Hoodz'12 update

image: 1339487638

Few days ago we announced new season of Hoodz, the Finland Finnish Cup and started to gather players for it.

So far we have got 107 sign-ups, which is more than we were expecting!

You can see sign-ups here. If you are one of the players at the event, please take a minute and check that your info is correct. We also need some captains for several areas & cities, so let us know if you are willing to step in. And it isn't too late to sign-up yet, I noticed that not everyone is still here, even from the active players.

And another biggish announcement concerning the map-pool. We are bringing back sw_railgun! Well, back and back, it never really quite make it, but we believe in it and shall give it another try. Showmatch of it can be seen here, sFx Evil vs AgonyRealm. Changes are that allies can't drive the train and axis can build the CP and spawn there. Otherwise the map-pool will be the current one, though frostbite will propably be dropped out. Nothing has been decided yet, so let your voice to be heard about the matter.

And about the schedule, teams should be formed within a week or so and we are expecting to get the games going at the start of the July. I think the final amount of teams will be around 12, so we will do two groups with 6 or so teams, then normal play-off -tree.

Thanks for the support! Join and disguss #HOODZ
nice one B) btw what is happening with teams that only have 1, 2 or 3 players? (i checked your list and for example decem is alone or Sample's city has only 2 players). they need more players from this city or they will be merged with some other city that is close to them?
They will be merged with nearby cities. Or using state-lines, like this http://www.kuntalehti.fi/Kuntalehti/arkisto/2004/21/PublishingImages/2004-21-2-maakunnat.jpg
ah aight, gl with this!
living in n°19 must be like north pole 56k internet and stuff :D
Neeh, they got suprisingly wide ADSL-network here. Or at least semi-decent wireless. Ofc not in the real woods, but where ever there is more than 1 people every 5km :)
ye you can get ADSL almost everywhere, except for my previous apartment fucking 1,5km away from the centre of Turku :D

had to use a shitty 3G connection for over a year because it wasn't possible to get any cable/ADSL connection there
Nice bringing old maps back :) vittu vittu
suomi finland perkele owns this stupid scene.
miks mun nimi on aina isolla ässällä
Voin alkaa kattelee Thomm mihin yhdistetään noi pelaajat jotka ei tuu suurista kaupungeista.
no lappeenranta ja imatra varmaa ainki samas
joo oulu 7 pelua mä en mahdu :S:S:S:S
Tarvii sinne backupeja, ei kaikki oo aina paikalla.
mä muutan turkuun siellä on varppina hyvä meno :)
Mää tuskin kerkeen ees pelata näitä pelejä nii teitähä o kuus! :)
+1 ensam
Turku = overkill
voin olla pohjois savon kapu jos ei kukaa muu haluu :D huomasin että ainaki 3 kuopiosta eli vielä pari puuttus ni pohjois-savo pääsis tuhoomaan tänä vuonna!
Main news -> all comments in gibberish

Turku #1 is gonna be nice
Never ceases to amaze me how many Finnish players there still are in this game. Finland probabyl has the highest amount of players per 1000 inhabitants.

not bad.jpg
We are poor, so no new games or PC's here :/
Haha, all just addicted to bears and ET!
image: scaled.php?server=651&filename=91461004TEAM TAMPERE TOO STRONG :')
You can add me to Vaasa, seems like Pohjanmaa isn't having a team.
Tämänki puukkojunkkarin voi listata Vaasaan, ainaki lähin näistä vähän isommista stadeista
pääsenks pelaa helsingin herrojen kans :( vähiin on käyny keravan pelaajat
avi etelä-savolle!!!
<3 railgun!
mitä vittuu mis mä oon =DD
Thomm, u have to be captain for Oulu! Im sure i that im out for atleast couple games cuz of work and stuff. Dunno actually if im able to play in whole tournament. :)
Adminit tai kaput kuka tahansa laittakaa mut johonki tiimiin hei??!? :D:D
äläs hätäile. vielä on aikaa eikä niitä oo päätetty
Will there be votings like "MVP of the tournament" or so?
you mean as a poll on CF?
More like the players could vote. Or group of experienced players would decide.
I think there is not enough interest from CF to follow this cup in order to vote on such a poll.
personally I'm quite interested. :d I mean, it's not like nobody is going to watch it on ettv.
Mä voin tulla pelaamaan kans Vaasan joukkueeseen :))
asuks nykyää vaasas?
did same kind of tournament back in the day in Poland, Warsaw ruled as far as I remember ;)
I just had to login to say

Railgun is the best map ever ! Cup admins please take it in the mappools so we dont have to be finnish to play it competitive :(
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