Cracow Gamespot new prizes

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Some of you may already hear from interview for GtkG series that we picked up few new partners, sponsors and I've been lucky enough to gather extra prizes worth 300 €! It wasn't easy week for our admin crew, many problems apeared on our way and we are not done with few of them yet but we are still doing our best to make CGS Lan best possible. In this news I will present you new prize pools and few photos that some of you requested. I hope you will appreciate our effort, stay tuned for more updates!

First of all - we received some gift from YCN-Hosting to start our partnership. Thank to United KingdomMarcus we are increasing rewards for top teams with 100€ to spend for YCN services. Prize pot for ET is as follows:

1500 PLN + 50€ to spend on YCN
1000 PLN + 30€ to spend on YCN
500 PLN + 20€ to spend on YCN

image: s_head

Second annoucment, more important for League of Legends players, is that we also recived RP gift codes from Riot Games worth 200€. Here is how we will divide these for TOP3 spots:

1700 PLN + (per player) RP worth 20€ and Triumphant Ryze Skin
1000 PLN + (per player) RP worth 15€
500 PLN + (per player) RP worth 10€

image: s_head

I hope it's aint over with prizes increase and we can do better than that.

Third, and last update in this news is that few of you requested some photos. We didn't had much time to take care of that but PolandMatti took few shots from lan center. It's not much yet, we will post more soon here or on our website.

[center]image: 2012-04-25_16.16.30 | image: 2012-04-25_16.17.08
image: 2012-04-25_16.17.38 | image: 2012-04-25_16.17.53[/center]

Also I would like to remind you that singups for our tournament are open for both games since few weeks! If you are instrested check following link:

image: org1image: ycn-16057

Cracow Gamespot Website
PolandsonNy & PolandMatti & PolandTurki
Looks well organized, gl!
nice guys , hope it wont be the last lan , the next version will have more EU teams , for sure!
good luck.
good news about prizes but kinda useless pics :D
didn't had anything more, pics are from place where we will be streaming and making some shoutcasts
ye I realised that but I bet everyone is interested how the actual pc area looks like
I will do some pics in next few days ;)
we will make pics of that later on :) no worries
sala jest zajebista ziomek
Winners will get less than what their shit that gets stolen is worth.
Best of luck with the lan, Cracow is a lovely city, people will enjoy it
1 euro = ~4 PLN, polish currency
oh thanks. i wasn´t thinking in currencies.tought was some tournament game pointsxd
czuje epic fail ;)
a to czemu? ;)
pewnie miedzy innymi dlatego ze ostatnie dwa lany to byly faile
spodziewamy sie wysokiej poprzeczki ale wiecej wiary moi drodzy :D
to moze warto sie zapisac zeby kolejny nie byl failem? bo moze juz nie byc takiej okazji...
gl with that :)

sign ups so far?
6 signed up + 2 or 3 intrested but not signed up yet.
plus mieszkanie na Bronowicach ;]
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