same as it was in the previous CDT and we really got our game working there. If we manage to play on the same level we should be able to win this one. Hopefully it will be a really exciting game for everyone involved!

Quote by uk.ArtstarI'm not really sure how the match is going to go tonight if I'm honest, when UK beat Germany I was surprised to say the least. I doubt Finland will be a walk in the park, I think it's going to be a REALLY close 4-0 (the win can go to either FI or UK but I'm kinda confident there won't be a 3rd map). Player to watch, hmm.. Personally I'll only be watching United Kingdom sqZz, Finland Iron and maybe Finland Squall from time to time! Though for others I'd say spec United Kingdom rAzZ for the interesting gamestyle.

Slovenia Are you fucking kidding me
gl both teams !
Be a good game!
good job Simon! as always ^^

i hope UK gonna win, 5k on R0SS&co
Good luck Jewe! And ArtstAr aswell :)
gj simon, hopefully a good game!
4:0 Uk :),
Gogogo UK! wp
expected so much, got so less.
Still a good write up Mr Kinsler!
Nice coverage!
Dave carrying team UK, bigbeats practice surely paid off!
I knew it!
Unless Germany or Poland can get their shit together, I don't see anyone stopping UK on this form.
never pl :P. Maybe Belgium or Finland. Germany will be 4th imo :p
UK are usually perennial chokers but this year I think they are too strong! Germany, nothing without drago!

You guys will have more of a chance if Jere refrains from tk'ing maus :p
y u let us down FinlandLand ?! :(
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