Adroits LAN updates

One thing we’ve noticed since the earlybird deal came to an end was that no other teams have paid. In light of this, we will be reducing the entry fee for teams from £300 to £260. With entry fee reduction, there comes a reduction in the minimum prize pot allowance as well. The prize pot for 16 teams will now be at least £2,000.

Now, with there being just over a month until the event takes place, we will need to impose a deadline to make sure we can get all information confirmed as soon as possible. The deadline we will impose will be Sunday the 7th of October.

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hmz trying to use my math:

need 10 more teams to have 16 signups.. your reducing the signup fee for £40 per team means you lose at all £400 when 10 teams signed up, BUT why did u reduce the prize for £1000 then? i mean at all u win £600 with this... dont be sooo rude to us mate^^
u wont win anyway,so why u use math?
ofc i will not and it will be also very hard for top3 BUT if u would have used your eyes abit more dude u would have seen that i wrote "us" and with "us" i mean the et community

AND to motivate the teams more and now i mean ofc the topteams (topmixes) they want to win money to reduce their travel costs but with like £500 for the whole team its like nothing for them so ofc they will think about attending more than twice
u can say its "et community" i can say its "you,PDEG or where do u play"..

yea and i just included pdeg ofc too cuz we are a part of the et community too :)
I know what u mean ;)

btw. i just did WATAFAK

Im not sure,but anexis aren't attending?

Gaming 2 Perfection Isku Jere uNDEAd sQUALL mAus butchji

This is some kind of troll or its serious? :o
anexis is attending.. and g2p is a troll
what is it with you and 500 quid for travel?
what is the minimum prize money that would make it worth while/attractive for a team to go [i.e. 'shit yeah will have a crack at that (even though we most likely wont win)].


1st place min £600 or £1200?

Our costs for running the event have doubled, we could've dropped the prize pot and kept the entry fee at £300, because that would have really helped. I shouldn't even have to explain this to you, but when you come out in public trying to make it out that I'm ripping you guys off, then I feel somewhat obliged to put you in your place.

If you (or anybody else for that matter) wants to insinuate we're trying to rip people off, please feel free to contact me personally instead of trying to give us a bad name. And in all honesty, I'm crazy not to take money into my own pocket for this after all the hours I've put into running the events for ET. But I don't because ET needs all the money it can get.
bro, nobody thinks your ripping us off. Only 50 euro's each person for this whole event is the least you could expect from us. You're doing a great job and I know it's expensive to organize events like this.
nah don't understand me wrong mate.. didn't know about the "doubled" point.. i rly respect your work and also would NEVER mind if u or your team would take some money back home for your own, becuz what you do is awesome.. would never give adroits or you a bad name.. just abit scared if we even get 16 teams you know and well...
If the prizemoney was any lower or of worse ratio, I doubt many teams would attend..
I've made the mistake of trying to reply to such comments before, you can never win, you're always a thief, you're always getting rich off LANs. Oh if only they knew...
stop being so greedy, you're never happy with money. not putting 300e fee for CGS! :D
who's your math teacher but he/she is bad
oki tell me :)
need 10 more teams to have 16 signups.. your reducing the signup fee for £40 per team means you lose at all £400 when 10 teams signed up, BUT why did u reduce the prize for £1000 then? i mean at all u win £600 with this

There is such thing as costs,
people usually wait till the last moment to pay.
lol et team list is full of trolls :D
flag bSTURZ
sPECULA, fuchS, fizZ, Ercan, Testi, bytheway, jesse

Dev nearly ready to pay as far as I'm aware, Sean! See you there :)
oh u so moonface
my moonface brings all the girls to the yard
with torches and crucifixes
Those items aren't available in a kitchen
Might not be going to LAN due to lack of interest in ET and I haven't got the money for it. Will let you know asap.
afraid so. I don't see any point in going. I haven't been watching ET or even playing etpro recently. No teams looking for players and I think it would be a waste to go for nothing.
inb4 hste LAN dodge #99
This was when I didnt have money/ stopped playing ET. I don't play anymore really but the weed is too tempting.
see you there mate :)
Yeah right m8
do you know why u are using £ in your country and not euro?
cuz they can't put queen on euro
I don't know, but I do wish we were using the Euro. It would make my life so much easier :D
do you have queen on quids in Scotland?
€ sucks and there wont be in the future :(
Cause we allowed so many 3rd world countries to use the €.
"we" as in the rest of the EU ;)
everything went more expensive with euro here ;k
np NL and GER will send you some more money bro
you mean finland?
HELL NO, its already enough we bail for those goatcheeseniggas
Old rivalry between Blair and Brown.
doesn't seem like hardly anybody is going anymore
hf to everyone going, looks like I am going to bail on this one. :C
No troll brah, I haven't got much cash right now due to paying out for a lot of things at once.
I was counting on you. Where am I supposed to stay now?
I wasn't planning on getting a hotel. If I was going I was planning on crashing at someones room!
thats what you get for not putting in rtcw!
idd xD rtcw
bN selling his house to attend this lan.
id offer him 5 bucks
Saturday and Sunday was fine. Adding Friday while some guys need to work or go to school is to hard.. I don't want to miss Thursday and Friday to play on a LAN, Friday and Monday was for me already to much at the last lan
Dodging because you didnt get picked up by a mid skilled team BOOM G5!
hopefully you wont forget the guys/teams that cant play before friday evening (in my case around 18/19cet) :))
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