#et.tourney II - Kicks Off!

image: ettourneybanner

Signups for 6on6 #et.tourney II are now closed and with 40 received applications
I am proud to present you a double elimination bracket for all 5 leagues!
image: s_head

1st Division

Europe (bN, FLoPJEHZ, mant, Nait, Scarzy, sqzz, twidi, xPERiA) #et.tourney
Poland (Pius, th0rdis, Voodoo, Turki, grzesiek, palemki, BloOdje, nORAs) #neverminds

France (Bowler, jau, aieuh, karen, didi, mustee, isoh, wKa, kartez) #pharaons.et
Europe (sPECULA, fuchS, sLyzz, verunA, fizz, btw, eujen, mrozu, Ercan, jkzz) #bSTURZ

Netherlands (saKen, joshua, SQuid, L4mpje, JALLAAAAAAA, An7ho, kARnAJ, koop, fanatic, zMk) #overload
Germany (laNgo, Artifexx, vANQ, vj7o, Buzzer, rAKJI, Gnome, Jo0f) #ls.et

Denmark (xcon, znArk, toNi, Testi, Sebastian, beck, violy) #zZz.et
France (invi, COJIINE, kEEJI, NaKaTa, quAke, momo, Snatix, emorej, maxuh, WeZoR, eden, switch) #logic.et

image: s_head

2nd Division

Europe (TOMOYO, Domi, Estaloth, Kirej, Otyg, Rockskin, Woozie, Boss, abort, stKz, dialer, medixza, Eddo, Lightning, lettu) #devastation
Finland (Hoffa, Jacker, kotz, poksuu, Spugedius, VerMu, Hirvi, Hemo, Squall, olBaa) #iBastards

Netherlands (bltzZ, banaan, cRackeR, Efax, martijN, PHOTO, outlAw) #EFFECTUS
France (soma, Provok, $KYNET,Taichi, R1va, Teki, RiP, MSHOu) #sticked.et

Netherlands (AmAzOn, Mott4, fritsie, Highway, fratske, imPluX, dipstick)
Finland (kapa, blindi, repje, mana, tmuhh, miNd, vanhis, ensam, sample, altsi, tazje) #KRP.et

Belgium (eron, ViKODiN, a1Rtj, Piegie, Cupra, ecklav, Worm, Skype, spiROZE, Wrath) #EUNd
Europe (Playmate, miZzu, Sinnu, Enigma , Metsuri , Luffy, sChooler, magico, Kamz) #S'agapo

image: s_head

3rd Division

France (Kraguesh, Blade, uZEH, Pastrana, SKyLiNe, talG, BOuki, Pupa, vATU, pw3t) #freelance.et
Italy (Gabri22, Imp3, Russell, Sir, Black, Jolly, Rebb, mama, btbam) #wolfenstein.it

Europe (embarrassed,Brisk, Carlos, infi_, Suiy, ohurcool, theeZakjii, Xo) #Enhanced
Chile (casek, abs1, Titus, SMeKTH, felipeee, rezhni, destiny, Qyz) #synergy.et

Europe (dooppi, MCLEOd, methoj, xkl, lempz, redeu) #fusioN.et
Russia (slaw, etplr, fubor, Leotiran, DeadWhale, DamAskus, G1ock, Alex, Idioteque, merc, rimi) #etcfg

Europe (mikehh, baq, excite, Vermu, myszal, praskoo, montage, Cannonize) #heartZ
Germany (rAMOZje, Fendah, mztic, ohzor4, joey, kiwi, zentic, Phazor, seNti, Kevji) #wnbpro

image: s_head

4th Division

Poland (Brahi frantic samraj feanor yoddha staminaboy topek buggs l4z conte) #zeroskill
Poland (Arturinho, Tokar, Scribe, Sni, Mare, Sprajt, Zgred, Chmielek) #tryout

Hungary (Karrde, cartmaN, coOl, Ganja, sedi, Najjjjttt, r0n1n, inf3rno, Seewi) #retro.eSports
Europe (hARMEN, puttu, mettiki, haxlex, Kwizlord, mirror, boOk, Jurno, vyndEm, a1Rtj, stary, seareal, sosji, vilhete) #underRated

Netherlands (Woooooo, Baas, Excite, Shnz, Hybratek, Duper, Farhann, timbolina, Fakkel, J4ryd) #NBS
Germany (Ekto, genshi, torte, scatman, maulwurf, tobi, flux, psiquh) #xlibres.et

Germany (Aggro, striker, valaR, Kitt, eRRoR, Techniker, sunni, wa!t, s1LENT, gr0ss)
Estonia (Apollo, dampface, karu, nakedfish, ubka, aNdr3, vimm, sCope, subbi, xpz)

image: s_head

5th Division

Germany (Kenji, Mundus, Ers, eaves, xXx, Joka, Erzengel, Lagz, Wolf, Sallena) #inst!nct
Poland (NoobyGirl, ProSkill, lewyboy, KoniQ, roman, zyla, miks, boski, beep, hypno, Wrobel) #prove!t

Europe (Francis, nicon, Wny, Hukk, niSmO, Niki0o, punky, rafek, SimonKinsler) #follow.et
Poland (kAzaje, enzo, sCreen, hizzy, pdk, heaven, metaliczny, arunio)

United States of America (sosji, dedz, wesker, midas, dongo, stoner, shaun) #america.et
Europe (grizz, retsev, nenko, cosmic, Drovage, j4ck, Raiven, knnk, sound, steeler) #Diamonds.et

Europe (t4Mj, desii, yNkk, Immortal, kotz, lullaby)
Poland (Marvolo, Saddam, sonNy, zawi, darkles, hooli) #cracowgamespot

image: s_head

If you wish to play in higher/lower league you are able to switch, but you need to find a team that want to switch with you and then you both have to PM me about it.

Also if you already know that you won't be able to play in this cup - PM ME - so maybe I will still be able to find a replacement so the place won't be empty. So if any team still wants to participate in this tournament, leave me a message on Crossfire or IRC so I will add you to a backup list.

You can start talking with your opponent about your next games now! 1st Matchweek starts today!


of each division - game server for 1 or 2 months sponsored by Netherlands Woooooo & Italy ProGamers
of each division - voice server for 2 months sponsored by Finland r@g esports

If any of you want to help out with prizes (money, more game servers, voice servers, bouncers, ??), please leave me a message here on Crossfire.image: s_head

Schedule & Maplist:
  • Signups Opened: NOW
  • Signups Closed: 23 June ~ Saturday
  • Playoffs Created: 24 June ~ Sunday
  • Upper Bracket 1st : 24 June - 27 June ~ Sunday - Wednesday
  • Upper Bracket 2nd /Lower Bracket 1st : 28 June - 2 July ~ Thursday - Monday
  • Upper Bracket Final : 3 July - 10 July ~ Tuesday - Tuesday
  • Lower Bracked 2nd : 3 July - 5 July ~ Tuesday - Thursday
  • Lower Bracket 3rd : 6 July - 10 July ~ Friday - Tuesday
  • Lower Bracket Final :11 July - 15 July ~ Wednesday - Sunday
  • Grand Final

    The schedule is for illustrational purposes only and may change throughout the cup. I understand that it's summer time + football euro 2012, so contact me with any problems.
  • Upper Bracket 1st : Frostbite + Loser's choice
  • Upper Bracket 2nd /Lower Bracket 1st : bremen_b3 + Loser's choice
  • Upper Bracket Final/Lower Bracked 2nd : radar + Loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket 3rd : sw_goldrush_te + Loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Final : supply + Loser's choice
  • Grand Final : both teams pick one map from the mappool
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
Some simple rules:[/b]]
  • 6on6 Global config.
  • TZAC forced for all participants.
  • TZAC bans not allowed.
  • TZAC players with 70000+ account number not allowed. (I might agree on a player but contact me first if you've got player like this)
  • It's forbidden to play in this cup with more than one team!
  • MERCING is allowed as long as your opponent is aware of using a merc. (MERC = a player that is a member of TEAM_A from #et.tourney but have to merc due to absence of somebody from TEAM_B)
  • You are allowed to add a player to the roster, as long as he didn't play for any other team in the cup before.
  • Admin may refuse a player if there is a suspicion about his account or the past.
  • Playoffs with Double Elimination Bracket.
  • Matches are BO3. (Decider = Coin toss etc - CB Rules)
  • All matches will be on ETTV.
  • Each team has got ONE wildcard. It can be used to reschedule your game for a few days if you can't play a game at accepted date.
  • Games will be forced to the last day from a matchweek. (Unless both teams contact me that they got some problems with scheduling and they want to play it 1-2 days after the deadline, I might agree on something like this).

Important info!
You schedule your games on your own. After you arrange a match with your opponent, the game must be requested on Gamestv using a proper GTV League Gamestv #et.tourney. This will be the only proof that the match has been played.

At least one member must idle #et.tourney irc channel. Team captains will be granted with +v.
Captains/members please idle this channel, this will help you with communication when it comes to scheduling your game!

1st League
Finland Finlantic 6
Europe Nothing But Skillz
Netherlands Team NL

2nd League
France Pharaons
Europe mkidA
Spain Delinquentes

3rd League
Europe Devastation
Germany Lost Soldiers
Germany MYserious-gaming

4th League
Poland Vae Victis
Germany wnbpro
Spain happyface-et

5th League
Czech Republic iabg
Italy Ita Death Squad
Netherlands national 0wners

6th League
Europe nhncd
Finland Alpha Males
Europe tryout


Big thanks to Poland spankie for banner.
well done!
BDSM goin to roll this tourney
fix your monitor problems first :D
:D check ur whatsapp !
devastation in 2nd? wtf is this!
bN from 3on3 5th league to 6on6 1st div :/
switch dev with lost plz :((

i told you that we havent played for ages (div 2-3 is fine)
sorry :{ I hope that someone would like to swap with you guys then
we havent played for ages either :P soz
indeed, lost in 1st division is quite a joke
C'est toi la joke!
know ur place brat.
would like to play this, pmme here if you need an awesome medic/rifle!
Good job

i see that casek still cant write smekht's name properly :D

and isnt he still nerding d3 all day long? :D
BOOM rdy to roll 4th div! :)

GL ALL to bad its no groupstage well done fanatic mate
Yeah groupstage would've surely be nice indeed!

First match vs u guys, will pm one of you tonight to schedule!
PM Ekto please :)

GL & HF mate :)
time for some changes! let's see how it's going to be with just playoffs
Should have this tourney throughout the entire year :D like 2 weeks seperating them and then new one starting!

Would be so epic :)

(possibly just not when there are some other big cups being hosted :P )

More games = more fun! So yeah groupstages would cool as well but playoffs aint bad either ;)
avi for this cup, leave a msg here (only ppl I played with before)
dev going for a 40 roster ppl i let u know buddy
How about w/ BDSM?
just let me know when you need me and I am ready (except for thursday)
dev 2nd nvm 1st?;o imo swap

fanatic ponioslo Cie ;D
no we asked for second we do second

nice job, and gl everyone. But some teams are not in their place :D, but np
gona be good games for freelance ^^
BDSM, who came up with this brilliant teamname ?
like is said
1. bdsm
2. overload
3. pharaons
logic in first

just had us 5th now. cu finals punky
Nice one fanatic, good luck everyone :)
Dont need luck
good luck everyone from EU*
Gl living @ lan
Implying you have enough money to pay your entry fee
Implying I live in 3rd world country :<
would hope so playing in div5 :}}}
gg, why didnt u accept disko, wtf is this :S
sure you signed up? :3
Avi for this! Medic onlyz
omg snatix playing in 2 divs :)
Not playing with sticked!
gl hf with logic!:-)
btw as for matchweek #2, I might add an extra day(s) beacuse of Thursday's semi-finals and Sunday's final of Euro2012 :) so don't worry I won't add forfeits/force games because of this
awesome news!
ah and it's not just #2 matchweek, i'm also giving an extra day for teams that haven't played their games yet because of upcoming semi-finals and grand final of euro2012. last days for #1 weeks are monday/tuesday.
izi for underRated
avi for a team needing a fop/medic!
nhncd v2 vs Synergy when are you going to play?
saw 15 min ago, why 1-0, do you know?
ye I think synergy forfeited
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