Latest Enemy Territory transfers!

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Some years ago Germany gambit took a view on the latest player additions as well as all the new teams popping up each season and wrote down a more ironic summary than a basic finding of facts. With the upcoming ET Masters lan, BFB2 and the soon to be started Euro/OpenCup I want to do something similar thus I collected interesting information from known teams and players and wrote down a short wall of text about the newest transfers and player events.

First of all we can start with a quite interesting case. I`ve seen Poland fanatic posting a thread about him searching for a new team. Below his post he said that Poland tMoe is most likely splitting up which would mean one of the best Polish teams folding just a minute before the EuroCup. Hence not just fanatic but other high profile players like numeric or zMk are in need of a new highskilled team.

Next comes some gossip about the all-Finish lineup from Finland F6. According to some insider information they were searching for an experienced 6th to complete their BFB2, EC and lan lineup and by going through their history it seems that Finland olBaa is their man for the moment. At least for the online competition because some rumors said he would need full support to attend the lan in Weesp. Finland Finlantic6 is twidi, Iron, Matias, Salaneuvos, Jewe and olBaa

Another great and promising team to challenge Germany Anexis is the newly build Queens around Belgium chry and United Kingdom razz. Untill now I just can give some lineup speculations with names like butchji or wiaderko in the air and we just can cross our fingers that their recruitment work out and a new top contender is soon to be announced.

Back to the Polish activities. As already said the CB EC is just around the cornder and the signup list contains a lot of great teams and big names e.g. Poland polagZ. This lineup is composed of all stars like Frag`Stealer, dialer or Krein and their goal is doubtlessly to participate in the EC and with tMoe folding they might improve their lineup by adding another superb player. Poland polagZ is Krein, dialer, Lukey , sTx, Frag`Stealer and dean

Besides polagZ we do find the Germany oldteamoxid aiming for an EC spot as well. I was able to have a short chat some weeks ago with stRay and he said he is really confident in finding a suited 6th for the upcoming EC and ET Masters and with gamers like An7ho, Bl4d3 or FiREBALL supporting we should definitely keep an eye on them. Germany oldteamoxid is stRay, Fireball, An7ho, Bl4d3, eujen and gr0ss

Another multicultural team I want to talk about is the long term lineup of Europe The up and coming players like kiwi, kevji and kartez have established a quite strong core lineup with the two 3on3 owners stexx and Elviss and the one and only statti as impressive supporter. With An7ho and many helping them out in their last official one just can hope it was a one time substitution because they seem far more stronger with the first mentioned main lineup. They applied for EC but unfortunately their lan attendance is still unsure. Would be a shame if such a strong team can`t make it to Weesp. Europe a.ToOn is kiwi, kevji, stexx, Elviss, statti and kartez

The next team which caught my attention is a Swedish one. I can remember some Sweden OsS guys hosting one of the first ETTv servers for my #ET-Cup but that`s ages ago. Now their lineup accomodate big names like tornis and Snuble but the question is if they have added them to boost their lineup or merely to get a better division seeding. Sweden OsS is ankH, Crow, daniel, disponewbje, tornis, Snuble, fini, GolvaD, Frogge, Lama, T0bakss0n, sotarn

One of the last minute signups for the OC season comes from former Team Austria NC player DonMatthias and the late night gamer s0sji. According to their teamname Europe offi only they pretend to be the underdogs and just time will tell if that`s the case or if they want to be underestimated and stab from behind. Europe offi only is DonMatthias, Bullit, s0sji, dwight, fakkel, krypto and Hayes

Netherlands Koop un tractor sounds funny but with Ati_, xperia and L4mpje they could really deal some damage. But due to the fact both xperia and L4mpje are most likely playing the coming season for MouseControl the pressure is on Ati_ and he has to show his leader skills.

Last but not least we have a newly formed team with potty, owzo, crumbs and urtier praccing under the United Kingdom CUBE tag and despite the fact they are still missing two players I can see them - with urtier`s leading experience, winning some games.

Update: stRay just added that Germany gr0ss will complete their lineup! And with the coming Battle For Berlin 2 tournament miNd has established a striking lineup consisting of miNd, clown, perfo, ngn and drago wearing all the Europe minds Pro Gamers (mPG) tag and currently searching for an amazing 6th addition so in case you are highly motivated and searching for a skilled team contact miNd!

That`s for now. Feel free to pm me right here on crossfire or qry Germany SPU9 @IRC #crossfire for feedback and/or insider information for further posts!
What about devastation ?!?!?
He is hating on dev beastomode rolling hard team. ;)
they got their own newspost already ;D thought i dont need to mention it again ;D
Took you long enough to find out a believable answer xD
no i was preparing some food for the whole family
well word is they got a new lineup since the newspost ;)
well word is they got a new lineup since the newspost ;)
some1 crushed my banner :(
blame razzah for it ;D
was tired last night and promised him to do a banner :(
:) next time try better m8!
nice nice read!
great news!
Nice post SPU9, really enjoyable to read.
Wechsel der Woche!! Yay :-D

Nice stuff, keep it up!
Hi Mr.Leader :D
dutchtastic Art?
i was shocked to read my name on the frontpage again
never thought you are still around and checking cf ;D
who is this gambit nerd??? :P
QuoteKoop un tractor sounds funny but with Ati_, xperia and L4mpje they could really deal some damage. But due to the fact both xperia and L4mpje are most likely playing the coming season for MouseControl the pressure is on Ati_ and he has to show his leader skills.

What? :D I don't even play ET, this is just some random team of timbolina to play offi's on CB afaik ;D
no pressure
well i just have seen you on their lineup... ;D
Well ye, I was added to clanbase. But I am instantly leader and playing active again? :d Get your facts straight before you publish something like this ;d
You're not fooling anybody, Mr. 24/7 ET.
24/7 CS :]
well i never said you are the captain i just said (because you are the most known and experienced guy there) you have to show your leading skills.
Liar. You play ET everynight.
All day

All night
999 warning points for swearing.
nice spu :)
great work spu!!
gg Ati_.

nice news anyways!
missing devastation
we kinda formed the team we wanted so we wont be adding anyone as for now :p good or bad doesnt matter
Good article
rly nice read :)
i even got mentioned :))
potty and urtier is a magical combination
Can't wait to see F6 vs anexis.
what about broffect? I mean come on, vatu found a team
if you gimme some infos i can include them for my next post
this is so 2011
The CUBE where everything is harder
serious business
awesome piece spu9 :)
nice one SPU9 8)
good read ....and good work for the community :)
planetwolfenstein style :DD
Why no news about #devastation?
as replied before: they got their own newspost dont need to post it twice ;D

add team names with rosters or gtfo
added as much as i can ;D
nice read, thx :)
mkida is missing :DD
Well great idea to do this kind of review, either way i wanna say good luck to everyone, specially to gr0ss, Kartez etc.
mind take Germanybutchjii !
Nice info. I would love to see full names of players integrated, though. Adds that extra little bit of involvement to the news item.
added some lineups...
I was meaning like "Sean 'Seanza' McDougall joins Team XXX" or something. But that's quite hard to sort out because from my experience with ET teams, nobody likes giving their full name out. Unlike the majority of other competitive communities.

So I guess there's nothing you can personally do if players aren't up for giving their real names out.
Personally I really couldnt care the first and second name considering in 9/10 instances you call them by their gamername.
Of course, but my point is angled towards the fact that we always see full names of players from other games in news items like this. The players make it different for somebody like SPU to gather such information.

Would just be a nice addition to perhaps add a little bit more legitimacy to this community.
sTx in polagz is stexx?
nice read mate!
QuoteFinlantic6 is twidi, Iron, Matias, Salaneuvos, Squall and olBaa

Jewe instead of squall..
my bad ;D thanks!
np and np! good work with this :)
finlantic 5 & a jew :S
g5 are recruiting.

1 requirement, be hard as fuck.
hard as fuck to survive shoryuken?
You know that shit W.
All of this is unimportant in the shadow of a new Enhanced line up ready to roll division 8.
Nice news! I bet miNd's team doesnt need engineers anymore :P
Nice write up and nice idea :)

Keep it up!!
good initiative, mpg looks strong!
nice initiative.

Would be great to have a weekly or atleast monthly update on the biggest player & team transfers in the scene.

btw, I am playing for My Serious gaming. SwedenOsS is also a team I play with, but they are more a friendsclan for me, which I attend some cups with when I can. CB, et-tourney etc is with My Serious.
where is my name in offi only team? :<
you are not an underdog :D
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