Additional Admins required for BFB 2

image: headrzr

Admins Needed!

As you all know, Battle for Berlin 2 is right around the corner and the admins have decided to strike due to workload and poor pay!

Only joking, I hope. Anyway, with the tournament kick-off little over a week away, the very experienced admin team is already pushed with the workload that comes with hosting a premier eSports online competition such as Battle for Berlin, therefore i thought of asking the wonderful ET community for some help!

Now I have worked hard to put together a team full of trustworthy people, who have experience and skill in running competitions. Not only does this team have great people skills, they also have a profound ability to produce high quality content for your viewing pleasure. The idea behind this admin team was to benefit the community, but also that the team be experienced and large enough to cope with the demands that come with hosting such tournaments. Unfortunately i have failed them by not recruiting enough bodies. But fail no longer shall I!

To set the scene a little, the first match-week consists of 16 teams battling to reach that prestigious 2nd Winner Bracket Round - meaning 8 games are on show at one time. We are therefore, predominantly, looking for people who are able to admin/referee match games, however progressing forward and beyond BFB 2 to future competitions, this role would preferably be to those who are willing to commit themselves into the dark future of the game and progressing into further roles. We will of course be asking for some experience, but in the past we have found ourselves real diamonds from those just willing to devote their time and motivation to the game and the community. So all applications will be judged individually and on their own merit. It would also be an advantage if you could contribute to the content that we are looking at dishing out during BFB 2 and future installations and competitions. I must add though that this is not a fundamental requirement.

To apply, please message myself at #crossfire.cup or #crossfire where i shall be known as anexis-R0SS or email your application to [email protected]. Please give a brief description as to why you are applying and why you should be accepted.

We look forward to reading your applications and working with some of you in the future!
image: footrzr
Who are the actual admins? :)
Myself, Merlinator, SPU9, SimonKinsler, Foamea, Fanatic, Twidi.

As you can see though, at least 3 of the above will more than likely be competing in BFB hence the lack of match officials!
Yup! Well, gl for your researches then, hope this tournament will run as good as the previous one. :)
no Baggiez since it's not end of the year?
Are they able to do matches that they aren't playing in or are you just disallowing completely?

If you're allowing it, i'd be available to do some matches whenever I'm free though i've never done it before so would need a little help with that, let me know!

E: or if I can help at all with coverage, hit me up. Easter holidays n dat
Have u enough admins Ross ? :)
I could official perhaps, if you would still need some.
Does the admin get something from razer aswell? :$
money can do everything for u :D
There might be a surprise, but read carefully ->might<-.
For the love of god no robaciek
the fact that Ross is collecting the applications makes it obvious that I won't be there
would love to apply by I see some RObSStacles on my way
Good luck guys! I hope everything will be alright :)
Me im experienced :) btw cb is also searching for new admins
anyways gl Ross, Merlinator, SPU9, SimonKinsler, Foamea, Fanatic, Twidi.
no, hell no, good idea
United KingdomArtstar
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