Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups!

Alright boys and girls, the moment you've all been so eagerly waiting for is finally here. After weeks of flame, lineup changes, flame, seeding tournament and more flame the groups for 1st CGS LAN have arrived. Before announcing them, I would like to thank all the people that were cooperative and tried to ask some questions before jumping into flame and whine.
image: 24246158

A big thanks for Poland fanatic, who was kind enough to run seeding tournament for us and he did it almost flawlessly. Lastly I want to thank Crossfire admins for support with every news and forum topic related to LAN. You all made it possible and I salute you.

Now for the thing you came here for: the groups. Due to weird ammount of teams, the groups may not seem perfect and in case of 2 groups we had to cut them down to 3 teams, in order to make it possible for all games to happen with double-elimination playoffs. I know it doesn't seem perfect but it's the best option we have. Groups have been made based on seeding tournament and were found ok by 99% people that responded to them being published on channel. Shoutout to the 1%, you know who you are.
And now the groups.

  • Group A
    Poland diversus
    Poland eXile

  • Group B
    Poland neVerminds
    Poland Wariors of Wolfenstein
    Poland proveit

  • Group C
    Poland devilry
    Poland Skup Butelek
    Poland blurred vision

  • Group D
    Europe deVastation
    Europe Lost Soldiers
    Poland :h
    Poland legendary

Groups A and B are starting @ 9:00 on Saturday (28.07), with groups C and D follwing right after the previous groups are done. Exact schedule will be posted later on, all games will appear on GamesTV.

Important note for team captains
Please remember that the deadline to send your config packs is tomorrow. Also remember about voting for the 6th map via lan e-mail.

That's all for now, stay tuned for more infos and cu@Krakow.

image: org1image: ycn-16057

Cracow Gamespot Website
Poland sonNy & Poland Matti & Poland Turki & Poland Robaciek

image: 24246158

Easy for my bros #dEVASTATION!
add some spaces between the flags and the teamnames/playernames ;)

gl to all
no to pogralismy sobie widze xd
cu lan loser pays beer
as i said to stokkie, NO PITY

<3 :D
huh imo with little bit of luck they can win sth :D and my grup .. with BIG luck we're dead anyway :D
Oh please XD We won't win :D ok, maybe if I will be distracting them xDDDD
Let's just have fun :D
our plan for sunday drinkin vodka so.. yes we are ready for party hard till monday :P
we accept some kind of bribery
What do you mean by "Some kind"
less than 10 minutes ago
Robert has created a news item: Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups!.
less than 10 minutes ago
Robert has created a news item: Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups!.
less than 10 minutes ago
Robert has created a news item: Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups!.
Kinda, he edits it = has to approve it again.
why deadline for configs???
because they have to install it and deploy it on lan computers after. Personal USB storage forbidden
tryout pograne :DD
jak ktos gra 24/7 i przegrywa z mixem to i tak ma pograne :XD
how is playoff stage going to looks like?
QuoteDue to weird ammount of teams, the groups may not seem perfect and in case of 2 groups we had to cut them down to 3 teams, in order to make it possible for all games to happen with double-elimination playoffs.
he wants to know who will play who aka he wants to know if playoff tree will be easy for tmoe
it will be easy anyway no matter what? lol?????
why do you keep whining then?
whine? where? i stated an easy question and you're starting with your trashtalk
IRC all day long
no chyba nie
no chyba tak
if thay finish their group on 1st place thay can expect any 2nd place team, or some weird shenanigans gonna happen?
my eyes are bleeding noras ! :D
thats why im not so active community member.. i dont rly like to type in english, sorry :X cu@hotel ^^
make a table
Widzę Cię tam
Groups A and B are starting @ 9:00 on Saturday (28.07), with groups C and D follwing right after the previous groups are done.

czyli szybko zajebiemy 2 mecze i możemy spierdalać i do zobaczenia w niedziele?
od razu party hard nie?
to nawet nie poczekacie na mnie :(?
Devastation! <333
Group A

ta zajebiscie, nie moglismy dostac w grupie kogos komu mamy szanse wziac tanka na goldzie albo flage na supply xd?
looks like eXile and proveit will have a nice tournament.

one hour of standing in respawn for 50pln

not that bad
imagine if u would hv attended AEM ^^
: XD

that would be the most expensive standing in respawn ever
oh yes admins hate us :D we will travel for 12 hours to play 2 matches :D but i dont care ill see my mattes :) but nice u saw point of this all :D
lal 12 hours :d well just play your games and chill with your mates :D
ye even will be better fun i guess :D but for remember ,, about no name - low players'' ill drink for your health ;D
yup, lets organize a low players consolation party!
ye! im proud of bein' low:DDDD
gut idea :D ja na szczescie 3h pociagiem, przynajmniej tak na stronie pisze :D lipa ze mnie nie bylo zeby im wybic z glowy pomysl z takimi grupami...
2 fast games and i can pack my stuff :D
legendary Cracowwinners :)
all the non polish teams in one group, what is this apartheid? :)
there are 7 non-polish players there ;D COME ON
and both favourits to advance
In quite easy group tbh :)
GL FEANOR GL STAMINABOY ! Zeroskill players ! :)
Easy for devastation, brrrrrr
GJ ! nice lan incoming :) gl
gl noobygirl! :)
and domi mate
and sosji bro
Thank you kind sir.
See you there tomorrow :D. If you wanna get some czech real beers (not just shit bears) search for stamina's room xD. Around 21CET. cu
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