Sunday ET day

image: cb

This Sunday will be another Sunday with a lot of quality matches. The big matches will come from the #et.tourney cup and as previous Sundays from CB NationsCup XV. Make sure to grab some popcorn and possibly tune into a shoutcaster and of course watch the quality games on ETTV I’m also really happy to announce that I’ve got no one less that top GBooky player:Finland Salaneuvos to do predicitions for this news post, unfortunately I’ve contacted him to late and will have to edit those predicitions in later. Let’s start off a bit different. Instead of some high quality ET matches I will start off with sharing an RtCW match that’s going to be streamed and on WTV. I’m talking about the eZbash RtCW 3v3 Final featuring no one less than Finland mystic!
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EuropeNo Pressure

Norway Kris
Finland mystic
Estonia mata

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Netherlands bully
Sweden askungen
Belgium homie

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 20:00 CEST
Maps: To be announced
League: eZbash RtCW 3v3 #5
image: game31933
image: s_foot

Salaneuvos' predicition]I would bet only a little on this match since I'm not familiar with the teams. If I watch this game, it's only because of the one and only mystic.
Player to watch: who do you think?

Back to Enemy Territory, at the same time we have a NationsCup game that is not really a NationsCup game. Netherlands Team NL signed up for #et.tourney and so did the guys from United Kingdom Eighth Wonder featuring the whole United Kingdom Team UK line up and some other big names! United KingdomEighth Wonder will play with the United Kingdom UK NationsCup lineup. Let’s see if NetherlandsTeam NL can show to the current NC favorites how it’s done.
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Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands JALLAAAAA
Netherlands xPERiA

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United KingdomEighth Wonder

United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom koop

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 20:00 CEST
Maps: To be announced
League: image: et#et.tourney image: game31972
image: s_foot
Salaneuvos' predicition]Both teams have great lineups but as we've seen in the past NC the teamspirit of UK has been unbeatable so far. I would guess that NL has practised a bit more lately but still my money's on Eight Wonder. 4-0 or 4-2 Eight Wonder, depending whether NL gets lucky on Adlernest.
Player to watch: sqZz, overall mvp.

Both teams, NetherlandsThe Netherlands and United KingdomUnited Kingdom are only just getting started. The United Kingdom will try to continue their success in NationsCup facing Poland Team Poland and the Netherlands will face Norway Sleeperz in their next #et.tourney game. Sleeperz being a pretty known name with in the ET scene shows up with a lineup featuring a lot of faces that are hoping to manage to make it into the Top scene of ET.
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United KingdomUnited Kingdom

United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqZz

image: s_news


Poland dialer
Poland fanatic
Poland Frag’stealer
Poland hunter
Poland Krein
Poland zMk

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 21:00 CESt
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB NationsCup XV image: game31958
image: s_foot
image: s_head

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Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands JALLAAAAA
Netherlands xPERiA

image: s_news

Norway Sleeperz

Finland toNi
Denmark xcN
Hungary Nonix
Hungary seb1
Hungary varadi
Germany znArk

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: To be announced
League: image: et#et.tourney image: game31973
image: s_foot
Salaneuvos' predicition]UK vs POL
Depending on the level of preparation, this game could go either way. UK has stronger teamplay, but if Poland gains mapcontrol, it will be hard to break. 4-0 or 4-2 UK.
Player to watch: sqZz
NL vs Sleeperzzz
Even though Sleeperzzz surprised most of the community by taking down aToOn, I don't think they have enough to break team NL. We're going to see NL playing aggressively even on defense, and the maps being Bremen and Radar, mostly aimbased maps, it will be quite the obstacle to overcome for Sleeperzzz. 4-0 NL.
Player to watch: JALLAAA

Probably the most exciting match of tonight. Two teams that got kicked out of the upperbracket of NationsCup XV by the current Favorites United KingdomUnited Kingdom. Two lineups featured by a lot of ET allstars. Two teams still willing to win this NationsCup are hungry for revenge on United KingdomThe UK. Of course I’m talking about Germany Team Germany versus Finland Team Finland. A classic in ET. GermanyGermany has recently been changing there lineup to take the NC pocal home. The FinlandFinns have done a little change as well: Finland olBaa is going to grab the SMG again. Let’s hope those changes will do some good and will make a stunning game and also a stunning Grand final!
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Germany Bl4d3
Germany butchji
Germany FloPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany Kevji
Germany stownage

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Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Squall
Finland olBaa
Finland twidi

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 21:30 CEST
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB NationsCup XV image: game31921
image: s_foot
Salaneuvos' predicition]My opinion on this match is biased, but it would be nice to see drago play. 4-2 FIN is all I have to say.
Player to watch: drago (if he makes a surprise comback like in CP vs cL) or Matias.

Did I mention that Netherlandsthe Netherlands were playing yet? They are playing in not 1 not 2 but 3 matches on Sunday. The last game, also a classic in ET, Belgium Belgium versus Netherlands Team NL. BelgiumBelgium which seems to be official only for this season of NationsCup will try to take the victory over the active Netherlands Dutch team. Will the activeness of the dutch to beat players like Belgium mAus Belgium Jere and Belgium chry?

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image: s_news


Belgium Jere
Belgium chry
Belgium mAus
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium plAyer
Belgium lio

image: s_news


Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands JALLAAAAA
Netherlands xPERiA

image: s_border_short

Date: 25.03.12
Time: 22:00 CEST
Maps: To be announced
League: image: etCB NationsCup XV image: game31957
image: s_foot
Salaneuvos' predicition]4-2 BEL or 4-2 NL. This is pure hell to predict. On paper, team Belgium looks a bit stronger, but will they collapse like in the game against Poland? Have they practised enough? Who knows.
Player to watch: mAus if you like to watch aimers, but I would spectate chry.
gl maus jere chry x
team NL praccing all day gg
Team UK will destroy
mCon praccing hard
team NL cf link not very relevant btw x)
I actually don't have a clue who added those links.
artstar probably, he's trying to add us to it now ^_^
Great, shoutout to United KingdomArtstar for adding names/clan links.
thought it was a nice idea :(
pointless as we can't change stuff there, also if we would have wanted that we would have made on I suppose.. made on now anyway so you can hotlink in dem newses
ok coolio, I always do that type of thing in mine :] I did invite xperia & zak to the profile but left for a 3on3.. :< I always thought it was better to have one profile to moderate all seasons like the UK one + how the belgian one used to be updated, Polish one too. but it depends on the new captains getting admin when the old ones quit :p
can't see anyone bothering to look that up and add it to a profile x)
you'd be surprised, e.g. if I go to college and it's one of those days where nobody else really came in I just write out another one of the season lineups for this:

and in fact I pretty much wrote 2 of the newsposts for the last CDT in notepad while being bored with no work to do @ college and most of the people I like not coming in :d
feel free to pm me team nl history!
I can edit it myself if you give me permission to do so =P you should switch to the old account though (can make you leader, whoever was leader before deleted themselves from the clan so I promoted perfo; the only member that still browses CF :D). more than 1 is silly!
Um I think that leadership was revoked completely from all players (I was leader before that) during one of the NCs, probably the one from late 2008 with anti3 (to prevent mid-tourney additions or something). That's why the PB guids are on there. I've given the leadership to xPERiA now anyways, so he can do how he pleases. :D
xperia = lazybastard, give it to saken :d
it is an honour to receive such a status-upgrade from the likes of you! (well said, right?) :P
Sure thing! :p
Nice read and some really high quality games... Bad that i have to work ;-(
Wow nice matches :O

playing for GER
ET really has come a long way :)
i dont like the link to profile...
He's top Gbooky player man... who are you to contradict him??
thanks for mentioning simonkinsler :)

so now he is also stealing my "zZ" ???

I'd lock the Random Chickz away if I were you.
"Sunday ET Day"

League: eZbash RtCW 3v3 #5

"Back to Enemy Territory"

title quote trumps content quote, you lose good sir
omg kris and mystic in same team
awesome games!
can somebody confirm that its the real mystic ?
Yep it is!
i touched him irl once!!!!
did you see him talking ?:D
his playing rtcw all the time, and yes its the real mystic o.0
good job Simon :)

by looking at sala's predictions as he's top gbooky player atm, I came to idea that maybe somebody should make some articles/newses each week with the best current user @ Gbooky with predictions, explanaitions and scores. Something like "expert's predictions" sth like this :P
I had such idea as well this week. Didn't have time, yet!
That is actually a really good idea! :D
flowerpower to win the rtcw game!
holy shit its mystic
pity that all the nc games are being played around the same time, all the matches are pretty tight and worth being watched
nice games
omg no Poland fanatic in TeamPoland since 2003 list :S
Yeah I should stop betting on GBooky

You have € 80200 on gb #8

And they lost :/
Today 22:00Belgium 2.34 vs. 1.75 Netherlands 5,000 € on NED Won8,750€
Today 22:00United Kingdom 1.59 vs. 2.69 Poland 5,000 € on UK Won7,950€
Today 21:45Germany 4.13 vs. 1.32 Finland 5,000 € on FIN Won6,600€
Today 20:00Netherlands 5.63 vs. 1.22 Eighth Wonder 1,000 € on NED Won5,630€

hehe say bb to your 1st place soon huehue
et 12.03 22:00 Belgium be 2.36 vs. 1.74 pl Poland 220,000 € on pl POL Won 382,800€

Still can afford to lose some 8))
Very well played NL :)
Well played to all teams. Thought Poland vs UK would be a bit more interesting. Just hope Finland doesn't come from the loser's bracket and beat UK.
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