Polish Draft Tournament II - Signups Open!

image: deraftorunapl2

After the Polish Community have shown great interest in Polish Draft Tournament, I decided to host another edition of this event. Last time I received a lot of applications from Poland players and this time I am hoping to get even more of them! Poland Team-voiler won last edition of PDT and they will defend the title struggling with seven new captains!
The tournament will take place on Thursday 5th of April!
Signups are closing on Tuesday 3rd of April at 18:00 CEST, so don't wait and SIGNUP!

Polish Draft Tournament I: Standings

As I've already mentioned, voiler has been invited to be a captain once again. I am in need of 7 new captains that will lead their teams for the victory. So if you are interested in taking this job, select the right answer in the application form.


In order to signup to Polish Draft Tournament II, you have to complete the following form. Click here.

Signup list[/u]]
Poland fanatic
Poland Pius
Poland wassabi
Poland WuT
Poland BloOdje
Poland s1LENT
Poland grzesiek
Poland tanchez
Poland oneofTHEM
Poland nORAs
Poland johNny
Poland mikehh
Poland bytheway
Poland darkles
Poland moLy
Poland pow4h
Poland Arturinho
Poland stu
Poland spankie
Poland rubrAh
Poland buggs
Poland ug
Poland Kirej
Poland mirejdz
Poland MOFFO
Poland samraj
Poland cisy
Poland Brachi
Poland sNi
Poland Robaciek
Poland Elviss
Poland akupunktura
Poland SnaCki
Poland Voodoo
Poland upload
Poland szczurek
Poland MiOdek
Poland KoFe
Poland staminaboy
Poland zerohour
Poland ska
Poland son1c
Poland Kwilos
Poland SuchY
Poland stexx
Poland topek
Poland vL3
Poland ninel
Poland Zgred
Poland Tokar
Poland l4z
Poland schovany
Poland Sinnsyk
Poland N!ke
Poland PanDeWu
Poland feanor
Poland palemki
Poland Jadol
Poland tIKEJ
Poland HaoKakao
Poland gruchaaa
Poland lewyboy
Poland sheiky
Poland hunter
Poland Abject
Poland syriusZ
Poland awu
Poland zMk
Poland BoOk

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

  • Signups open: 29th March 2012
  • Signups closed: 3rd April 2012 - 18:00 CEST
  • Captains announced: 3rd April 2012 - 19:00 CEST
  • Selecting teams by captains: 3rd April 2012 - 21:30 CEST
  • Brackets announced: 4th April 2012
  • Main Tournament: 5th April 2012 (Thursday), 18:00 CEST

  • CB/ESL/TZAC Banned players are NOT allowed. (exceptions can be made)
  • TZAC entered in your CB account must be the one that you gonna use in cup.
  • Your CB account must be created at least one and a half years ago! Applications which don't meet this condition, will be rejected! (exceptions can be made)
  • Admins may refuse a player if there is a suspicion about his Clanbase account.
  • After sign-ups will be done, we will pick one captain for each team. We will decide basing on skill, activity and past experience in leading teams.
  • Each captain will select 5 of those players to form a roster with (choosing players one at a time in turns until teams are finished).
  • There will be a backup pool.
  • 8 teams tournament. Double Elimination!
  • Matches are BO3.
  • All matches will be on ETTV.
  • You are required to idle in #polish.cup
  • You must be from Poland Poland to participate in this tournament.

I'm also looking for some people who want to help me as a referee. So if you have a free evening on Thursday and want to do something for community - let me know by pm or at IRC!

Feel free to pm me with some ideas, that may be used in Polish Draft Tournament II. Let the signups begin!


I would also like to apologize to all community for players who were allowed to take part in last edition and day later got busted by TZAC. I hope that this time it will be cheater-free tournament.

Thanks to chickita for banner & wassabi for providing TS3 server for all players!
those rules seem familiar :x

gl belka
Thought the same
Inb4 nobody picks me
Don't allow dIZEL :Pp
gl :)
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/!\ voiler ;_:
QuoteCB/ESL/TZAC Banned players are NOT allowed. (exceptions can be made)

Can i sign up?
banner sponsored by Gutenberg
oh fuck. if i only wouldn't suck
I like this:
QuoteCB/ESL/TZAC Banned players are NOT allowed. (exceptions can be made)

How much do you get paid fanatic :D?
K i r e j

NEED SOME KOT polish superstar
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