Wonderbase raises prize purse

image: wbsscu8

Johnny "toker" Törnvall and the people from Wonderbase has been working hard to lay some real pressure on the sponsors and now they have got results. The prize purse for this event has been raised by a considerable amount. And as this happen they also release some CoD2 event only tickets.

The prize purse has been raised to 59 000 SEK (€6 247.35) and the distribution follows:
1st 35 000 SEK (€3 706.06)
2nd 15 000 SEK (€1 588.31)
3rd 5000 SEK (€529.44)
4th 2000 SEK (€211.77)
5th 1000 SEK (€105.89)
6th 1000 SEK (€105.89)
+ Jumbo price

This is not bad for a fresh event considering that the Euro Cup had ~70 000 SEK. This is something that should blow fresh air to all the Call of Duty 2 participiants around the world.

Check out the tournament website for this event at: http://www.callofduty.se/wonderbase/

CoD2 Event tickets
As told there has also been introduced a new ticket type for this event. The ticket will give you access to CoD2 Event Competition Computers. It meens you do not need to bring your own computer in order to participiate in this event. However it also implies that you do not get a space for your computer if you wish to bring it with you, dispite that you actually do not need to.
At the current time there are 34 computers available for the tournament, but they are working on 20 more computers.
More information about these tickets can be found here: http://tickets.wonderbase.se/cod2/
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