#et.tourney II - Grand Final time!

Finally after more than 1 month of a struggle, I am proud to announce that we have come to the final stage of the second edition of #et.tourney. Only two best teams left in each division of this tournament and they will compete for the title of the best team in this season. As usual, a team that comes from the Lower Bracket has to win twice in the Grand Final to celebrate the victory.

image: ettourneybanner

It's obvious that the greatest emotions will be provided by the Grand Final of the highest division.
Netherlands OVERLOAd - a team led by Netherlands saKen managed to win all their previous games without losing a round. On the other side we have an european mix of players Europe BDSM who had to accept the superiority of above mentioned Dutch team in UB Final. Europe bSTURZ took the bronze medal in this division.
image: trenn

Netherlands OVERLOAd
  • Netherlands saKen
  • Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
  • Netherlands L4mpje
  • Netherlands joshua
  • France An7ho
  • France kARnAJ

Time: TBA
Maps: Free choice

Europe BDSM
  • Canada bN
  • Germany FLoPJEHZ
  • Finland twidi
  • Sweden Weslann
  • Netherlands xPERiA
  • Estonia mant

image: game34727

image: trenn
2nd Division is a bit behind schedule and we still have 1 more game to be played before the Grand Final. I am talking here about Lower Bracket Final between Finland KRP, recent OpenCup Premier winners who previously lost in Upper Bracket Final against Europe Devastation, and a french team France sticked.et, the one who made a big surprise few days ago by beating Europe Jungle Brothers. The date is not known yet so I encourage both teams to schedule this game as soon as possible. It would be nice if the Grand Final might be played right after LB Final.
image: trenn

Finland KRP
  • Finland Blindi
  • Finland Sample
  • Finland ENSAM
  • Finland Altsi
  • Finland miNd
  • Finland Vanhaomena

Time: TBA
Maps: Supply + Loser's choice

France sticked.et
  • France soma
  • France Provok
  • France Skynet
  • France Taichi
  • France AiR
  • France yokoo

image: game34728

image: trenn
3rd Division Grand Final will be a battle between a full german team Germany MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS and an european & north american mix of players that play under Europe nhncd name. Germans have been doing quite well in this tournament and they proved their strength by winning all their previous games whereas nhncd lost in Semi-Finals and had to struggle in lower side of the brackets. They won their last game in LB Final against
France freeLance who took the 3rd place.
image: trenn

Germany mMONKEYS
  • Germany RAMOZ
  • Germany Fendah
  • Germany zentic
  • Germany Daenji
  • Germany mAurice
  • Germany znArk

Time: 12.08.12 21:30 CEST
Maps: Free choice

Europe nhncd
  • Canada embarrassed
  • Canada Brisk
  • Estonia infi_
  • United States of America ohurcool
  • United Kingdom hsTE
  • Netherlands Carlos

image: game34541

image: trenn
In 4th Division Grand Final we have a full estonian team Estonia jukud that previously won against Germany team-xlibres in LB Final and Europe underRated.eU team that comes from Upper Bracket after winning all games without losing a single map. An european mix led by hARMEN is a clear favorite of this game and they will try to keep their wining streak till the end of the cup.
image: trenn

Europe underRated.eU
  • Russia mirror
  • Poland sosji
  • Poland BoOk
  • Slovenia seareal
  • Belgium hARMEN
  • Belgium vyndEm

Time: TBA
Maps: Free choice

Estonia Jukud
  • Estonia karu
  • Estonia apollo
  • Estonia nakedfish
  • Estonia dampface
  • Estonia andr3
  • Estonia vimm

image: game34729

image: trenn
5th Division is already finished. Yesterday we had an opportunity to watch the Grand Final between Poles playing under Poland Prove it. name and an european team Europe Follow.et. After the two most common maps - supply & goldrush - Follow.et turned out to be too strong for Poles and they won without losing a map. Congratulations to both finalist as well as for United States of America House Collective who placed 3rd in this league.
image: trenn

Europe Follow.et
  • France Francis
  • Italy fugue
  • Finland Hukk
  • Slovenia fully
  • Germany nicon
  • Finland Woony

Time: 08.08.12 21:00 CEST
Maps: Supply & Sw_Goldrush_Te

Poland Prove it
  • Poland Zyla
  • Poland ProSkill
  • Poland LewyBoy
  • Poland Qcyk
  • Poland NoobyGirl
  • Poland boski

image: game34532

image: trenn


of each division - game server for 1 or 2 months sponsored by Netherlands Woooooo & Italy ProGamers
of each division - voice server for 2 months sponsored by Finland r@g esports

Prizes will be sent after whole cup is finished.

Big thanks to Poland spankie for banner.
thx to all guys who done tourney and rest of stuff was fun , gg follow :)
Thanks, we practiced really hard to bring golden medal home. Some of us wanted to go with their girlfriend to the club some others wanted to drink alcohol with some real life friends but I didn't allow them because here at #follow.et gaming is a very serious topic. I hope you've enjoyed your silver medal as much as we did.
haha XDDD yes sure :D .. on the day before final my mattes asked me ,, what we are playin ?'' , what is this all match on ettv about so.. they even dont know that it was final :D sorry was no alkohol no ladys , drugs and free sex just official gratz on grup on fb xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hope to meet u again in some diffrend cup i have to play u back for this what happened on supply :D haha
great job mate ;)
jukud noobs getting bashed hard, np4unterrated HF
will do it for u xoxo
omg KRP omg
Good luck all
GL BDSM apart from Weslan :)
GL BDSM apart from Weslan :)
nhncd too strong
In 4th Division Grand Final we have a full estonian team Estonia jukud that previously won against Germany team-xlibres in LB Final

hahahahahahaha, play with poison fanatic. hope i will never meet u @ lan or rl.
1:0 is still a win, isn't it? come to Cracow, because you will never meet me in Enschede :)
u r right. its only a game.

isnt the game, only fanatic & his judgement.

image: aqY4X

not hating, but i read that...8 times, and i'm still puzzled.
will bask the estionians for u xoxo
GL BDSM rape them Weslan :)
ppf, freeLance would be in final, not nhncd :D
17:17:47 freeL`Kraguesh • but they can't this night, and i can't for the rest of this week
17:17:48 freeL`Kraguesh • so .. ?
17:21:28 fanatic • and when you are coming back?
17:21:49 freeL`Kraguesh • me : 20 agust, an other in september
17:21:55 freeL`Kraguesh • an other Monday
17:22:09 fanatic • so you will not be able to play another round anyway
17:22:12 fanatic • so whats the point of wining this
17:22:18 fanatic • if you are not avi to play your next game till 20.08?
17:27:37 freeL`Kraguesh • to win a better place
gl for the final mate :)
thanks friend!

will be hard though :P
is there actually a reasonable explanation why that should be? except for you hallucinating?
wtf are you trying to say french nerd?
You tried to get a forfeit vs us, you didn't. You subsequently lost to us to get knocked out. How the FUCK would you be in the final and not nhncd? get over yourself nub.
Quotewhereas nhncd lost in Semi-Finals and had to struggle in lower side of the brackets.

only done it do get extra games, enhanced never struggle!
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