CB Summer 2012 - Playoffs

After a couple days' hard work, we are ready to announce the CB 3on3 & 6on6 Summer 2012 playoffs!

image: summercup3

image: cb_text_big4

As stated previously, this season does not have a groupstage but will operate on a playoff-only system instead.

Each league contains 8 teams (with the exception of one) which will compete with each other double elimination style.

Playoff trees can be found for 3on3 here and 6on6 here!

  • 09/07 - 16/07 | UB Round 1
  • 16/07 - 23/07 | UB Round 2 + LB Round 1
  • 23/07 - 30/07 | UB Final + LB Round 2
  • 30/07 - 06/08 | LB Round 3
  • 06/08 - 13/08 | LB Final
  • 13/08 - 19/08 | Grand Final

The cup is scheduled to last only 6 weeks, so we are asking that you pay close attention to the following points:

• All games must be scheduled before the deadline. On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled games will be forced to the last proposal or to the deadline.
• Since the cup is playoffs-only, no wildcards are allowed. We will not be allowing extra days for any matchweek either.
• All scores must be reported in the Cup Forum - read more about reporting scores in the newsposts at each cup page.
• Maps are not forced - each team may pick a map from the maplist. However, teams are forbidden to choose the same map previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

3on3 Map List: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_ice frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base

6on6 Map List: adlernest bremen_b3 missile_b4 radar supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te tc_base

As always, we will allow teams to swap with each other if requested. Please note that you may only swap from one league to another, not from within your current league's playoff tree.

If you'd like to make a swap, first find another team with whom you could trade places. Both team captains must then provide links to each team and explain where you'd like to swap to and from. You may either leave a comment below or send a PM to GoldoraK, t4Mj, or myself with all information.

Swaps can be made until Sunday 08/07 - 23:59 CET.

3on3 SC 2012 - Playoffs - Schedule
6on6 SC 2012 - Playoffs - Schedule


Team-Cecemel at Sixth Division?
We're at 5th :{ 2high4us
who want swap from 2nd to 3rd division?
what? and who are u?
since i still dont know who am i playing with the 3v3 stuff,i would like to swap from 1st to 2nd/3rd div,pmme here!

nice work ohurcool btw ;)
pharaons 1st div xDDDDDDDDDDD
gl in 3rd div :D:D:D:D:D
hello ib :D
5th league TROLOLOLOLOL :D last time i played 5th league was 2k6?:D

someone wanna swap from 2nd/3rd? 3o3 ofc
avi for 3on3, offi only
does someone wanna swap from 2nd to 1st? @ 6on6 :X pm!
3rd to 1st xD
wanna play in 3rd?
avi for 3o3 /q sCope
saKen wants higher than prem
too stronk
he wants to play on premium level :)
doesnt summercup have an EC?
Doesn't look like it :o
6o6 we are in 5th league, we'd like to play in 4th or 3rd :)
avi for 6on6, drop me a msg here
Element aka team chocomel not playing, spot open in third league.
c'mon m8, dat div needs some Chocomel :[
Short edit : all the game not accepted will be forced on each thursday around 12h00 CET to the deadline
Et on l'aura bien formé celui la :)
c'est un peu nul à chier

12h? sérieux? :D forcer la date comme tu l'as dit pour 21h, et je pense que y'aura moins de forfait de ce style la..
ben c'est comme d'hab tout les mercredi pour l'OC et le jeudi pour la SC on force a 12h mais bon ne dite pas qu'ont adapte jamais quoi
so goldorak,
u force the game on the day that the proposing team proposed?

fe: we proposed for sunday 22h but my opponent didn't answer the whole week on cb and irc. So it would be unfair if u force it on sunday 20h for example...

Quotehard work

avi for 3on3, be relatively good /q
ohurcool killed ET. burn him!
Avi for 3on3 & 6on6!
Need swap from 6th to 4th, if anyone interested, let me know!
gl all France & freeLance
wanna swap from 4th to 3rd or 2nd, msg me here.
avi for 3on3
wanna swap from 1st to third div, pme
wanna swap from 4th 3o3 to 2nd or 3th
no offence but those divisions are bullshit
nerds crying about summer cup division, gg
wanna swap from 4th to 2nd or 3th pmme here (3ON3)
lol, not the skill !
effectus destroys supski in OC spring 2nd division grand final -> supski goes to premier summercup


not that we want to go to premier, 2nd is best for us since we are not really active due to the nice weather etc :)

tl;dr version: :D
Y u no go pro m8?
enjoying life too much man :SSS
not like 'you' destroyed us but ur team did and we never asked for it we are there and thats it i didnt ask any admins to do so plz dont start insulting us.
Quoteeffectus destroys supski in OC spring 2nd division grand final

effectus is not my name.. effectus doesnt mean I, as in PHOTO. thank you.
You guys are the lucky ones, we gonna get destroyed by sick6, haha
true! you will get raped so hard, gl anyway :D xo
haha thanks buddy
more whine about division, more new skilled xDDDD HAHA
heads up 3rd div! haxlex will destroy you
website is offline agian:#
wanna swap from 4th to 2nd/3rd. (6on6) pmme here
very good idea, oh no wait...
strange divisions :P nvm in 3rd?
i can't believe too...
yes yes, believe it, it's normal
Some questionable teams/divisions but fuck yeah for being in division 7 :D
need swap in 3o3 cb summer cup from 5 th league to 3rd/4th league pm me
Must be really hard to make some bracket's :D:D:D i need for that 2 hours,
you need for that "couple of days" hahaha clowns
2 hours? Simply don't look at porn 90% time and you will be ready in a second.
2 hours = 120 minutes x 0,1 = 12 minutes

a second isn't 12 minutes you fool
One does not simply understand sarcasm.
wtf, neverminds in 3rd ? :O
lol, all frenchtards replying to ppl comenting about neverminds in 3rd, you butt still hurts after we crushed some PHA or whatever was their name ?


cu @ ec
No Bowler , no win ....

But gl in 3rd div ! :XD
gl in et tourney!
thefinest in premier while we could maybe win half of the teams in 2nd division :D
are u avi right now? ned 3rd :D
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