Cracow Gamespot Seeding Tournament & Mappool

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More news about the Cracow Gamespot event with the mappool which will have two additions added to it, which will be decided by you! The current map list you can find below. As well as this there will be a seeding tournament in the run up to CGS with the winner taking home a nice little prize for themselves, more details can also be found below.
image: s_head

LAN Coverage

But first, what would LAN be without some shoutcasts, interviews and coverage? We are currently looking for anyone who is attending the LAN event and interested in these areas to message me, sonNy. We have had a few people show interest already but would be great to have a few options. Even people who are not attending and think they can help out in any way would be great.

Map Pool

  • Adlernest
  • Bremen
  • Goldrush
  • Radar
  • Supply
As mentioned before the last two maps on the map list will be decided by the viewers and attendees. The options are Delivery, Libbrary, Missile, Frostbite, Base and Karsiah. You can vote for your top 3 choices, with the overall top two being selected!

These maps will be used at the LAN event, with the seeding tournament using the current 5 maps listed. Votes for the additional maps will close on the 28th of June giving all teams a good amount of time to practice both of them.

Seeding Tournament

Lastly a seeding tournament will take place with the aim being near the end of June, 25th-27th, although this date is to be confirmed. The winner will have their entry fee sponsored by for the event! More information regarding the seeding tournament will come in due course.

Tips for traveling & translating help

Also if you need some help with traveling, translating polish websites, book hotel room, need pickup from airport, you don't know the way to lan area or you need any kind of help with coming to Cracow we have someone who can help you -
PolandRobert has offered his help with that, just drop him a PM and he will help you for sure!
image: s_head

Previous posts

List of teams signedup & mercs avaible
Last newspost

image: s_head

image: org1image: ycn-16057

Cracow Gamespot Website
PolandsonNy & PolandMatti & PolandTurki

Special thanks to MerlinatoR for help with writing this newspost
Imma help so mucho.
You & Homer coming ?

And put seeding tournament close to the LAN event itself, seeds will be more accurate that way than being 1 month away.
I'm attending, not sure about Homer, don't think so tbh. As for seeding tournament the decision is not up to me, I'm not really an admin.
We want to annouce full mappool after seeding tournament and let teams actualy have some time to pratcice this 2 extra maps before lan.
Why not just announce the 2 maps then (end of June) and let the seeding tournament start 1/2 weeks before the lan itself.

I believe there are several teams still planning to come to the lan, but if the seeding tournament is that early most won't get a full line-up till then, or wont get any prac in by end of June.
date is still not confirmed - we want to know your opinion, this news is mainly to annouce prize for seeding tournament, but seems like noone is intrested with 75 euro pirze...
It is a very nice idea to give free entrance fee to the winning team. Didn't even notice it in the newspost though
highlight it :)
it is highlighted :( not enough? after date of seeding tournament

makes me sad when people whine for everything when they didn't read carefully ;/
more highlight !
much better :)
add b4 to map pool!
I'm sure all the polish peole would love that.
I wouldn't.
missile? co to kurwa za jakies zjebane sondy na stronie gdzie trzeba sie rejestrowac? pojebalo Was jakies pizdy tam zaglosuja same ktore nie wiedza co to "lan" jest imo dodac do tego glownego mappola missile i jest zajebisty mappol i wiecej nie trzeba 6 map to wystarczajaco jak na lan...
no mowilem mlodemu ze 6 map styknie :D
kiedy trening?
Seeding tournament 1 month before lan, wow. How about teams that are going to participate after this date? Just make it 1 week before lan when you will already know a full list of signups B) and you will return the money for entrance at the lan centre. Also add some rule about mercing for this tournament.
"25th-27th, although this date is to be confirmed."
Ray William Johnson approves this message.
put seeding 2-3 weeks before lan starts.
i wont have a full lineup till this date :/
looking forward! ;]

maybe Airen might be interested in casting - would be nice for some peeps =) although doubt he will be attending - ettv casting ftw? ;)
library into the mappool
Stupid map voting, just pick one map and let us practice it :<
delivery & karsiah. Start praccing.
only missile and we can start prac:)
Pierwsze miejsce zarezerwowane dla legend :)
if this was in gdansk, I probably would have been avi :/
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