Crossfire is Recruiting!

No, we're not on the look out for a new squad or anything of the sort, infact we're on the look out for more staff here at Crossfire.
In the past couple months, Crossfire has seen a phenominal traffic growth and with it some couple thousand new members. With that in mind we're in a position of needing to grow as an administration aswell as wanting to simply maintain the site a little bit better!

Over moderation can kill a site, and we're certainly not going to do such a thing, however there is a fine line between "good spam and bad spam", to bring us a little closer to that line we're looking for some more admins to help us clean up a touch. We're particularly going to clean up the forums, we want to give them more purpose and functionality, which the new version of the site will aid us somewhat, on the whole the journals will left as they are.

Additionally we're looking for one or two more coders for the specific purpose of creating a competition module for Crossfire, to supplement the upcoming Crossfire LANs in 2007, aswell as more general use. A more specific task can be obtained on request, however the plan is to create a spawnable competition section, similar to the "hosted cup" feature on Clanbase. This feature is a very important part of what we aim to achieve in 2007.

If you are interested in working here at Crossfire (on a volunteer basis of course), then please contact myself either in #Crossfire or via message here on Crossfire. We'll then add you to a list of applicants, and evaluate them once we've got everyone.
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