Crossfire Community Draft Tourney

image: cf_community_draft_cup

After some drop outs and lots of replacemants and over 500 queries the past 3 days we are live! you can find the games on gamesTV over here

Team Promen and Stray lost there first rounds since they weren't able to play. Team promen will continue playing in the loser bracket with Filus and zMk taking the lead for today(sadly they can't play on thursday)
Slovakia filuS
Poland zMk
Germany mztic
Austria kALLI
Estonia Nukits
Romania raZy
Thanks to SloveniaAniky

The brackets are made and online. I will use this news post to inform you about how things are going and announcing some minor changes.
update:And the mappool/forced maps are announced in this news post as well

Currently we are adding the games to GTV, they will be list only that means you can bet and see what’s going on but there won’t be any ETTV. We will most likely start broadcasting matches on GamesTV from the quarter final of the upper bracket and the semifinal of the lower bracket.

First of all keep in mind this is the first edition of CCDT so there will still be something’s that we are going to differently in the next version. We are happy with all the feedback we have got so far and are trying to do as much as possible with it.

Backups are being picked by a first to come first to get system. If a captain didn’t get into contact yet he will most likely be replaced, in the next edition we will be clearer about this and announce some rules to make sure things go smoother, again sorry for the inconvenience. Players that can’t play on any of the match days should notify their captains as soon as possible and we will try to work things about in the best way possible.

You can find the games over at on our league page. Big thanks to Polandfanatic for helping me out with adding the games and a shoutout to the GamesTV crew who make this all possible specially to Netherlandsh3ll.


Forced maps:
1st round: Supply
2nd Upper bracket&1st Lower bracket:sw_goldrush_te
3th Upper bracket&2nd Lower bracket:radar
3th lower bracket: bremen_b3
4th Lower bracket:adlernest
5th Lower bracket:Supply

The loser of the first map will pick the second map. In later rounds elimination rules will apply.

CCDT backup sign up
CCDT Teams Announced!
CCDT announcement
gl guys
silent vs. krein might be a nice game
nice! gl everyone
elviss vs fuzz might be a nice game
promen vs squid eze
Once again I think it's stupid ot play it during the "school week". Many players can only play weekend...
It's hard for use to schedule it that way since we are adjusting to more than just what we want, we are working together in a group with people hosting/covering things on crossfire and this is our best solution. and enough players show intressted. We can't please everyone but belive me, R0SS and I(fanatic,gtv admins) have already put a lot of hours into this and we are doing our best.
I'm pretty sure you are doing your best. Actually the even is going very well and lucky are the players to be selected but it wont change my mind.

Good luck with that and soon when I will get my new dedicated server hosted in germany with always more ram, I will be proud to share some servers and stuff.
It's stupid to hold it on weekend
please ! develop your point of view ;)
Well I can only talk for myself but I personally don't have time to play on friday and saturday evening. And I think many ppl (I'm not even sure if that's true since this is crossfire) do due to other commitments (friends & co)

Whereas the evenings unter the week are no problem because most ppl have to work/go to school the next day so they won't really plan on doing anything this night anyway

That's why 99% of the teams only pracc on weekdays
Only one map per match?
QuoteThe loser of the first map will pick the second map. In later rounds elimination rules will apply.
Oh, no idea how I missed that
This should be interesting!
Best of luck everyone!
Good luck 2 all the teams. Hope it will be a fun turnament and thnx for the effort
simon and ross
by the way: in theory this tournament is a nice idea, but in my opinion 3 days or something is not enough/ captains have to be more resolute.

I think most of the team never played before, the team i am in never played a game (we wanted to do so on monday, but then some1 missed and nothing happend)

Nice idea, poor execution.
Well I know somethings needed to be fixed but I can tell you already that atleast from my side there won't be a second edition.
:( sadpanda is sad now
20% percent of the palyers AND captians which signuped cant play.... enough said? ...
Limit it to a lower amount of teams? And pick "trustworthy" people.
Like don't accept people that didn't show up for this time
I think for the first version they try to get many people as possible that they couldnt cry " friends teams only , i didnt get picked bla bla bla " ... they gave a alot "nonames" a chance to play with talents & skilled guys and ET Pros / legends... and now that bullshit...
Shitcommunity, what can I say...
how u want to rate players that others can Trust them or Not.
QuoteLike don't accept people that didn't show up for this time
u just need more guys as "admin" to help u. the Rest will happen
Ankiy is helping me but I won't host it again anyway and I don't think that r0ss is either, anyone is probably free to use the idea and host it, better.
your doing a good job so far man!
gl zMk !
shit, gotta play vs filus and zMk

i was kinda mad that it was during bayern - basel

luckly we owned them fast
want to thank to my whole team for making this an enjoyable evening, well played guys, good luck on thursday (unfortunatelly neither me nor zMk can make it here :( )
would like to say that also to my team :)

was rly enjoyable !
yeah playing with such an overpowered team is surely enjoyable! :D
owapauat! :>
indeed, I am such a powerhouse! xD
Since there was some drops out and replacement, filus and zmk took over team promen for first day, but they cant play at thursday, so we re in need of captain and co-captain for team promen at thursday, pm me here or at irc under nick "ext3`Aniky" for more infos.
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