#et.tourney 6on6 - Check-In!

image: et6v6

It's just a reminder for 6on6 ET Tournament #et.tourney. All 6on6 teams should take part in this cup, if you want to prove your strength! It's a great opportunity to play some good quality games versus decent teams. Especially when Clanbase Spring Season is behind the corner, you can show everyone that you deserve a place in the Premier League or even in EuroCup!

Also I decided to add some extra days to the schedule, because of the upcoming Crossfire Community Draft Tournament. Check the Matchweek days below the news. Schedule is tight (especially Playoffs) so please try to play all games in the prescribed period.

28 teams accepted so far:
(+ expected lineups, pmme if there is a mistake somewhere)

Europe aToOn.eu: kiwi, Kevji, stexx, Elviss, Kartez, Statti
Europe machtDRUCK: zentic, j4Ck, SMeKHT, euphoria, TBA
Europe NBS: PlAyer, FostruM, yEnch, Sinnu, subbi, bN
Europe Sleeperz: xcon, toNi, Nonix, sebi, varadi, znArk
Europe Zero Empathy: denton, Testi, malfoy, ShiSha, milhAus, Green_Clon
Canada High Fidelity: embarrassed, Brisk, Carlos, dedz, Suiy, tba
Czech Republic iabg: desitka, tezaXo, darius, t4Mj, mnew, madua
Germany Anarchy e-Sports: ScaTmaN_, fumble, mKs, snuble, eden, verunA, Dabst3r, cymky
Germany deutschA: CB Link (CB ain't working atm)
Germany noob Patrol: theman, desti, criatura, Heineken, Liquid, m3cen, nk3, SH0ES, stahlgewitteR, sTOWNAGE
Germany wnbpro.et: ramozji, TimeN, Fendah, seNti, ohzor4, flR, moPPel, mztic
Germany Wolfenstein4life: Anthony, crAyZ, Foxis, Jungo, WhiteSide, ZeYos
Estonia glitz Gaming: x3NJa, evokz, MCLEOd, D0PPL3R, Vyjiii, vimm
Spain Delinquentes: magico, gengis, radifz, palemki, karii, metsuri
Finland Alpha Males: eippi, Mirqli, sherclock, ollirna, osmahe, naku, jondemode, rEEtyy, fat
Finland #jari.et: Hazz, HIRVI, pokio, spuge, toMii, topsu, blindi, roki
France #sticked.et: Provok, $KYNET, soma, Taichi, r1vA, Snatix, teki
Italy Ita Death Squad: Gabri22, Imp3, Russell, Pastrocchio, pANICORE, Sir Black, spng
Netherlands Devastation: Eddo, Gifted, Mayni, Otyg , ROCKSKIN, Thundernat0rii
Netherlands inSpiron: imPluX, Mott4, fratske, Highway, Dipstick, Fritsie
Poland FURIA: darkles, MOFFO, viC, gooly, orsz, bartii, largo
Poland neVerminds: Pius voodoo nORAs buggs BloOdje +TBA + sonny i th0rdis
Poland OczyBij: morfey, prokop, vendi, imag, kieras, sprajt
Poland to Make odds even: fanatic, hunter, dialer, grzesiek, ska, zMk, TBA
Poland tryout: Arturinho, Zgred, fwraven, vanitas, wilku, TBA
Russia etcfg: slaw, etplr, Leotiran, FuBoR, G1ock, DamAskus
Sweden Old Stars Sweden: ankH, daniel, donk, fini, hahse, Jt'Fazz, Lama, OsSRMB, OsST0bakss0n, Slow, Snuble, sotarn
United Kingdom encrypt: hvK m1ke danL diablos Ajit carniee

If your team hasn't been accepted yet, it means that you haven't met the requirements (lineup is missing). You can still signup till Saturday 10th of March. Just make sure you will add the lineup to clan description/pmme with lineup and idle #et.tourney


  • Signups Opened: NOW
  • Signups Closed: 11 March (Sunday)
  • Groups Created: 11 March (Sunday)
  • 1st Group Round: 11 - 18 March | supply & adlernest | (Sunday-Sunday)
  • 2nd Group Round: 19 - 23 March | radar & bremen_b3 | (Monday-Friday)
  • 3rd Group Round: 25 - 27 March | sw_goldrush & missile_b4 | (Sunday-Tuesday)
  • Playoffs: 28 - 29 March | free choice | (Wednesday-Thursday)

If you have any questions, contact me through Crossfire Private Message or IRC.


Singups closing on Sunday. Groups: Sunday in the evening.

6on6 ET Tournament Site

6on6 ET Tournament Sign-Up

cool encrypt lu :>
ye I am aware that this lineup (+ some others) might be out-of-date, but I didn't want to add anyone by myself. that's why I want clans to pmme with correct ones if there is any mistake ^^
yeah understand :)
nice :) HF all!
nice work, gl all
Looks good, delinquentes back in business :P fagico and Karii vittu
Any news regarding the mappool?
adlernest, bremen, radar, goldrush, supply & missile_b4 (most likely the mappool for OC/EC I guess)
So no Library ....?
I guess it's a cup to get teams to form/play active before the Opencup so it's silly to add new maps yet=P the best hope is for those to be added for OC.
library is not good enough
NICE BANNER/d>Wa?ldfa:"wKF
I bet you made it, sad fuck.
no but he stole that picture from me

Wrong lu for glitz
bah. got my hopes up and whatnot :(
avi "offionly"
avi for this
play with dev mate, i signed us up but dont have net yet :( u command u take the lead :P
Gl Brisk <3
avi as rifle for this :)))
avi as a good medic for this :)))
lost not playing this?
accept cewege
If your team hasn't been accepted yet, it means that you haven't met the requirements (lineup is missing). You can still signup till Saturday 10th of March. Just make sure you will add the lineup to clan description/pmme with lineup and idle #et.tourney
If your team hasn't been accepted yet, it means that you haven't met the requirements (lineup is missing). You can still signup till Saturday 10th of March. Just make sure you will add the lineup to clan description/pmme with lineup and idle #et.tourney
can u say that again but slower
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