Cracow Gamespot Seeding Tournament!

Signups for Cracow Gamespot LAN 2012 have been closed and it's now time to move on to the next stage which is The Seeding Tournament! We are very happy that we have managed to get 14 sign-ups for this event, all teams have already paid their entrance fee. Why The Seeding Tournament is that essential? With this cup it would be easier for us to create the groups on the main event. Also do not forget about the prize for the winning team in The Seeding Tournament, which is 300zl - returning the money for entrance fee!

image: 24246158

One more information that should be mentioned here - CGS admins have prepared a map for you, to help you with getting around Krakow and find your way to the lan center+few useful spots. You can find a map HERE. If you have problems with translation (european players), please pm me on IRC or here so I will help you.

Also we would like to inform you that a team captain of each team must send an e-mail to: [email protected] with your players' configs. Except configs you should also send all needed configuration and software that your players will need for proper gaming. You shouldn't send software itself, just a name of software that you use at home, e.g. SetPoint for Logitech mice. It will allow us to save as much time as it's possible, also it will reduce the risk of delays to a minimum. Any storage devices (e.g. USB stick) will NOT be allowed at LAN so remember to send your confid and driver names!
(Cracow Gamespot Newspost: Map & Files (sadly in polish only)

Let's come back to the Seeding Tournament. With 14 teams, two teams with #1 and #2 seed for this tournament will directly proceed to the Upper Bracket Round 2. The rest of participants will compete from the Upper Bracket Round 1. Of course there is a Double Elimination playoff tree and with this amount of games the cup will be spreaded into two days.

General Info:
  • Date: 22.07 & 23.07
  • 22.07 (Sunday) - games start at 19:00
  • 23.07 (Monday) -games start at 20:00
  • Double Elimnation Playoff Tree
  • With the absence of soNny & Robaciek, I am the Seeding Tournament admin.
Schedule & Maps:
  • Upper Bracket Round 1: supply + loser's choice
  • Upper Bracket Round 2: radar + loser's choice
  • Upper Bracket Round 3: adlernest + loser's choice
  • Upper Bracket Final: sw_goldrush_te + loser's choice

  • Lower Bracket Round 1: bremen_b3 + loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Round 2: adlernest + loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Round 3: radar + loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Round 4: sw_goldrush_te + loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Round 5: supply + loser's choice
  • Lower Bracket Final: radar + loser's choice

  • Grand Final: both teams pick one map from the mappool
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
In case of the 3rd map - decider - the map is forced: frostbite. Though this map is only forced as a decider, frostbite is not in the mappool!

Important rule about MERCING:
  • Only 1 merc per team is allowed! That means you can only use your LAN roster or 5+1 (5 players from LAN roster + 1 merc). Other options are forbidden!
  • A merc can only be picked from lower division of OC league, than your best player (e.g. if player X played in EC, merc Y can be from OC premier max).
  • If noone from lineup played in any OC league last season, you can use merc from OC 2nd max.
  • Any other cases have to be discussed with Robaciek or fanatic.
Other rules:
  • 6on6 Global config.
  • TZAC forced for all participants.
  • Matches are BO3. (Decider = frostbite)
  • A team that comes from a Lower Bracket has to win twice in Grand Final.
  • All matches will be on ETTV. League: CGS: ET Seeding Tournament
  • Teams are obliged to make a screenshot with TZAC guids and send it to me when the match is finished. It's the only proof that teams use a proper roster.

CGSWINNERS: fanatic, dialer, czarodziej, Frag'Stealer, lesti, Lukey
blurred vision: fixxxer, hunter, uf0l, Michalek, capone, rou
Skup Butelek: dIZEL, konny, kuna, sN1e, baq, nORAS
Devilry: boski, miks, dolar, errol, mag, abj
prove it: zyla, proskill, roman, noobygirl, kucyk, gucio, lewy
diversus: Mrozu, kot, buzka, rio, oic, sarna
legendary: buffy, stokrotka, s0k1, feanor, spankie, Pandewu
neVerminds: Pius, Voodoo, palemki, grzesiek, Turki, th0rdis
:h dwukropekha: sosi, gruchaa, active, cisy, skyline, kento
Lost Soldiers: laNgo, hcke, denton, derek, staminaboy, sosji
Devastation: Domi, Rockskin, Kirej, TOMOYO, Estaloth, Woozie
exile: Marvolo, Saddam, sonNy, daGGer, Meehow, eonian
Warriors of Wolfenstein: Wrobel, wiesiek, naga, Cursed, edain, Templar, zMk
tryout: Arturinho, Tokar, Zgred, mAre, SprAjt, sNi

Team captains must confirm to me their lan lineups + TZAC guids that their players will use in the Seeding Tournament. Contact me here or through IRC at #cracowgamespot

image: org1image: ycn-16057

Cracow Gamespot Website
PolandsonNy & PolandMatti & PolandTurki & PolandRobaciek

image: 24246158
lol those brackets seem pretty fucked up, gl!
whats wrong with them?
you mean besides 4 of the 5 strongest teams being on the top half of the bracket and neverminds being "seed 1/2" in the bracket?
idd top of the bracket may seem a bit stronger but if it goes to neverminds 2nd seed, its fully deserved, thay are one of the two top teams that have lineup of actively playing players and are capable of beating any other lan team what thay prove at their intense practises
I'm looking forward to their lan results in that case!
oww, too :o
they always play very well on polish lans + they have active players so they should easly reach top3 on lan :P
I don't see your point, just because there are some good names in teams, all those guys are not active at all and not in best shape. nvm and deV are better than them even if they don't have some oldschool nerds raping EC in 2006 or so.
I'm fairly confident kot will single handedly destroy those teams and if this comment is a sign that you've created these brackets I wonder why they didn't let someone with half a clue about the game make them, spectating only gets you so far.
yeah I made them, with small advise help from fanatic so you can easily blame him :) the game format is 6v6, not kot+5v6
gl guys :)
even with those mercs from lower division rule there r still some uber high skilled imba mercs availible :P
and it will be probably the most exciting online tournament this summer and maybe this year :D
gl tMoe~ fanatic : D
merc avi ;)
merc rule needs to be improved tho
looks good so far!

gl & hf @ all
nice work @ all admins involved - keep it running!
brackets haha ;D my opo team<3 me gusta XD
Nice write-up, good luck to everyone :-)
Really great job :)
Let's get fun :D
Really nice to see all these players !
cu@lan ohhhhhhhh
thanks for that news fanatic
Decider is forced? :PpPpPpP
basically it's to speed up stuff, frostbite is always fast :D
to speed up?

srsly then make it BO 1 :D
gl guys!
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