CB NC XV: Playoffs LB Round 3!

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Another Sunday, another weekend with ET and of course another big games coming up on this day. It is pretty warm outside recently and we can all feel summer in the air. But in this evening it is going to be way much warmer inside. And it is all due to two top CB NationsCup XV games that will definitely heat you up. Unfortunately both games are Lower Bracket ones and we will have to say goodbye to two of those teams. Only eight teams left in this tournament and there is no place for weakling.

Estonia Night, Germany butchji, Germany KRESTi, Netherlands joshua, France karnaj... Excited already? You want more? Check out this news!
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EstoniaTeam Estonia

Estonia frEeze
Estonia mant
Estonia Night
Estonia rAUL
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia subbi

image: s_news

NetherlandsThe Netherlands

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
Netherlands xPERiA

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Date: 18.03.2012
Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB ET NationsCup XVimage: game31832
image: s_foot

The show begins at 21:30 with Estonia Team Estonia and Netherlands The Netherlands as main performers. Both teams have played pretty well in this NationsCup and their journey in playoffs was pretty easy until they had to face some other giants. They both lost in tight games with 4-2 scores, Netherlands vs Poland Poland and Estonia vs Belgium Belgium. After these Upper Bracket Round 2 games, they had fallen down to Lower Bracket and began to fight for final victory.

Previous games:

Estonia Team Estonia has managed to win over Croatia Team Croatia with 5:19 time on Supply Depot and 5:29 on Missile_b3. I did not watch the game but by looking at the statistics and these times, I am convinced that Croatians did not have any chances to win this game. It might have been caused due to absence of Croatia ET superstar... suVi, who after his unexpected appearance versus Hungary Team Hungary gave us a little hope that he would return for a couple of weeks and help his country. Sadly, it has not happened.

On the other hand the Dutch had to play once again versus Canada Team Canada. They have already met in Group Stage where Netherlands The Netherlands won with 4-0 score. It was not different this time. However this game was closer than their first one. Although Canadians set the time of 6:43 on Bremen_b3, Team NL players have still managed to beat that time and won the first map reaching 6:23 time. Netherlands players took the Goldrush as well and they won with 4-0 over Canada once again.

Germany mental: NL vs EE should be a close game but I think NL is going to take it with 4-2. Last time NL had some lineup problems so they were a bit confused I guess, I hope that won't happen again.
Canada monkey: I think NL vs EE is gonna be a great game. I didn't have time to watch how Estonia is doing but they always are a good opponent. However I played vs Netherlands twice and I can say they are a very prepared team. If Netherlands doesn't play like they did versus us (canada) I think they will be able to win. I expect 4-2 NL.
United Kingdom owzo: EE 4 - 2 NL. With players matching the skill level of our beloved Fumble (Night, mant etc) I can see Team Estonia taking the victory here today. NL will have a good chance, but I can't quite see them slipping past Night after being taught a lesson or two in the late night drafts that have been occuring as of late.
Iceland rNz: Top match between two very evenly matched sides but I think xPERIA will lead his men to victory in decider.
Poland Robaciek: I think Estonia will take it either 4:0 or 4:2 simply because Night makes a difference+dutchies were underperforming lately and they have saKen to carry.
Finland Salaneuvos: What I would recommend to watch is NL vs EE. I'm sure this one will be a close one, but I think NL has practised more regularly and I would expect to see them do great with their aggressive defense. Estonia on the other hand has some old-timers and depending on their motivation the game could go either way. Hard one to predict, but 4-2 for NL is my best guess.
Netherlands stib: It's going to be a really close game, but I think the Estonians will win the decider. This is definitely going to be a 3-mapper. I'd say 4-2 for Estonia!

Team Estonia vs The Netherlands shoutcast by United Kingdom owzo!

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GermanyTeam Germany

Germany Bl4d3
Germany butchji
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany Kevji
Germany stownage

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FranceTeam France

France An7ho
France Aniki
France karnaj
France Kartez
France MENTh
France RiZkKk

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Date: 18.03.2012
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB ET NationsCup XVimage: game31780
image: s_foot

30 minutes later we will have the opportunity to watch potentates struggling in Lower Bracket in order to fulfill the promise of winning Nations Cup. I am obviously talking about Germany Team Germany who is going to fight against France Team France! We were all a bit disappointed after Germans had lost to United Kingdom Team United Kingdom in Upper Bracket. After this game, shmoe has decided to change the lineup a little bit and replaced sNoOp and s1LENT with Kevji & stownage. This new composition looks quite impressive and so far they have been doing very well.
France France had some issues with finding a proper lineup in this Nations Cup. Due to absence of emorej, maxuh or StrAf in this year, we could have seen them playing with some new faces like didi or talG. But finally in their last game there were not any surprises in the lineup. It seems like they have finally settled down. Will it be enough to beat the almighty Germans?

Previous games:

Germany Team Germany won 3:1 over Sweden Team Sweden in their Lower Bracket Round 2 game. Germans have managed to fullhold them on Supply Depot first round. In second round we had a little drama because of Bl4d3's pause while loading the gold crate onto the truck. According to the rules it should be a map forfeit to Swedes. But after a conversation with admin and captains they decided to set a score to 1:1 and move on to second map. Which was Goldrush and it went pretty easy for Germany. They set 6:05 time and didn't let their opponent take the tank. Bl4d3 and butchji gave us a show collecting the highest damages and most kills.

France Team France had some easy game against Austria Team Austria in last round. Everything went as they had wanted to and they beat them 4:0. French players started in axis side on first map - Goldrush. They were holding Austrians on tank for almost 10 minutes which of course led them to winning this round. They had set the 8:24 time on second round and proceeded to Adlernest. France set pretty nice time 3:39 and Austrians was not able to beat this. An7ho totally destroyed them in this game with his rifle stick.

Germany mental: To be honest I think germany should win, but I won't underrate france either so I'd go for a 4-2 for germany, cause I pretty much like the new germany lineup and I think they'll still make to the top 3!
Canada monkey: Germany vs France we will a bit more one-sided game. I was surprised that Germany wasn't able to take one map from UK but then came back with good performance against a teamplayed-version of Sweden. Having played against both teams, Germany certainly did better than France. Maybe France finally gained more teamplay since the beginning of the NC and will be able to surprise us. Anyways, I expect 4-0 or 4-2 Germany.
United Kingdom owzo: GER 4 - 0 FRA. I can't see Germany holding back in this game. They have a fair bit to prove with the (let's be honest) pretty poor NC so far. I can't see France taking a map simply because they're lacking the big plays from players such as Maxuh and Emorej and Straf! Without these Fumblesque players I can't see France taking it unfortunately!
Iceland rNz: I would say that Germany look better on paper but games aren't played on paper so France might pick up a map but I still think Germany will be in control of this match.
Poland Robaciek: Germans should take it 4:0 pretty easily. France looks impressive and made it quite far but Germany is one of the strongest teams left in NC and still have huge chances for gold.
Finland Salaneuvos: This game shouldn't be too hard for Germany. Even though having performed quite weakly in this NC, they have the upper hand to this game by far. 4-0 for GER, max 4-2 if France can pull off something awesome with their teamplay but I doubt it.
Netherlands stib: This should turn out as a 4-0 win for Germany, since they just have way better players than France. Plus the fact that France has been underperforming pretty much.

Team Germany vs Team France shoutcast by Portugal Jorge!

Team Germany vs Team France stream by ET.TV!

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Playoff tree:[/h3]]
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CB NationsCup XV
gl EE and DE
great coverage !
QuoteTeam Estonia vs The Netherlands shoutcast by owzo!

QuoteTeam Estonia vs The Netherlands shoutcast by owzo!

QuoteTeam Estonia vs The Netherlands shoutcast by owzo!

QuoteTeam Estonia vs The Netherlands shoutcast by owzo!
Great news :D
Good news and even better predictions, fumblized at its best
Netherlands and Germany to win
dem predictions so good
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