Supply replaces supplydepot2 at ClanBase

image: cbgoldlogont As of today, ClanBase would like to announce that for any further ladder & cup matches (this includes: OpenCup, NationsCup and Eurocup), that we will be using the newest version of Supplydepot2 named "supply", created by Germany arni and including fix scripts by United States of America mortis.

Features and Fixes:

[*] spawn bug (mortis)
[*] gold bug (mortis)
[*] grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit (mortis)
[*] satchel/crane control exploit (mortis)
[*] radio sounds completely removed (arni)
[*] base alarm sound stops when truck is in base (arni)
[*] Size reduced by 1.2Mb (arni)

So clans, please download and use this map as soon as possible and make sure it's on YOUR server !

We would like to thank both arni and mortis for the effort they have put into this better version of supplydepot2.

Keep up the good work !

You can download the map here

Clanbase ET Crew
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