CB EuroCup XXV: Qualifiers Round 2

image: cbecxxv_medium

ClanBase EuroCup XXV First Qualifiers Round is finished and we can proceed to the final stage of the qualifiers.

We are moving to the final stage of this year's EuroCup Qualifiers. Eight games left and at the end of the week we will know all the teams that will compete in EuroCup's Group Stage. Sadly one team, Poland PolagZ had dropped out of the cup but we found a replacement. Finland jari.et - a team that proved themselves to all of us with their recent performances - will take their spot.

Qualifiers First Round: Results
  • Europe TAG vs Europe Devastation - 4-0
  • Europe Zero Empathy vs Germany aToOn - 0-4
  • Finland #jari.et vs France#Pharaons.et
  • Germany PDEG vs Europe mkidA - 4-0
  • Poland tMoe vs Germany Lost Soldiers - 4-0
  • Europe Nbs gaming vs Germany STAR.ET - 4-0
  • BelgiumBelgian Fraternity vs Europe MYserious - 4-2
  • Europe Jacks vs Europe Sleeperz - 0-4

Qualifiers Second Round: Games Preview

2nd and 3rd seed games:
  • Europe TAG vs Germany aToOn
  • Germany PDEG vs France #Pharaons.et / Finland #jari.et
  • Poland tMoe vs Europe Nbs gaming
  • Belgium Belgian Fraternity vs Europe Sleeperz
4th seed and OC Premier matches:
  • Europe Zero Empathy vs Europe Devastation
  • Europe mkidA vs France #Pharaons.et / Finland #jari.et
  • Germany Lost Soldiers vs Germany STAR.ET
  • Europe MYserious vs Europe Jacks
Qualifiers Second Round: Maplist
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
Qualifiers Second Round: Schedule

The second qualifiers matches have to be played between the Sunday 15/04 and Thursday 19/04. Please challenge your match before Wednesday 18/04, otherwise not scheduled games will be forced by the supervisors to the 19/04.

IRC Channel

Hereby I'd like to invite everyone to join #clanbase.et. Also there is a private channel for Clan Leaders and War Arrangers of EC teams: #EuroCup.priv (password on demand to admin) to talk about the cup. This is also the channel to join for coverage around all the matches (including qualifiers).

Challenge your opponent via Roster Page

Source: EC XXV Qualifiers second round
lol @ pharaons no offense but what a bullshit, they didn't even fight for it although they rly needed to prove themselves.
agree on that, I bet they could have find some other team to at least fill the remaining spot. This way it is just bullshit, not qualifier...
yeah for example those jari guys who played rly decent lately, now basicaly u got pharaons @ ec invite.

Makes me rly mad, knowing we crush pharaons with ease and yet we have to face tag and zeroe. where is the love ?

2K12 sickness on ET :)
ye, those jari guys outclassed us two times already (not like its hard or anything, we got raped by everyone so far), so I guess they could have been decent replacement. The way CB crew handled this was basically giving three team direct invite without worrying whether they lose or not (pharaons got "direct invite" as 2nd seed, other two teams just played for 2nd/3rd seed without any special pressure).
adlernest :X
supply most common map that any mix could play vs team

Let's see what they're up to now.
That doesn't mean anything
they got outdamaged
Just stop the hate against pha. They are playing together at a decent level for ages.
Everybody claiming jari had to get an EC quali (maybe, idk how they are playing) but the only match they won is against cwg, and cwg is not a so awesome team.
the fact you didn't play them means they were probably 2 good for you to face each other.

Match has been played and it was realy close, there's no hate on pha i was only blaming the cb admin crew which provided us some fucked up seeds once again despite polagz's drop
Quotethe fact you didn't play them means they were probably 2 good for you to face each other

Yeah prolly :sdSdsDsdSdsDSdSdsD
thats over a month ago :P and we have hirmu instead of hazz
We have mac mustee instead of gast !
"knowing we crush pharaons with ease "

Oh sorry, we steamroll you. Better?
jari will take the spot of polagz just need to decide if they play in 2 days 2 match or if they play vs pha or else, need to think about it but be sure jari will take the free spot
nice mate :) well done
would be great if jari vs pharaons might be played tonight. ^^
getting flammed because of polagz dropout :PPppPPP
no, flaming cb actualy
the only one to blame are polagz imo :/
both polagz and cb, since CB should have replaced em as soon as they heard about polagz's drop.
gl anyway
on parle français !?
english please

Also Jacks was rated way to high, now ZzZ got in 2nd/3rd seed, while they are pretty bad
no offense, and you're not bad actualy, but seeded 2 high compared to your level( in my opinion).
Well jea we got some problem (different style of players) to solve in the team, we are working on it to reach our full potential.
and for one of us, devastation should rly play ec, so if we win and you play oc prem its rly unlucky:/ same for us btw, some other teams that are in are less deserved!
yep thats shit, i remember when i played ec qualif with wck, Lion made us playing against an equal team for 2nd round ( so the worst team had to play oc ) and no lucky bracket for lower team :p
Can't really call our first game equal team vs equal team. TAG should've had a direct invite.
I didnt say it was, and it should not tbh ( for 2nd seed, 1st qualif match )
+ Lion isnt the supervisor anymore
yea but who fucking careS? :D we just in it for the funs and not like we had anything to do with it ;)
oh yeah i'm glad for you, i am actualy blaming CB for that. Seeds are rly fucked up for us ^^
well ye... ;-)
GL all teams..

Ive want to request the match on weds 21:15 cet but i cant coz >> This is an invalid matchlink on the leagues website
the matchlink must be in the following format:


* = match-specific information
So when are the OC groups coming up??

» Monday 16th of April - Start of the first matchweek (OC)
After EC-qualies, just like every time...
Well then the schedule is wrong, isnt it :)
carlos, how do u want groups to be done if every teams participating in oc are not known yet ( droping from ec quali to oc prem)

Those dutchies -___-"
I hate dutch people aswell

statement of ET contributer
QuoteOhw god... dutchie
-United Kingdom Marcus
Marcus => truth and truth only !
when all games between 4th Seed and OC Premier will be finished. prolly sunday
Gl teams :D
cya in EC mate:)
If we are to perform our usuall way tonight ,we'll be in EC :P
Im counting on you! we need more Norway in EC:)
Will do my best as an engi tonight :D
You have € 1000 on deV
Possible win: € 5360

in deV I trust
I wont let you down <3 Ill bring out my a-game.
gl jari, ec here we come
so much crying in this thread

gl to remaining teams!
plz I want in EC plzzzzzzzzzzz? :(
Go Devbro's! Testi is naab so it should be an easy win!
Sorry but I'll carry Testi :/
ur only giving one more point to ironic's argument

Implying its hard to carry Testi :o]]]
lol at drame for ec in 2012.
"JARI.et should have got ec quali, deserves it a LOT more than STAR.et, mYSERIOUS, pharaons etc"

"jari deserved it alot more than as example lost or pharaons "

dat link > dat statement
Why acting so ego now :D ?
Because the wnb 3on3 highskiller finally won an important match.
:{D ! u mad ?
Why would I be mad? Because your team won vs Jari?
its not acting ego. he is just responding to all the nerds who were flaming us before EC. no offense at all :)
its champions league ffs!
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