ClanBase EC/OC Fall 2012 - Signups Open & Extended

We are proud to announce the start of the ClanBase EC/OC Fall 2012 season! Signups are now open and will close on September 9th 16th.
image: opencup3

image: cb_text_big4

General Information

This season we will be hosting an OpenCup for two formats: 3on3 and 6on6.

Sign up for 3on3 here and 6on6 here!

Schedule (Updated)

  • Sunday, 26th of August - Signups open
  • Sunday, 16th of September - Signups closed
  • Sunday, 23rd of September - Groups published (OC)
  • Monday, 24th of September - EC qualifiers begin
  • Monday, 1st of October - Start of the first matchweek (OC)
  • Tuesday, 2nd of October - EC qualifiers end
  • Thursday, 4th of October - Groups published (EC)
  • Monday, 8th of October - First matchweek (EC)
  • Sunday, 23rd of December - Cup closed

Map Lists

3on3 OC Map List:

adlernest braundorf_b4 et_ice et_ufo_final frostbite sp_delivery_te supply sw_goldrush_te

6on6 OC Map List:

adlernest bremen_b3 frostbite missile_b4 radar supply sw_battery sw_goldrush_te

EC XXVI Map List:

The decision is yours! Vote for EC maps by posting in this thread.


Every season we ask for dedicated admins to help us out with adding scores and writing match reports. Here we go again! We are looking for people who:

• Speak and write English well
• Have a good knowledge of the rules
• Can make intelligent and impartial decisions

If you feel like you're up for the task, please don't hesitate to sign up (3on3 / 6on6).

Need more information or any help?

Questions? Feel free to leave a comment, visit us on IRC at, or post in the Cup Forum. We will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

To all those looking to participate or help out this season, thank you and good luck!

3on3 OC 2012 - Sign Up!
6on6 OC 2012 - Sign Up!

EuroCup XXVI
sw_battery? why not oasis, braundorf, karsiah?

inb4 braundorf haters!
inb4 speedybozar signing up if b4 is in mappool.

I dont like Battery aswell tho :p But I also dont like b4 and karsiah :D Oasis might be okayish.
Nice mappool
gentleMen signed up and ready to roll!
naais naais lets go
battery ftw
hope that this 6o6 mappool isnt the mappool for the eurocup^^
cut off battery and frost/missile and you get EC mappool
EC/OC should have the same mappool coz OC prem teams prac vs EC teams.. ;\
won't happen
won't happen - maybe
missile goot map
missile good map, atleast the b3 version :)
gl to all teams
y not say that ingame?
say that on the server! dat gl
what server? to who??? why???
gameserver, when playing EC
and nothing was learned from the last ec.

most lanteams will go inactive after lan and drop out from ec.

good luck, it will be needed.
this has been CB's schedule for many years. :P it's like this across all of their games so they can hardly be blamed.
Just saying if ec were to be organzed keeping the lanschedule in mind it'd guarantee more top level games being a preshow tournament for the lan.
but as I said, this is their schedule across all games included in the Fall season.. D: it's not their fault if LAN organisers choose a date during the CB season and in fact it's entirely the fault of teams if they go inactive right after LAN. what is the excuse for that? first time leaving home so when you get back you need to go inactive for a couple weeks? get real.
Well the fact is that teams that are formed for the lan don't want to keep playing just for ec's sake (no prizes etc).
I'm sure that CB realizes that their tournaments will never be the highest priority for teams if their prizepool is just e-fame. And furthermore they should be aware that EC would flourish if it were organized better.

I can't see any administrative problems that would be impossible to overcome.
EC schedule is same for all games. Do you expect them to set special schedule for ET? not gonna happen. Force everyone to play faster cuz it's good for ET? not gonna happen.
And what reason not to allow different schedules for different games? "Always been like this" right?
If a system works poorly why wouldn't it be changed as it'd be mutually profitable.
I talk to chief of cup about this and seems its not possible to move it earlier or later
Well hopefully you could persude him to take this into account in future cups/next lans.

The sad fact is that ET can't afford any more failing cups.
im on it dont wry just because lan + cup same time is always a bad things for the game
indeed, and because of the qualifiers and squash group matches.. it's not really worth playing as practise for any teams going for a top spot at adroits, since you will spend almost a month playing vs teams that are not so great until you actually get to the playoffs
remember to specify who plays for your team by creating a groups :)
indeed, I meant to add something like this to the newspost but forgot

after SC playoff trees were published, there was quite a lot of whine (some understandable) about where certain teams were placed

so, teams signing up for this season: please either do as fanatic said and define properties for your team's clanpage ("6on6 OC Fall 2012", "EC Players", "3on3 OC Lineup", etc.) or tell us in the Notes section when signing up what your lineup will be and/or in which league you'd prefer to play

this would be very helpful for those of us who are building the groups!
nice to see et_ufo there, b4 should be replaced by et_beach though! thanks.

why would you make it missile b4 when its full of bugs? pretty much everytime I played it in scrims, it was b3 :s
#immortalstorm going for GOLD now, hopefully we can now play against allowed players at the final... And get some fair decisions...
lol, if you didn't have to play soo early I would have rolled you already :D
lol, maybe if you learn to schedule games so that you have players we can play x)
I told francis to schedule something w/o me since I sadly can't be avi soo early.
6 bSTURZ [Nr 3 Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6 (Europe) ladder] Germany 26 / 26 9 Only

No OC for swanidius this season:<
we got a planB if it doesnt work ;D
risk ftw!
so just signed up and thought that a 7 would be a good rating, because it says 8 is top clan already

then I see signups

2 EUNd 25 / 25 8 Wants

never heard - 8

8 Team.PDEG 10 / 10 10 Only

humm3l - 10 no comment

neverminds - mixedboys 20 / 19 10 No

:D plz

3 20 / 20 8 Wants

wtf :D

ok cu in OC 2nd league then with my 7 rating

gg wp
You guys are bad and you should feel bad!
don't take it seriously :P
oh.. i did not :D But i just wanted to insert that random pic

image: you-are-bad-and-you-should-feel-bad2
bSTURZ 26 / 26 9 Only

best one lmfao xd
Why? :o ye 9 too much. i would say 8 :P:P:P
just funny to see 'EC ONLY' from guys who mostly never got a quali before.
this is et :s
nice ego mister ec top6
swani ectop6 too!

anyways when I signed up to that season I put like 7 or something for our team :d
its not like we worth higher imo

even if some overrate their own team
what is the problem with the "only" ?
we decided "if" we lose our ec quali matches that we dont want to play oc
this will be our last season, after this many of us will quit et (HI CS:GO) :)
and we pracced alot during the summer i have to agree :D so now we want to play in ec nothingelse
clearly no ego at all
Parent top 19 clan lol :) most hated??? gg bad behaviour :)
jus tsaw the ratings before our signup and took 10 then ;)
any team with you and hummel on it ,isn't even worthy of a 7
oki, noticed for next season, thank you
EUNd has a stable line up for months now and switched around some players since the beginning and it's way better & they have been praccing a lot.
They just stated they 'want' EC.
I guess that they just want to play OC Premier, because it's the best preparation for the LAN which should be their goal :)
"rating 8 is top clan in Europe"

:P nothing against them
We all know how the rating system works.. It's what clans say themselves.
So if they would have picked 6-7 - they might be playing 4th division & have no proper preparation for LAN.
et_ufo horrible shit erden_b2 awesome 3on3 map
erden? :DDD get real. would have been better to have beach instead of ufo maybe.
avi for this
replace sw_battery by sw_railgun_te
and railgun by karsiah
and karsiah by fueldump, insta win
and fueldump by fuckoff yoda
oh my, chill out
avi if anyone needs a playa :)
3on3 OC Map List:

get the fuck out
why theres no erdenberg_b2 in the 3on3 mappool while its on 3on3 ladder mappool


pathetic how et changed nowadays.. :*(
what you mean?
how the fuck are these still going? veteran et players still playing eh
oh you haven't played on ettv in 3 months, u inactive now ?!
if u didnt play for 3 days, it'd prolly be inactive for you
thanks for the update bro. forgot how long its been.
np m8, hope you're doing ok.
looking at signups, im considering signing up with colt45 after all :\

but how many of these teams will actually complete ec :d
cant wait to see if you are going to succumb to the nerd temptation to play or are you gonna stand by your previous words?! Such a dramatic choice.
pretty cool life u got there
yes your troll comments make it so great
i am glad i provide entertainment to those whose lives may not be that awesome
I'm avi for a skilled 3v3 team
signed 3on3 : )
I'm avi for a skilled 3v3 team
QuoteClanBase EC/OC Fall 2012

QuoteSunday, 23rd of December - Cup closed

Are your seasons different in the USA?
Why dont you just drop sp_delivery out from the mappool, only people who like it are cheating polaks and lower thirdies.
avi. if someone need 6th. :-)
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