ClanBase presents the EC/OC Spring 2012 Cup season

image: spring2012

ClanBase is proud to announce the start of the Spring 2012 Cup Season. Signups are due to open on Sunday the 11th of March. However, as a little teaser please feel free to preview which cups we plan to run this season...

What is the Spring 2012 Cup Season?

ClanBase hosts two kind of cups, OpenCups and EuroCups (often abbreviated to OC's and EC's respectively) starting in April and ending mid summer (towards the end of June).

EuroCups are invite only cups, with the top teams from the communities being invited, while OpenCups are open to everyone. This season we plan to run cups for 16 games, 4 EuroCups and 43 OpenCups.

Spring 2012 schedule:

image: details_black Monday 5th of March - Pre-season announcement
image: details_black Sunday 11th of March - Open signups
image: details_black Sunday 25th of March - Close signups
image: details_black Sunday 1st of April - Announcement on ClanBase Radio
image: details_black Monday 2nd of April - Start of EuroCup qualifier week
image: details_black Wednesday 11th of April - End of EuroCup qualifiers
image: details_black Monday 9th of April - Start of the first matchweek (OC)
image: details_black Monday 16th of April - Start of the first matchweek (EC)
image: details_black Monday 23th of April - Matchweek 3 (OC)
image: details_black Monday 7th of May - Matchweek 5 (OC)
image: details_black Monday 25th of June - All matches should be played

Signup Information

Signups will be opened on Sunday the 11th of March and you will be able to signup via the cup pages and the Signup page found in your admin link. To signup as a team to ClanBase cups you will need to be part of a clan, for 1vs1 cups you will need to set up a 1on1 personality. For more information please read our FAQ.

what a nice post, feels like you wrote it yourself

gj CB.ET adminsmental
dont say shit plz - cb was down during 3 days and we recieve the link to open it just this friday.
Btw only visible to crew but all the welcome pages are already done.
you clearly didn't understand the post
i see what u did there
lazy cb admins

EASYMODE will be ready for another gtv/ec scandal!
wish us Good Luck this time :D
not this shit again :D
GL in oc !
making comeback
Gary you are such a troll :D
Cu on the battlefield garym8 :*
I have been raping nbs pub for 48 hours I think i'm ready to play.
making comeback
fuck... we're doomed.
Feels like it's too soon for another one.

Hopefully this time you guys will work a bit different and surprises with a new map pool, giving the opportunity to test some new maps like Library, missile... perhaps some old decent maps like reactor etc. ET needs a refresh to be honest.

Lan finals @ Adroits ? :D
1 new map would be fine enough.. even missile_b4 or library_b3 .. would be cool to see frostbite back in the pool too!
With 1 map only you would go back to the not expected at all supply and gr endings. Admins should force 1 good map out. Either supply or GR, introduce few good maps.

I still remember the joy of playing ESL back at 2006 or 2007 @ raw_te (et map.. check google), just because it was a new map and cool...
Enjoy your new maps elsewhere but dont ruin the competitive leagues with those.
Don't be a emo gay over my personal opinion. As i said, thats the way i see or think it should be, but i am not a cb admin, don't worry.

edit: in fact i won't even play ;) i don't play at oc since 2010 due to university schedule (night's only)
You're the one beeing emo gay. Proposing removing one of the best maps in the game while you are not even playing yourself??? Im not worried about your opinions because i know you're not in charge of anything, but still im SHOCKED how stupid your opinions are. Maybe its time to stop posting aswell.
You clearly like to be playing the same maps for 7000 years. Forcing some specific changes is always a good thing. Not to drastic, but changing stuff over time is good. Missile b4 and library b3 clearly have a place in the next map pool. It would requiresome maps to get out of the pool, if you don't wanna remove "one of the best maps" (omg so wet when i said this), maybe get bremen_b3 out.

This is the NC map pool:
adlernest -> perhaps with frost, although i think adler is alot better than frost.
bremen_b3 -> replace with library

edit: and you are probably shocked due to low temps or snow freezing your brain. Open your mind a bit.
stop forcing that library shit :D
I like to play best available maps for 7000 years. Changes are good if they're longlasting changes, not just randomly adding something just because someone made a new map. Bremen and adler are great examples of newer maps which from the day one were very likeable and playable maps and with updates were made to be even better. What i see today is to do a bad map and try desperately update it to make it playable.

In recent memory we've likes of delivery, frostbite and braundorf i'd rather see them back and trying something new just the sake of it. In the past we had likes of oasis and battery which i understand why they removed but still those were good maps and were in main mappool for years and still would beat the shit out of missiles and libraries. We've had other maps like reactor, dubrovnik, base, sos which had their moments but again not very longlasting. We've had likes ice or karsiah which were playable but were in only because there was nothing better available.

Point? Majority of the new maps are shit and will be gone a second after theres anything else to take their place so whats the fucking use to put em there in the first place? You'll see easily if the map is good, theres no fucking need to force those into competions and experience the very same result with those beeing replaced in the next season. missile and library are not good and therefor should not be in the main competition mappools. Not for testing purposes, not for because they're new. Put the best maps in and do the testing elsewhere simple as.

Not opening my mind for the shitty maps.
Well, you have a good and solid point here, but i don't really think some of them are bad as you described, they are simply less fun to be played.

I give you a example, i've seen from alot of wars people also like to play b4/adler at 3v3, BUT if they can choose it will always be supply/gr. Why? They say it's more fun, they know the map better.. etc.
Map fault? I don't think so. Some of them are bad and don't fit the competition anymore, thats true, but i do not agree maps like reactor for example are not good or suited for competition. They are simply less good comparing to the other choices, but calling them bad is harsh.

And i think everything can be fixed if people gets a open mind, even if it requires a 75% re-change, why not!?

But yeah, maps like delivery are not good for competition (regarding 6v6... )..
Also i think it would be more beneficial to the newer maps to be proofed first to be good maps instead of forcing them in when people usually take less interest in those. We're not in the place where teams use loads of time to study and train new maps but if those would appear to be interesting then maybe those would be given a chance. Missile has been "in" for some time now, could you link a single interesting match of it? I havent been watching ettv but other hand i havent heard of anything interesting of it either so dont know what to think. I'd think i am able to judge a map without beeing an expert on it but i could be totally wrong aswell.
Well i can't exactly link any ettv that has been interesting, except the last game Portugal vs Iceland, it was pretty much fun, but my opinion would be biased because i was playing. But i've seen some cool stuff at missile games, can't remember though.

No idea about latest missible beta, haven't seen any game being played there :|
QuoteYou clearly like to be playing the same maps for 7000 years.

I don't understand why you'd need to change the map pool just for the sake of change. Atleast I have no problem playing the same (good) maps over and over again. Obviously if there are new good maps they can be first tested in minor tournaments and if they prove to be decent they can be considered for EC as well.

Missile could be included, but library is still absolutely a no-go for EC atleast. I don't see any reason for removing sw_gr/supply/radar/adlernest/bremen as they're all excellent maps and the current alternatives for them aren't. Personally I'd be fine with just those 5, but guess some map like missile or frostbite can be fit in as the 6th map.
True that, but i can give 1 very good reason.
If you don't give the maps a big try, which is the mappers main goal if they create a map for competition, they will loose motivation, therefore won't waste their time trying to create a new map, which kinda leads to current ET state. Barely few people try map making, specially because it's a hard task and boring.
Seems like a reasonable motive to give them a try, so they can improve more. Of course i don't mean taking a 2 weeks old map into EC, but for example OC if the map is bug free and seems to have a promising future.
I couldn't care less if nobody made new maps for ET. I am actually starting to like missile but I would be fine playing frost/adler/supply/gold/radar.
And i keep wondering why this game is dieing, but people like you/your comment make it very clear from time to time.
yes, I totally see why counterstrike and CoD are not dieing because they keep adding random new maps to the competitive mappool.
Same for LoL. Keep wondering why, may gods enlight your sight.
yes LoL new map much needed
how about 1 player on each team has to play with luger the whole game, that would make shit real exciting!!!!!!
Funny you had to say it :))
perhaps you can implement this in whatever random irc channel you make up next
#et.luger? coming?
poor allies, cannot into luger
#et.lugolt ??
no 5 and a luger vs 5 and a luger!!
get your facts straight, 5 and colt vs 5 and a luger!
that would mean going back on my earlier statement
stop with library comments, goldo is ready to do it
pinpalls and turbot getting a EC qualy? gg?
what a title :O)
mental for admin !
oh please no
We need active guys :(
just because someone is active doesn't mean he's a good choice you know...
shut up you, you have bad admins too :D
so you think I woudn't be a good admin? Nice to know LOL
I haven't said that, I just agreed with what Robam8 said :)
Robam8 because he is complaining the whole time about CB? seriously..
He's hating everything that's related to CB & ESL :)
almost everything
scatman for admin!
for n811en Präsi!
impossible shmoe is the Führer
some new admin are on the awaiting list, be patient
inb4 shit choices
nononon dont worry man you wont be picked

no wrong choice can be made

:D madbruv?

inb4 "no"
3on3 mappool will be a complete joke anyways :'(
can't play adlernest 20 times in a row bro
Why people think I would not like a mappool without adlernest? o_o


lets go ho
serious with that pool?
gr + sd is getting pretty boring in every offi.
most of these maps are seriously a joke for 3on3 because it's to big ... but k, won't sign up for the 3on3 to reach smtg tbh
What maps are too big for 3o3?
beach + ufo.. base somehow retarded to play in 3on3 and don't remember escape
Ok beach I agree, the actual beach is prety fucking annoying to attack because of the snipers etc... but ufo with cp? Now I know you arent serious.
well if you distroy the CP once at ufo the game is lost, cause the axis side can start to camp again
Thats why you can jump easily from main or do a trickjump at side.
Beach is one of the best and funnest 3on3 maps. Just like tc_base.

Those maps require teamwork and at the same time individual skill. And no, beach isnt big. And snipers. :d Come on, get yourselves a decent sniper and it isnt that hard.
I dont have a problem at all with beach nor base, but I now majority of 3o3 players dont like the maps, thats the problem.
Newschool faggots think that aim is everything
They dont have the teamplay nor brain for those maps :P
library obviously

*not talking about your little list, just in general
Cant see library on my list :D
Ho god THX you i love escape, i introduce it from rtcw to et on cb and i love it, send me back a link to dl it plz i lost it
Parent Took it from CB site so I guess its the right one.
yes it is - sign up for 3v3 - 2v2 ill send u link on pm
EC Mappool: supply, goldrush, radar, bremen, adlernest, missile_b4
OC 6on6 Mappool: supply, goldrush, radar, bremen, adlernest, missile_b4, frostbite, library_b3, karsiah_newest, erdenberg_newest
OC 3on3: supply, goldrush, adlernest, frostbite, et_ice, et_beach, braundorf, erdenberg, sp_delivery, et_ufo

Should be like this imo 8) better to test these new maps in lower leagues before adding them to top competitions (EC/NC etc). Also in my list there are 10 maps in both OC 3on3 and 6on6, to be honest im not sure if its not too much. So we can also go for 8 maps (6 EC maps + 2 new out of these 4) and as for 3on3 pick the best 7 maps and make a poll about 8th map.

Seems good, although i would remove bremen @ ec and add something else. Frost/Library/some other shit
bremen is good
Apologies, just my personal opinion. I really dislike the map, but it's obviously better than braundorf, delivery and such... From current maplist is the one i hate the most.
remove 2 of either library missile and erdenberg and it's a decent OC mappool.. besides I think there shouldn't be a difference really between the EC/OC mappool so OC prem teams can prac vs the EC teams.
someone here doesn't like to play library :D
Best option is to have EC&OC mappool the same, even the matchweeks should be the same. Erdenberg n 6o6? Bad joke. This map is good for 3o3, but it's not playable on competitive scene in 6o6. Why would you need 10 (10!) maps in 3o3 OC? lol
sexy banner
I heard FES will be playing and Bohemian Bob might join.
FES in few years maybe,if we have ET alive among us till then :D,don't you try to kill my hope Drevo don't you dare i protest that!!
Frosbite in EC plz
goldo will prolly force library
is that a joke?
I hope it is
dont listen to robert hes only saying shit
supply/gold/radar/adler/bremen + one of frost/karsiah/missile will be the only mappool to bring the least amount of whine. library = no. it's not a bad map but definitely not ready for competition YET.
map list for EC / OC 6v6 to 2v2 already set and done on CB, just be patient

btw i like coast really really a good and exciting map, good mix between dubrovnik and radar, remember it ?

PS : need a team for OC 6on6
yeah I remember it was forced at some cups in 2009 or something.. nobody really liked it :p I hope there isn't more than 1 new map in the EC/OC maplist and I hope they are the same! it was nice to prac vs the EC teams last time I played OC prem because we had the same maplist and forced maps in the matchweeks.
na dont wry this version is surely not the latest version even i like the map ^^
lol nerds playing ET
Dont leave Delivery and add Braundorf!

I am searching for a team.
gl guys
so much fuss about library...
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