BFB2 Match Reviews

image: headrzr

No time to watch?

As the tournament continues it’s not unexpected games are becoming more and more exciting and teams will soon have to climb the peaks of their abilities to stay in the tournament. Four teams already dropped out of competition and another eight will struggle to survive in the losers bracket.
image: s_head

Let’s start with European NothingButSkillz facing purely Finnish Finlantic6. Nbs lately have been doing really well and for the majority of players are a big surprise this season. They won against MouseControl and newly formed (yet so familiar) Belgian Fraternity. They proved to be a top team and are definitely not to be taken lightly. However, Finlantic6 already won against them twice in a row, last in #et.tourney final. Having said that, Finnish lineup seems like an obvious favourite in this match-up. With stars like Matias they look really strong and not unexpectedly they were seeded 2nd.

Finland Finlantic6
Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland OLBAA
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland twidi

image: game32358Europe Nothing But Skillz
Belgium PlAyer
Estonia yEnch
Estonia Sinnu
Croatia rimi
Sweden slajdan
Canada bN
Belgium fostruM

image: s_head

First map is Bremen_b3, newest out of the mappool. I’ve been definitely looking forward to watching it always produced surprising result. Game starts with a little delay, apparently one of the Nbs players is missing and they have to find someone to fill in. Luckily after a quick search they find rimi. Both teams agrees on sides and with Finlantic6 defending the game begins.

Nbs starts with a fast push but fin6 are already prepared. Olbaa and Jewe pick one frag each while Salaneuvos gets 3 straight away and stops the rushing enemies. In the meantime yench, taking covert ops, gets clothes from Matias who pushes out with a nade. 14.05 on the clock and yench finally decides to run for axis teamdoor but gets killed just in front by Matias. Meanwhile the rest of the Nbs team is pushing for the flag and rimi just before being blown by Olbaa’s nade touches it. Salaneuvos gets yench just as he tries to plant main gate but the stage is lost for his team anyway so Estonian just spawns and plants it for good few seconds later. 13.35 and main gate blows up. Nbs are trying to push really quickly but fin6 have already all people in position. Bullets fly all around the courtyard. However, it doesn’t seem like Nbs are actually getting anywhere. Iron pushes from keycard room and selfkills after landing a nade of Player. yench exploits the gap in enemy’s defense and hides inside the keycard room. Iron is completely unaware of this fact and after spawning just continues to cover courtyard. In the meantime Jewe and Salaneuvos are doing an excellent job defending command post. 11.04 on the clock and yench finally decides to take objective and run with it. Olbaa notices him and retrieves the key. bN with an mg tries to help keycarrier in getting away but is just a second late. He gets Olbaa and Iron nut Nbs is still not getting any objectives. 8.55 on the clock and rimi manages to get the key. He can’t get out though since axis are just behind the door. Jewe decides to jump in through a window and retrieves the objective. Slajdan seeing 3 fins selfkilling rushes from generator room to command post and destroys it with a satchel. Nbs do not have any engineer left though so fin6 players manage to get back to positions. 6.35 on the clock and yench gets the key again. This time he succeeds and carries it to the generator. In the meantime Sinnu gets inside command post room and builds it. Finlantic6 is falling back to defend truck. With 5.55 left yench is planting dynamite near 1st truck barrier and pushes spawn. Matias however is well prepared for that. He gets him with a grenade and follows it with two mp40 frags on bN and rimi. 4.30 left and Nbs yet again is pushing spawn. Olbaa decides to let them pass a little bit and attacks unaware allies from his spawn. He gets 4 kills and Jewe adds another 2. Even a double riflenade kill from Sinnu doesn’t help them and this attack is over. Jewe jumps back to truck room and tries to keep rushing allies from getting it for however long he can. He gets a 5 man spree and Iron finishes with double riflenade kill. Nbs at this point are looking bad. 2.50 till the end and Jewe selfkills finishing another spree of 6 this time. He seems untouchable for allies. With 1.30 left Nbs is desperately pushing front of the truck but get obliterated by fins. 25 seconds till end bN manages to land a needle on yench who died just next to truck but at this point it simply doesn’t matter anymore. Finlantic6 fullholds NothingButSkillz.


Finlantic6 starts pretty quickly. They push main gate and Jewe manages to land a triple kill. Axis spawn. 3 Nbs players get killed almost on full and Matias steals clothes from bN as covert ops. Iron gets the flag and Olbaa manages to kill Sinnu an inch away from retrieving it. Matias lets his team through axis door so they can continue to pressure them straight away. Nbs is prepared though. They manage to hold the attack but command post is not built. With 12.50 on the clock fin6 is attacking keycard room. Olbaa gets inside but axis already spawned and he is not able to get out of there. twidi uses the distraction to build command post and allies have loads of time at this point. 11.32 left and Jewe manages to steal keycard and run with it. Unlucky for him artillery is placed right outside the room and he gets killed. There are no axis players to retrieve the key though so Salaneuvos picks it up and delivers to generator. Barrier is planted and fins are pushing for the truck. bN manages to stop them with a nice 5 man spree at the truck room but right after axis spawn Matias jumps in and gets Player and Sinnu on full with a panzer. With 9.35 left twidi repairs truck and they are escaping with it. Nbs decides on going for 2nd barrier. Iron is well aware of it and gets 4 frags preventing axis from building it. Jewe keeps on driving the truck with few enemies chasing him. He lands two frags on them and while rest of his team covers him he escorts it till the end. Allies time 6.43.


Nbs decides to play supply and Finlantic6 pick attack 1st. Fostrum shows up and switches with rimi. Round starts. Axis don’t seem to control their defense well and just after a minute of fire exchange fins get the flag. 13.06 and both exits are gone. Olbaa pushes tunnel and kills Fostrum and Slajdan next to depot gate. That allows the rest of his team to push it too. Nbs is completely shattered. Allies get command post and with 11.34 twidi plants depot gate. Axis manage to stop the push for a short while but with 10.30 left Iron and Jewe jump through depot gate and kill two each. Jewe drives the truck till it’sin position for the gold/crane. Olbaa who hid inside axis base manages to get 4 frags leaving crane controls almost undefended. bN, who somehow manages to stay alive, gets a triple kill but it’s not enough to stop fin6 from getting what they want. Few revives and crane controls are up. Fins get truck under control and keep on spawnkilling till the end of the round. Time set: 6.50


It looks really bad for Nbs at this point but they are not giving up. Finlantic6 manage to defend first rush. With 5.59 on the clock allies have to speed up. bN lands a panzer on Salaneuvos and twidi getting both on full. Salaneuvos and Iron don’t feel like losing flag though and they get 2 frags each. Matias kills the last one and push is stopped. Minute later Nbs get 5 people to forward spawn’s entrance but twidi with his mines, Matias and Jewe who jumped down to help get whole allies team dead. 1.59 on the clock and Slajdan lands panzer on twidi and Salaneuvos. Those two seem to be a panzer magnet on supply. It doesn’t matter though since he has no teammates alive to push for the objective. With 1.05 Nbs team is inside forward bunker and Fostrum lands 2 kills with pistol getting the flag. twidi decides to end up this match with an mg on command post’s roof. He gets few kills the timer shows 0.

image: s_head

I would lie saying if was a close game. Quoting the classic (Charlie Sheen) ‘Boom, crush. Night, losers. Winning, duh’. Finlantic6 dominated on both maps and proved why they are seeded 2nd. It might have been different without Nbs’ problems with lineup but those things happen and they should have been more prepared for that. Finlantic6 will face in the next round Queens and Nbs after dropping to losers bracket will play against STAR.ET.

Player to watch: Finland Jewe, he was simply amazing. He had definitely an outstanding game. Always where needed and keeping the enemies away.

Aftermatch statements:

Quote by JeweThe game was quite a lot easier than we expected, since we haven't played a single practice since our last offi and on the other hand NBS has been one of the most active teams recently. For once, no one else besides Matias was messed up (but he wasn't too messed up even though he hadn't slept at all). So our gaming got a little boost since everyone knew what they were doing :).

Quote by IronI think the game went ok, even if we didn't play at all after our NC game vs Poland since it was so big disappointment and we felt like we needed a small break. We expected to win the match, but well everything could've happened. We've been playing against NBS pretty much this year and they weren't really in good shape either, but that might be just the line-up problems they had in that match.

Quote by MatiasTo be honest I think that our game worked really well for the first time in an official. If we perform like we did against NBS I think we have a chance of winning the cup, I mean this time everything just worked perfectly, I'm talking about communication etc. f6 is going for the gold!

Quote by twidiIt was a pretty easy game for us as NBS was far from their best and we had a solid performance with very few mistakes. Usually NBS has been a tough challenge for us on supply, but this time we managed to set a really good time and had no problem winning it. In general we've had problems with managing to perform on the same level from game to game and we can't really afford that anymore. We still have a few aspects we need to work on, but overall our game is looking good atm and the game against Queens should be a really exciting one.


Quote by SinnuThe match against Finlatic6 was really tough. We had some problems regarding PlAyer and Fostrum and MotiF. MotiF couldn't play so our backup slajdan had to cover for him. Sadly Fostrum wasn't on time for prac nor offi, so we had to take a replacement for him as well for the 1st map - rimi. 1st map was bremen_b3 and well, we all agreed on that bremen is our weakest map at the moment. Finlatic6 played well, especially Olbaa, and they pulled out a fullhold. They also did well in the attack and that was pretty much it for the 1st map. 2nd map, which was supply, Fostrum came online and we replaced rimi with him. Without our full lineup and Fostrum's warmup, we failed to defend properly in the first 2 stages. From there on, the fins had a chance to set a decent time, which they did. We tried to do our best and beat it, but this time, it just wasn't enough. 4:0 for the Fins. They played great and we wish them good luck in the remaining matches.

image: s_head

Second game reviewed is Queens versus TAG. Game that majority of players voted to be shoutcasted by nobody else than United Kingdom Tosspot. In my opinion this match was the closest of WB Round 2 matches. Both teams have amazing lineups and it’s hard to predict the end result. The game is just overflowing with skilled players and is definitely something every ET fan should watch, if not live, by request. Queens might have a higher seed but TAG has one of it’s strongest lineup in ages. Probably the most anticipated game of this tournament so far.

Europe Queens
Germany butchji
United Kingdom razz
Belgium chry
Poland wiaderko
Netherlands xPERiA
Estonia freeze

image: game32336Europe TAG
Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands aphesia
United Kingdom griim
Germany stownage
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ

image: s_head

All matches this round had Bremen_b3 forced as the 1st map. Queens begun the game on defence. TAG pushed straight away and Queens resist a bit but kresti somehow passes by and gets to the flag a second before his team’s spawn. With the allies re-spawning axis can’t defend the gate and get killed at ruins. kresti also takes covert ops and steals clothes from freeze allowing his team to push without stopping. xperia tries to recapture flag hiding inside ruins but FLoPJEHZ is careful and watches it till next spawn killing the dutch player right when he jumps out of his hideout. Gate blows up shortly after. TAG keeps pressuring the defending team. They push command post with all 6 players and manage to blow it up. 13.22 left and Lightning touches it with pliers however his team dies and alone he can’t build it. freeze and butchji take the command post back but they have no engineer to construct it. They struggle to defend it and after a minute they get pushed out of the building and at 12.05 Lightning finishes making cp. They turn to keyroom but freeze is already waiting and gets 3 frags right away. His team however selfkills or gets killed and kresti can easly get the key out and with griim escorting him to the generator. With 11.30 on the clock they can focus on repairing truck. FLoPJEHZ plants dynamite next to the 1st barrier in the meantime. TAG decide to push from the front but get stopped by wiaderko. He gets 5 frags, not gibbing, but slowing them enough for support to arrive. 10.40 left and allies decide to go spawn this time. xperia decides to say ‘no’ to that and gets 2 kills stopping their attack for a further spawn. It is not enough. They get to truck from back but wiaderko is just waiting for that. He gets a triple riflenade and a k43 kill. Unlucky for him it doesn’t gib the engineer and aphesia revives him at the truck. 10.10 on the clock and stownage is driving the truck. Axis can’t stop it and at 8.58 it passes the 2nd barrier. wiaderko gets 3 kills but his team dies and TAG takes finishes with a time of 6.33.


Queens won’t have an easy task now. However their first push seems to get axis to fall back enough for xperia to hide on top of the ruins. 5.42 left and xperia jumps towards the flag and catches it right before his team spawns. What’s the best way to beat your opponent if not with their own tactic seems to be their plan. chry plants the gate and freeze blows up side entrance. Queens are pushing command post but TAG are holding it strong. 3.40 on the clock and most of allies are inside the generator room. They get crossfired and kresti gets frags on razz, xperia and wiaderko. griim adds his 2 and the attack stops. The time is running out fast for Queens. With 2.55 on the clock they decide to push for the keyroom. xperia with the help from razz and butchji gets the key and runs straight to generator. In the meantime his mates get command post working. 2.10 left and freeze plants barrier. Allies push for the truck and with a lucky nade wiaderko gets thrown towards truck. He gets killed but razz is there to revive and with 1.46 they repair it. Now it’s just a matter of seconds. chry jumps towards the truck and drives it past 1st barrier. 1.05 left. Three TAG players are following him but with some help from his teammates he manages to keep driving. He goes past 2nd barrier as his team destroys the axis spawning players. xperia lands a panzer on kresti and no one is alive to stop the truck. Six seconds left it reaches the gate and bremen goes to Queens in a breathtaking 1st map.


After such a thriller TAG picks sw_goldrush_te confident they can still pull it off. If there’s a time to show what you’re able to do it would be now. Queens starts on attacking side. They go straight for back attack with 4 people but aphesia and stownage handle them. Axis start pushing out. Allies side is not able to kill anyone and TAG get 12 frags for a cost of 1 at this point. They selfkill and go back to defensive positions. With 13.05 on the clock Queens decide to push back once more. With 5 people they still can’t penetrate the tank yard. freeze however stays alive and times a nade to get 2 axis players on full. In the meantime butchji is pushing main gate with wiaderko. They jump in and manage to start repairing tank. Engineer gets killed but a quick needle raises him up and with help from chry who jumps from back they get the tank at 11.40 on the clock. Allies run down hill to take up good spots near the tank barrier. kresti and stownage however have a different idea and manage to push them back and provide FLoPJEHZ with enough cover to repair it. 11.01 left and it’s now on Queens to somehow destroy it. kresti pushes towards the tank and gets a double kill with mg. He doesn’t stop the push though. With 10 minutes to complete objective freeze jumps over the barrier and surprises FLoPJEHZ and kresti on the bridge. Dynamite gets armed and allies pull back a little to protect it. Lightning jumps on it but gets killed. griim revives him but with just them two they can’t defuse it. Tank crosses the barrier and Queens are attacking from old command post this time. Both teams are a bit chaotic however the tank is getting further and further. 8.30 left and FLoPJEHZ destroys it with an airstrike. Artillery is planted around command post. freeze doesn’t care though. He jumps straight through as a covert ops and blows cp. chry constructs it and they both turn towards tank. Axis team is doing a great job stopping it. They earn enough time for Lightning to take a covert ops himself and destroy allies command post. 7.14 on the clock and chry finally gets the tank to its position. Straight after he repairs cp again. Just under seven minutes left and Queens are going for the gold. Lightning destroys tank with an airstrike. razz decides to take a panzer but hits no one while shooting to the back of bank. 6.40 on the clock and allies decide to just rush it. TAG are already in position and create a really strong crossfire from bank and old mg. griim gets xperia, freeze and razz and ends this attack. Suddenly the crossfire stops and Queens get 3 players inside bank while chry keeps on planting mines below bridge. The gold is taken and axis tries to push out of spawn directly to truck but chry gets 3 landmine kills and finishes his quad kill with a pistol. Completely shattered they can’t retrieve gold and it lands on truck 5.13 till the end. Allies take positions, xperia throws strike and in 15 seconds they clear the whole spawn. The truck keeps on moving and Queens set time of 10.45.


Almost eleven minutes is more than enough to complete objective on goldrush, however Queens are not planning on surrendering easly. TAG, like most teams, go back and try to get command post or just simply attack from that side. xperia gets caught by FLoPJEHZ but allies are soon all dead. They decide to try again and with 8.52 xperia gets caught again, this time by Lightning and stownage and Queens pull back. stownage is doing a brilliant job keeping teammate alive and while the rest of his team slowly gets inside axis base they push from back. FLoPJEHZ jumps in from main gate and with both engineers repairing tank they soon enough get it fixed with 8.22 left. However, mines and grenades from axis team destroys it before it can move even an inch. TAG tries a different approach but when pushing side they meet butchji killing Lightning and aphesia as soon as they appear. Allies are constantly attacking side and with 6.50 on the clock all Queens players are behind the tank. Luckily for them, they manage to kill enemies one after another without giving them a chance to revive. Time is running out and TAG players are still struggling to get tank going. Axis team is more and more confident with pushing out of their base, especially at side. aphesia gets a double frag on razz and freeze when they try to get out of there but butchji kills the dutch player straight after. At this point it’s all or nothing for TAG. They try to push in different settings but Queens are really confident in their skills and are really aggressive. 4 minutes left allies try to get inside old command post. butchji however is already waiting for them to come. He picks off all 3 coming enemies and secures the spot for the time being. xperia pushes out with a pre-selfkill nade and kills another two. Queens already know they won the game so they start playing even more aggressive. Apart from chry planting mines everyone is trying to get to allies spawn. TAG manage to push them off but when a chance appears FLoPJEHZ and griim die on mines planted by axis engineer. One minute till the game ends chry takes panzer and jumps out of main gate. He lands it on FLoPJEHZ only and falls back. Allies team runs in main and the Belgian engineer gets a triple kill from mines/nade combo. Clock shows 0. Queens win the game 4:0 after an exciting game.

image: s_head

Even though the score is 4:0 the match was definitely not one sided. Both teams showed a good chunk of quality gaming and were really entertaining. Bremen was one of if not the closest map during this tournament. TAG lost but I honestly think the score could have gone either way. The difference was in small things. Then again, details matter. Personally I feel the TAG team gave up after the tank got destroyed right after repair. They didn’t seem to want it enough. Queens will now have a really tough game against Finlantic6 who won against Nbs while TAG dropped to losers bracket.

Player to watch: that’s a tough one. For this game I think it’s a draw between Germany kresti and Belgium chry. Both were superb. If you prefer a pure aim medic go for kresti, if you prefer a bit more spam oriented engineer go for chry. I can’t choose which one is better.

Aftermatch statements:

Quote by wiaderkoOur game versus TAG was pretty even, at least on Bremen. Can't say a bad word about TAG and I'm not happy about pre-game chat between few players from both teams, but at the end everything was alright I'd say. We haven't practiced before our official because chry wasn't online, so I was expecting a decider in that game. Luckily we were done with them after 2 maps. As a unbelievably s**t team that don't know how to play, we did pretty decent job.

Quote by razzI think it was a good and exciting game. We went into the game thinking we were going to lose because all of the drama that was happening. chry's attitude was really un-needed before an official like that but after we started getting in the motion we showed a little bit better teamplay and managed to keep ourselves together a bit more to take the final win.

Quote by chryWe can do a lot more better since we basicly didn't practice the day before or even the day itself. We need to find a balance between aggressive and defensive style. Our teamplay and communication can be better as well but it's coming since we are just a new team. We played badly on bremen, me mad for some reasons, but still beat the time :p goldrush was too easy. Expected a lot more and a harder fight from TAG, especially after this fantastic comment of griim.


Quote by LightningThis game was a good test on how we are doing in the scene since the 2 weeks we started praccing. I can say that it started out well on bremen having a fast attack only to give it away in defense. We clearly should have won the map but we miss played some of our positions resulting in giving away the map. Goldrush started out going well holding them away from the gold a long time till we reached a time that we could beat. Unfortunately our attack was poorly coordinated making queens have an easy time in defending the tank. So in end they deserved to win and we got some pracs coming to fix the problems we spotted. Thursday in the BFB loser bracket against ZeroE you can see us again with some improvements.

Quote by griimAt the moment we are playing pretty bad, stupid mistakes lost us bremen and grush we were just outplayed. We are discussing switching a few players around role-wise to suit our players a bit better. Well initially I had high hopes for us maybe getting top 3, however the way we're playing at the moment I don't see that happening. But its ET afterall, you never know... after a few pracs we might start owning out of the blue. :P

Quote by stownageI think we started pretty good with a decent attack but then we did more and more mistakes. Most of the time small ones which shouldn't happen and with the combination of poor consultation we lost the line in our gameplay. Then it is hard to comeback when you lost the line. Especially when we also had some bad luck. But it's ok, not every game runs perfect and you can't have luck all the time so now we are focusing on the next match. We didn't practice much last weeks and after that match I can say that we have much potential left for the next games and we will improve for sure. We are not out of BfB2 yet and this won't happen so early!

Quote by FLoPJEHZ:Well ye what u wanna hear? I know that we could have beaten them if we would have played on top of our game but at the moment we got some problems with ourselves I guess. Bremen was close, threw the game away after we attack in ~ 6 minutes and ye goldrush was an easy win for them. Nothing we could do there with the status how we played. All in one Queens deserved win.


image: footrzr
polagz match was fantastic as well
Good job, try to get some paragraphing into the hidden parts. Some flags won't hurt either but that's up to you. :D
considering players are mentioned in every 2nd sentence it would look horrible trust me.
nice reviews! really good job!
Nice work. :)
lol someones r mad xd
nerds mad about video-game xd
Quote by 2k8dave gay x:p

Quote by 2k12dave mad&bad :p
Looks good Krein!
Good effort!
Looks good, keep it up :)
great statements
well i cant be blamed for that :D
it wasnt sarcastic in any way :O? i liked em, nice to see after match thoughts
lol dont blame him!
paranoid polak or just racism because of fin/krp flag :L what can u do
Great job
Great work <3
Well done Krein, big thanks for keeping up the good work !
Didn't quite expect so long and detailed reviews, good job man!

Oh mvp award, I feel so honoured. :')
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