Cracow Gamespot More Updates

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I didn't had much time recently to let you know about what's going on with Cracow Gamespot lan but now I want to present you some more detailed informations and few new photos of actual computer area. To not make this any longer check the entire post!


image: s_head

PC Specs:

Type #1
  • Intel Core i3-2120 2x3.30GHz
  • DDR3 4GB
  • HDD 500GB
  • GeForce GTS450
  • DVDRW, Intel H61
  • Monitors 17"
Type #2
  • Intel core i5 2x2.0ghz
  • DDR3 2GB
  • GTX550
  • Monitors 17"

For those who are not satisfied with 17" we will get 10 monitors with 18.5".
image: s_head


At the moment if some of you can't find hotel which will be good for you, we can offer you rooms in dorms, 10 minutes by walk to lan center. Rooms are for 1 and 2 persons and will cost 12,5 and 15 euro. We will try to negotiate to make prizes even lower, hope that's good for you guys :) Also if you want to get some meal you can buy some breakfest for 2-3 Euros, that's not expensive at all!

If you want to check more visit this site!
image: s_head


Near lancenter there is pizzeria when you can buy pizza, kebab(PolandMatti says its great, so check it out!) and some other food. We will also negotiate discounts for players to save some of your money :)

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image: s_head

image: org1image: ycn-16057

Cracow Gamespot Website
PolandsonNy & PolandMatti & PolandTurki
I love kebab <3
dat LAN gonna be nice

cu there
17" screens are a pain in the ass but expected :<
cu there !: D
17" oO moge swoj przywiezc jak sie bede wybieral?
raczej mozesz, byla rozkmina juz po poprzednich newsach, ze nawet laptopa mozna przywiezc sobie do gry
to juz wiem ze jak jade, to jade autem i biore swojego kompa ;D
Zarezerwowac miejsce parkingowe? :D:D
nie wiem czy bede jechal :)
co jest zlego w monitorach 17? :p
kiedys nic, ale teraz bym sie pewnie przestawic nie mogl ;D gram od kilku dobrych lat na 19" :(
no to chyba nie jest jakas wielka roznica. bylem przekonany ze wiekszosc graczy gra na 15'', wiec zaskoczyly mnie te negatywne komenty nt. monitorow :P
15'' to tak 10 lat temu byl standard
jak z 22 sie przesiadasz na 17 to troche lipa
tez bym chcial aby kazdy gracz mial 22'' ale sa niektore rzeczy ktorych nie da sie przeskoczyc dlatego mamy to co mamy
everythign so cheap in poland. brb packing my shit and moving to poland
tbh prices in this news are little expensive :P for example in my town u can rent a room in dormitory for about 8 euro and dinner for 3 euro
We choose the closest place to stay ;> This will be probably cheaper.
Its normal that in center of big city prices are bigger. Im talking about not so big city.

Just for info what prices are in PL
If this lan going succesful and there will be 1 more , count me in , looks good organized , keep it up and work maybe a bit more for the EU scene ! WELL DONE!
what in your opinion would be atractive for eu teams? :P only heard that devastation is trying to get some players, didn't heard about other teams which makes me sad :/
inteRaction aka zeroE might come too, they live quite close to Cracov so it's possible, but not sure :p
we are? lol
i was thinking about Czech part of the lineup. was speaking with denton few days ago and he said that they live not that far from Cracov, so he will think about coming to this LAN. Would be nice to see them there 8)
Yep we are doing our best to fix players and money :D ( I am atleasy, gonna work as much as possible in July)
nice to hear that :)
the main issue for EU teams is ET Masters lan that is 1,5 month before :x
true that :)
Only thing for me whats bad , its far away in poland it should be in the middle of poland like the last lans ( cant remember the name )
3h by train from capital city ain't that bad tbh :x
gl with that looks nice :)
that looks very promising actually

good job :D
awesome tbh :)
is this lan at an university ???
there've been a lot of esports lans in university's and even sportshalls since gaming began ;)
never seen them in a university, but it looks nice :)
Mozna napierdalac na wlasnym laptopie ? : o
mysle ze da rade :P
Piekny sposob na ominiecie calego pierdolnika z ustawianiem wszystkiego przez 2 godziny!
piekny sposob na haxiki z wlasnego kompa! :PP
No ta, szczegolnie na lanie :D Byles juz chyba na lanie wiec wiesz jak to wyglada, opoznienie bo kazdy wgrywa cos sto godzin, szkoda czasu!
ciekawe czy beda burdy
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