PGA 2006 - DigitalArena Announced

image: pga4
Wolfenstein ET is heading back on the road as the DigitalArena 2006 has been confirmed for November 25th & 26th! In the lovely region of Poznan, Poland, ET's finest from across the continent will duke it out for a pot of 2,500 Euros!

The tournament will for the first time involve 2 european teams after previously being all Polish, and Crossfire is proud to be involved by running the European Qualifiers. DigitalArena has specified that the tournament will be run in a 5on5 format, using the soon to be released Clanbase 5on5 Config.

The European Qualifiers to be held here on Crossfire will forward the two finalists of a double elimation online bracket, and hold the 3rd placed team in reserve should it be neccessary. The double elimination bracket will take place over the 25th & 26th of October, exactly one month before the event itself. All information on the qualifiers, including maps, servers, costs and of course signups will be announced on Tuesday of this week.

Crossfire would like to thank PGA DigitalArena's staff and sponsors at AMD, Creative and Xbox 360 for their invitation to be involved with this project. The full weekend will be covered here on Crossfire, aswell as Headshot Radio and iTG.

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