Today's top ET games!

Today is Sunday, it is summer and it is hot - not just outside but ingame! This sunday will bring us a hell of image: et Enemy Territory action with - up to now, 14 games overall broadcasted by Thus means you can chose between 84 players or 28 teams who to spec! And that`s not an easy task because we do have the CGS Seeding tournament running, the Clanbase SummerCup is under way, the Australian CyberGamer ET Draft Cup got it`s big final and the ESL Evolution Challenge is, with it`s upper bracket round 3, at it`s peak. Unfortunately I am not able to give you an insight view about all the games but with Netherlands OVERLOAd vs. Europe JB and United Kingdom colt45 vs. Europe mPG I have chosen two of the finest battles to write about so go ahead and enjoy reading my short preview!
image: evochallenge

Both games will start at 21.30 CET and that`s not the only thing they have in common. All four teams are fighting for the top spot and some great prizes sponsored by Ozone Gaming Gear for this ESL Evolution Challenge. Although the tournament got a lower bracket I am more than sure that one of those four teams will end up taking home the shirts, mousepads, wristbands and lan bags.
image: trenn
Enough for the formalities! Let`s take a deeper look on the teams. I want to start with the well known side of Netherlands OVERLOAd. The core lineup is relative stable and with beating BDSM in their last official they have shown a winner's mentality. According to GamesTV they might switch L4mpje for SQuid but this will not hurt their skill - both are great players and capable of doing some sick damage. Sick damage is a good point. Their opponent, Europe JB, got 6 potential sick Enemy Territory players - at least on paper. The crew around olbaa, sNoOp and zerender are definately awesome players but as we all know ET is about teamplay and I am not sure if they were able to get this key factor working. I would predict a 4:2 with either An7ho/joshua or Matias/sNoOp saving the decider map for their team.
image: trenn

Netherlands OVERLOAd
  • Netherlands saKen
  • Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
  • France An7ho
  • France karnaj
  • Netherlands L4mpje
  • Netherlands joshua

Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: TBA
image: game34192

Europe Jungle Brothers
  • Netherlands abort
  • Estonia Sinnu
  • Germany zerender
  • Germany sNoOp
  • Finland Matias
  • Finland olbaa

image: trenn
The next match got the same quantity of high quality players and I can`t recommend a single player to spec because most of them are able to turn a match around. You should just spectate and try to see as much action as possible. There is talk of United Kingdom colt45 versus Europe mPG! The teams are consisting of superb NationCup players, EuroCup winners and impressive lan players. I can start with sqzz, miNd, FLoPJEHZ and NuggaN then comes bN or perfo and that`s just the half of tomorrow`s ETTv spectacle. By checking their lineups you will notice that it will not be a walk in the park for neither of them and I think this match will be decided by either Kamz or miNd. And no, I don`t expect a great 6 men pf or something, I think whoever can motivate and coordinate his superstars better will advance.
image: trenn

United Kingdom colt45
  • United Kingdom Kamz
  • United Kingdom sqzz
  • Finland lettu
  • Germany FLoPJEHZ
  • Canada bN
  • Belgium Kevin

Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: TBA
image: game34164

Europe mPG
  • Finland miNd
  • Netherlands perfo
  • United Kingdom Baggiez
  • United Kingdom razz
  • Sweden NuggaN
  • Netherlands SQuid

image: trenn
And to round this newspost off I gathered some player opinions:
Quotec45 vs mPG: Just looking at the lineups mPG is the favourite to win this game, but c45 shouldn't be underestimated. Now that it's summer both teams most likely don't come to the game well prepared, which makes the game a bit harder to predict. mPG should win this one, 4-0 or 4-2.

ovr vs JB: OVERLOAd is one of the very few teams left that has managed to stick together for a long time, eventhough they've had to make quite a few lineup changes. JB on the other hand was recently reformed and has many players who are coming back after a long break and haven't reached their full potential yet. The result would be easier to predict if I knew the whole lineup of JB, but in any case it should be a pretty close game that could go either way. I'm predicting JB to win 4-2. - Finland twidi

Quotecolt45 vs mpg- I think this one should be fairly one sided with mpg taking the win since they have a lot of active players who seem to be at the top of their game. Kamz has done well to get the players he has done though after all of his trolling on gtv (:D) but i still think mpg will win it pretty comfortably, but i hope i'm wrong as i'd love to see kamz shut baggiez up (if thats possible?) 4-0 mpg unless colt45 play well and get their teamwork in order, they could take a map.

overload vs JB- Havn't seen jungle brothers play since their return but they obviously have a talented lineup, not sure how snoop and zerender will fair after their inactivity but i'm sure it hasn't taken them long to get back into shape. Overload have been playing well recently with the arrival of karnaj & antho and they could give JB a good game if their teamplay is as good as it has been, but i'm gonna say jungle brothers to scrape a win 4-2. - United Kingdom stKz

QuoteI'm kinda mercing for colt and only played few games with them. But I have to say our lineup is pretty strong with players like sqzz in it. I dont know too much about MPG either, never played that team, but it should be a strong team ofcourse and likely the favorit for majority.
I'm a positive person and have faith on this team so I'll say 4-2 for us! ;)

I feel JB has just more individual skills than overload and the fact that overload has played together more is not gonna matter too much here. Its not like overloads team is weak, looks quite good actually, but JB just has some of the highest lvl players!
I dont know how zerender and snoop will perform, if they have been active lately etc. Still gotta say 4-0 for JB.. - Finland lettu

QuoteColt45 vs MPG - I'd see MPG taking this 4-2. simply because MPG seems slightly stronger on paper. I think it'll be a good match for the viewers tho!

OVERLOAd vs JB - JB will just have to hope that their better players will be avi and not having to use that many mercs. I'd say 4-2 for JB, but could easily be the other way around. - Netherlands xPERiA

QuoteColt vs MPG - I can't say this match is easy to predict, but MPG recently won EC golden pocal in pretty easy manner. That certainly puts them in better position to win this match against newly reformed Colt45. However with sqzz in lineup, they might surprise with a map win, but I don't think they can pull a victory on this field.

OVR vs JB - This one is a real pickle to me, on one side there is OVR, which has been performing strong in past season as well as changing lineup on almost daily basis due to summer time. In oposite corner, we have JB full of ET allstars (+Sinnu :P), waiting to take anyone who crosses their path down. If JB players can perform as good as when they were in times of their prime, this match can go either way and should be entertaining. I predict 4-2 for JB, two fins are better than 0! - Slovakia FiLuS

KAMz vs razz
"It is Sunday"

It's Saturday.
What is it sunday already?

How long have I slept o.O
yes today is saturday since 00:00, so tomorow is sunday
The news said "Today's games" and "It's Sunday" when he wrote this ;)
actually is dolan
:D You changed it!

Anyway, something more important happening on Sunday... me turning 25. Old man now :(
For some reason I read "me turning gay" .. man I need some sleep.
mistaking numbers for letters, that's so 1337
Nope, your dreams will never come true.
Gl Kamz <3
nice post SPU9 , well done ;)
Quotelot of active players - stKz

And here i thought offi only gaming once a week or every second week wouldnt be too much of a active gaming

Expect us to take 4-0 versus colt45 and JB to take theirs game 4-0, anything other than that would be suprising
QuoteExpect us to take 4-0 versus mPG

just because you're offi only team doesn't mean you have inactive players :D (not too sure about nuggan + perfo) but i see a lot of your lu playing 3o3s n stuff!
u mean u see razz playing 3on3's?
razz/squid, what does it matter?
I doesnt really matter but im just wondering how can u make a comment about my clan and players being active players while actually one or two plays the game more than a hour week
it is summer and it is hot <--- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU LIVING?
fast durchgehend 2 wochen regen und sturm am stück is nich so sommerlich :D
yo, wobei es mir egal sein kann, komm momentan eh zu fast nix anderem als unizeug :D ab 2. august könnt es mal besser werden ^^
viel glück in deinen prüfungen moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppel :D
zum glück hab ich meine letzte prüfung am freitag und ab 3.august 3 wochen sonne pur :P
i am working in a kitchen ;) and there it is really hot...

living in trier atm and we had a lot of nice days during the last week...same today..just 10 mins of rain and now the sun is shining again...
Forgot nhncd vs anticlimax bro!
not worth to be mentioned
c45 vs mPG: Just looking at the lineups mPG is the favourite to win this game, but c45 shouldn't be underestimated. Now that it's summer both teams most likely don't come to the game well prepared, which makes the game a bit harder to predict. mPG should win this one, 4-0 or 4-2.


COLT45 WIN 4-0
It's not hot outside, who you trying to kidd?
whats up with all the people? i mean ok we dont have 35 degrees outside..but isnt 20-24 enough?
actually it would be "ok" without rain and storms :)
Colt 45 and two zig zags easy.
overload 4-0
mpg 4-2

over and out
both games should be really close if the lineups are right

4-2 for ovr and colt
i thought kamz found a life & decided only to be on GTV for the rest of his time on this planet instead of playing ET? weird shit happening here!
gl colt45
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