BFB 2 Lower Bracket R1

image: headrzr

Last Chance Saloon

The first round of the lower bracket takes place tonight as three of the games will take place, with the losers of the opening games given one more chance to stay in the competition. Tonights victors will move into the next round of the lower bracket and the losers will pack their bags with thoughts of what could have been...

Belgium Belgian Fraternity
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium uNDEAD
Belgium Jere
image: game32355Finland
Finland toMi
Finland Stuka
Finland t0psu
Finland spuge
Finland poksu
Finland HIRVi

Belgian Fraternity will come into this game the favorites after losing their opening match to NBS they will want to get their tournament back on track with victory against a Finnish team on the rise. Although most will not give a chance they have proven they can roll with the big boys and tonight could be their night.

image: s_head

Germany a.ToOn
United Kingdom Artstar
France kartez
Belgium kaze
Sweden tornis
Poland upload
Belgium xAv
image: game32374Norway Sleeperz
Finland toNi
Denmark xcN
Germany znArk
Hungary seb1
Hungary varadi
Hungary Nonix

First of the later starting games see both teams sharing very similar odds on in what is of course a must win game to stay in the competition. Right now the 6th position for a.ToOn is not 100% clear as it seems Poland fanatic left the team to reform tMoe. Poland upload may well fill in as he has a backup roll in the team.

image: s_head

Europe ZeroE
Germany mental
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic malfoy
Netherlands Testi
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic milhAus
image: game32356Europe Devastation
Norway Domi
Poland Kirej
Netherlands stib
Belgium Sh1zzle
United Kingdom stKz

The second of the later games is also seen as quite a tight affair and either team could take victory on the night. Both faced good teams in the first round which they had little hope of winning but tonight everything is on the line to stay in the competition and it will be all about team performance.

image: footrzr
Nicely done. Good job :)
3 teams will be out :P:p/pP
I'd like to thank stib for our loss, thanks stib
he just decided not to show up?
Ye, at 21:54 (after our first offi) we got a whatsapp message "OH i totally forgot the offis! some chick asked me if i could come home with her" (while we talked about the offis at 14:00)
lol its Sup3r
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