TLF Grid Complete

After much feverish spam the grid for the TLF 5v5 Cup is full. 32 teams will compete this Sunday over 5 hours to take the crown.

The first round kicks off at 15:00 CET on Braundorf_b4 and Crevasse_b1. If a decider is required elimination should be used. The full schedule including what maps for each round can be found here.

Due to player feedback there’s been a slight alteration to the map list, Braundorf_b4 will come in and replace Adlernest.

That means the full map list is:

[*] Braundorf_b4
[*] Crevasse_b1
[*] Frostbite
[*] Radar
[*] Supplydepot2
[*] sw_goldrush_te

Complete grid

Notable competitors include Europe kingCool, Canada Team Canada, Latvia violence is bad and Europe cdap pi. | #TLF
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