IPS on the way

image: ips After weeks of qualifiers and the first stage we are going to see the International Premiership Series with 1.500€ starting with the next week. With 8 international top teams participating in one league we will have 7 weeks of hot and stunning matches to find out which teams are on the lonely top in ET.

As well as in every important event, we have our mappool almost up and running with the following maps:
· SupplyDepot2
· Adlernest
· Braundorf
· Frostbite
· Radar
· SWGoldrushTE
· TBA (vote here)

Make sure you checked out the cup detail page for infos on prize money and rules.

About the maps
Which map do you want to see to get the hottest ETTV action? Should it be the latest version of crevasse with some awesome and new doc runs in there? Or do you want even more RTCW back with ET Ice in our pool? Check out our poll and place your opinion.

About the teams
We are now on the way to decide if it's going to be another 5on5 event or if it's going to be 6on6. This decision will be done by the participants of the cup and they are able to vote for their favorite.
You can find details for every team which is involved in this vote in the following article:
[*]The ESL IPS Teams
Estonia idle.ee
Germany Team Helix
Europe aMenti
Poland diversus
Europe sFx.LAN
Europe uQ.Gaming
Poland Fear Factory
Russia Violence is Bad

Dates and Times
To make sure no one of the 4 matches each week will be played on the same time as another he teams and their war arrengers have 3 days and two times each to have a slot for their match:
Wednesday 20:30 CET & 22:00 CET
Thursday 20:30 CET & 22:00 CET
Sunday 20:30 CET & 22:00 CET

Monday 23:00 CET and Saturday 23:00 CET will be additional slots for GIGA and GIGA2 matches.

Dropouts and Backup Teams
During the first two weeks we will replace dropouts with teams of the first division of our 6on6 fall series. If you want to be a backup team of the ESL IPS make sure you signed up for the cup.

image: fall_teaser The ESL Fall Series in 3on3 and 6on6 are still available for teams of different skill in different divisions. 53 teams already used their chance to sign up for the upcoming 6on6 event. Still many slots are free for all and open to sign up until 18.10.2006 23:00 CET:
[*] SignUp 6on6
[*] SignUp 3on3
[*] howto for ESL
[*] Crossfire Newspost

The ESL has also released a newspost about the winners of the summer series and 3on3 one-day cups. More infos will be published here soon! Check this post.
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