CB: EC XXV & OC Spring 2012 Signups

image: spring2012

Welcome to the ClanBase Enemy Territory EuroCup XXV and OpenCup Spring 2012.

ClanBase is proud to announce the start of the Spring 2012 Cup Season. We are happy to announce that signups are now open and are due to close on the 25th of March.

image: s_head
image: cbecxxv_medium
EuroCup XXV & OpenCup 6v6


As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup.
Signups will be open on 11th of March and will remain open until 25th of March.

  • Signups open - 11th of March
  • Signups close - 25th of March
  • Groups published - 2nd of April
  • First matchweek OC - 9th of April
  • First matchweek EC - 16th of April
  • Cups closed - 25th of June

  • Belgium GoldoraK
  • Poland szczurek

Please remember to create a group in your CB team account in order to clarify your players (main lineup) for EC/OC season.
image: s_head
image: opencup3
OpenCup 3v3


As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup.
Signups will be open on 11th of March and will remain open until 25th of March.

  • Signups open - 11th of March
  • Signups close - 25th of March
  • Groups published - 2nd of April
  • First matchweek OC - 9th of April
  • Cups closed - 25th of June

  • Belgium GoldoraK
  • Czech Republic t4MjEE

image: s_head
image: opencup3
OpenCup 2v2


As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup.
Signups will be open on 11th of March and will remain open until 25th of March.

  • Signups open - 11th of March
  • Signups close - 25th of March
  • Groups published - 2nd of April
  • First matchweek OC - 9th of April
  • Cups closed - 25th of June

  • Poland szczurek
  • Czech Republic t4MjEE

image: s_head
Spring 2012 schedule:
  • Monday 5th of March - Pre-season announcement
  • Sunday 11th of March - Open signups
  • Sunday 25th of March - Close signups
  • Sunday 1st of April - Announcement on ClanBase Radio
  • Monday 2nd of April - Start of EuroCup qualifier week
  • Wednesday 11th of April - End of EuroCup qualifiers
  • Monday 9th of April - Start of the first matchweek (OC)
  • Monday 16th of April - Start of the first matchweek (EC)
  • Monday 23th of April - Matchweek 3 (OC)
  • Monday 7th of May - Matchweek 5 (OC)
  • Monday 25th of June - All matches should be played


Every season we ask for dedicated admins to help out the supervisors with uploading screenshots and making matchreports. This season is no different so here we go, we are looking for people who can:
  • Speak and have decent written English
  • Write interesting matchreports, interviews or predictions
  • Make well thought out and impartial decisions
Feel like you're up for the task, don't hesitate to sign up. Of course, you can also simply sign up to upload the screenshots of your own match, so you can make the cuppage a bit more interesting for all to see.


Questions? Or in case you need any help, feel free to leave a comment, visit us in #clanbase.et or contact us via Email\CB PM.

EuroCup XXV Main Page
OpenCup 6v6 Main Page
OpenCup 3v3 Main Page
OpenCup 2v2 Main Page
ClanBase opens the EC/OC Spring 2012 Cup season
no 12o12?
yeah in 2012 there should be 12on12 too - or at least 10on10
sozz but EC/OC not fun to see anymore because no good enough teams are worth it .. (TLR, Dignitas, Impact, etc)
[21:08] RaNA+---: i dont even care about ET
[21:08] RaNA+---: so dont msg me
[21:08] ohurcool: haha
[21:08] RaNA+---: related to ET
[21:09] ohurcool: u mad
[21:09] RaNA+---: nop
[21:09] <This user is now offline>
that comment above of mine is one of the reasons why I don't play ET anymore
anyways why ru always desperate to grab my dick? get off it :/ sozz but im not gay, tho you can ask sandbag for it :)
no one cares if or why you don't play ET anymore, just like no one cares if you are not impressed by the level of competition in EC/OC

you were never any good at the game anyway, quite sad tbh :(
ahaha , alright if you say so. but its not like you were good anyway (btw i didn't play with any hackers *cough* sandbag *cough*) :) still won many wars against you, dunno what your sayin.
yes sandbag hacker yes, got me!!!!!11
Quote by ClanBaseServer maintenance in progress
We'll be done before Duke Nukem Forever is released... We promise!

OMG - it is out - we'll be right back!!!

In the meanwhile, tune in to ClanBase Radio here or go to the CB Radio website.

Fix the page first really.
get the fucking page online :X
fix the page that i can register my awesome team :D!
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