EuroCup XXVI. announcement

The ClanBase Radio EuroCup Announcement Show is over and the invitations for the Enemy Territory are known. But if you were one of the unlucky few that missed the show, don't weep! We prepared this news for you! Now we are proud to present you teams for upcoming EuroCup XXVI.

Invites (4):

France An7ho
Canada anim
Netherlands JALLLA
France kARnAJ
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands saKen

Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany humM3L
Germany KRESTi
Germany stRay

Poland dialer
Poland fanatic
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland Lukey
Poland lesti
Poland grzesiek

Poland hunter
Poland zMk

United Kingdom koop
Finland olBaa
United Kingdom R0SS
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz

Qualifiers (16):

United Kingdom
Belgium chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom Kamz
Sweden NuggaN
Germany sTOWNAGE
Netherlands xPERiA
vs Portugal
Portugal setup
Portugal sexclick
Portugal ag0n
Portugal arto
Portugal saeba
Portugal WhT

Netherlands Aima
Poland Elviss
Poland l4z
Poland LoCkheed
Poland mag
Poland stexx
vs Belgium
Netherlands Cupra
Belgium eron
Netherlands LavOd
Netherlands NoHead
Belgium Piegie
Belgium ViKO

Europe Netherlands abort
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands joshua
Finland lettu
Estonia Sinnu
vs United Kingdom
Sweden cupcaKe
Croatia danL
Croatia diablos
United Kingdom hvK
Slovenia m1ke
Germany mental

France AiR
France invi
France kEEJi
France soma
France Skynet
France Provok

Spain WeZoR
vs Poland
Poland Abject
Poland Czarek
Poland Dolar
Poland errol
Poland michat
Poland miks

Netherlands Lightning
United Kingdom med1xza
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Hope
vs Europe
Estonia Cannonize
Finland Good
Finland lEku
Netherlands forever
Slovenia seareal
Germany violy

France KareN
France kartez
Belgium kaze
France didi
France meNth
France talG

France Bowler
France yokoo
vs Germany
Netherlands Artifexx
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands Jo0f
Germany laNgo
France Snatix
Netherlands vaNq
Italy vj7o

Estonia JyrkZ
Estonia mant
Spain magico
Canada monkey
Estonia Raul
Estonia subbi

Netherlands Leonneke
Estonia Night
vs Poland
Poland btw
Poland Pius
Poland th0rdis
Poland Turki
Poland viC
Poland Voodoo

Sweden fuchS
Belgium Player
Germany sPECULA
Slovenia sLy
Finland Swanidius
Slovenia verunA
Finland vokki
vs Europe
United Kingdom clarkee
Netherlands esSe
Norway Hexagon
United Kingdom niPs
India rAmbo
Finland toNi

The cup format will be similar as last season with 4 direct invites and 16 quali tems.
  • The 4 Directly Invited teams will be placed in Pool 1.

  • The 16 Qualifier teams will be split up into 8 pairs; therefore producing 8 winners and 8 losers.
    The 8 winners mentioned above will split up into 4 pairs as well, the 4 winners from this split up will proceed to Pool 2, the losers will proceed to Pool 3.
    The remaining 8 teams which initially lost, will be split up into 4 pairs as well, and the 4 winners from this split up will proceed to Pool 4, while the 4 losers will drop out of EuroCup XXVI and join the Premier Division of OpenCup Fall 2012

Map list for this season: supply, radar, adlernest, sw_goldrush_te, bremen_b3, frostbite

The qualifiers schedule:
1st round : 24 September > 28 September - maps : supply + brememn_b3
2nd round : 28 September > 02 October - maps : sw_goldrush_te + radar

Cup channel : #EuroCup.priv - only for CL and/or WA (For password send message any ET CB admin on
Game channel :
Supervisors: Belgium GoldoraK and Czech Republic t4Mj

Original CB News | Cup rules | Roster
gl hf!

haterz mad
Germany mMonkeys missing! :{D
royal blood?!?!?!! =DDDDD

edit: et is NOT dead! ...
only 20 teams ? et is nerly dead
ive been ironic :(
its always 20 teams
lowest ec-quali :DDD
who gives a shit, only thing that matters is playoffs/groups
And now 3o3 oc groups, go
what are lineups??? i must win gtv money
- Jere - chry
+ Ati + anim + SQuid
France sticked lineup changed a bit :

France soma
France Skynet
France Provok
France AiR
France kEEJi
France invi

Spain WeZoR

Good luck to all teams
is this really the level of ET nowadays??? first of all, how the fuck cwg and eund got qualispot? even i am better on my own than 5 players of those players TOGETHER

you might be surprised how well eund has performed from time to time.

watch that game and judge for yourself, definitely deserved the quali-spot in my opinion
we won once dignitas in battery also but i didnt think our team would be ec quali worthy. luck is luck :)
My bet is you didn't even bother to watch the statistics, let alone that game.

edit: And who would you give the EC quali instead of those teams?
less teams then! :) no point having EC with OC teams - or then drop EC and keep it OC only :>
As covered so many times before, ec apparently cannot be reduced to 8 teams only due to some technicality in cb.

And dropping ec and having oc only would only result in premier being ec, former premier being 2nd league etc (what's the point in that?).
We could just rename it to shit-cup and get everyone to stop flaming about how low it is nowadays, I'm sick of that.
well.. there wouldnt be lower teams @qualis cause OC premier doesnt require qualis :) thats the point of having OC premier as "EC". its just stupid to see some lower teams getting qualis just because there aint good teams enough anymore :) dont get so mad! I dont care that much anyways cause im not playing this game anymore
It isn't very easy to rank every team as seen so many times. Qualifiers are nice 'cause the lower teams will be dropped and not put into ec "by accident".
I rather see teams like EUNd that have been practising so hard during the last year than some of those mix-team built up for EC only. Deserved spot.
man why are u playin with seareal, u deserve so much more :x
violy & leku rolling there
gotta admit im glad i stopped playing et

seeing these qualis makes me cry :(
problem with cf users nowadays is they aint happy unless their stars from 2006-2007 are playing EC. :) 5/6 years passed, can't believe people are still expecting oldies to play. imagine in 2008 if the people were whining for the 2004 EC stars to sign up. stupid as fuck logic.
plus the fact that this ec got more potential than the last ecs at all^^
true, after playing in the last EC I can already see this one (incl qualis) is much stronger.
cooller played quake for more than 10 years
yeah and when players like him quit (had to happen sometime, right?) everyone decides to call quake dead etc; "omg our stars from 2002-2005 are all leaving, bb quake it was nice while it lasted"

just fucking read esr and the bullshit the community are saying everywhere about the top level competition.
you did not read esr carefully enough m8 :-)

theres still a lot of good old players[zero4, av3k, tox, cypher, rapha etc] around... ppl say quake is dead because theres almost no competition, and these top players play mostly big lans [2-3 events per year]

but i belive it will change soon, as many ppl try to revive online cups with prizes, like 2gd with his arena or yesteredays first edition of faceit sunday cup :-)
would quake be dead for you if zero4, av3k, tox, cypher, rapha etc quit? :P
no, the game is too awesome :D
I think it's more related to the fact that there is less competition nowadays than before

You can't deny that EC few years ago was like twice more impressive than now
what does "few years ago" mean? d:

2007 or 2010? remember we are in 2012, 2005-2007 are no longer "recent" years
just look at the previous eurocups from, I don't know let's say 2008, I'm sure it was more competitive than now (and I'm saying that while I never even looked 10 mins of an EC game in the past 5 years, even 6), I'm just sure about it
there definitely were stronger teams, but those ECs (2008) and nowadays ECs always had whine. people whined about low quali-teams back then, because at the time the teams that received qualis were seen as OCPREM max. it's all the same shit. :d besides, the guys took the top a bit more serious back then. you still got teams with Clown / Night and such but instead of leading amenti and idle they're just playing in total mixes.
Can't you notice that teams improved?
no amenti idle or fear factory = no happy et community

+ there is no such thing as team improvement, butchji / perfo / toxic and other players were highskilled as soon as they touched ET
well, indeed it'll be awesome to see them coming back, but we actually can't do much about it.
people should be happy that there's still quite many teams playing ET, no matter the skill, all they know to do is complainning about ET beeing dead while most of them aren't even playing ET anymore
This is fucking depressing to look at.
just lol x]
Not sure what to say to that. Some really good players etc, but some 'interesting' lineups.
how come no one said it yet
not as wannabe as i thought, only 3-4 noob clans.

I like them, really and the first part wasent about them... but its shame RB could get EC quali when they didnt even show activity for so long. I understand you didnt have much options, but thats proves how dead ET is :p I hope they quali and pwn hard! GL /Though they are still better compared to other qualifier clans, so there would be like 4 names I would remove earlier than Ronaldo & co/
Better than expected!
stray invited

kamz not invited

spot the lulz
stray wins 4-0 kamz

what profit

vittu idiot
tMoe winning/playing nothing lately and direct invite. thats the spirit fanatic!
2nd last EC, 1st at LAN during summer+it's basically Team Poland who came 2nd. more valid reason to invite them than some mix of "names"
Summer has just ended, lesti and dialer coming back in a week and we're starting playing then. Don't you think that results from the last EC and NCs make us inviteworthy? Along the way we won the lan and we stick with the same lineup so it's not like some mixteam or something uses our clanname to get the spot. Cups are starting and we're getting active as well.
y u such nolife Lukaszm8
Troche przed lanem sie przynerdzilo :D teraz zbiera to zniwa bo ciezko zagrac wiecej niz 2 pojedyncze gierki w tygodniu ale bede walczyl

what do u expect when people like fanatic are the ones that are actually asked about who to put as invite? lol
erase? :D

This EC is shite
dat is toch niet normaal meer jonge?!?!? :D

GL ^^
pleasently surprised
toni in EC ??? ET is dead :D ! xoxoxo
you are late bradda, played in previous one already : (
no whine about frostbite yet ? pleasently surprised too
c'est la meilleure map ;)
tu branles quoi toi? tu joues plus?
je vais recommencer a jouer pour l'EC, pas autant qu'avant mais quand meme un peu
Good job

It's nice to see all these teams
Goodluck to allllllll!

Although I'm disappointed not to see Missile in mappool :(
gl to u aswellllllllllllllllll!
+1 about missile :S
seareal playing EC? this game is so dead :|
EC quali =! EC
EC quali*** still... embarssing :|
It's nice to see a new EC & stuff, but this one is low.
gl kEEJi
c'était tellement mieux avec toi et aniki :( mais bon on vous a pas vu longtemps :(
On a gagné un match, on a mis une map a ceux qui ont terminé 3e, et on avait les gagnants dans notre poule.
Ca reste un beau parcours, surtout pour une époque ou il n'y avait pas de medskill en qualif.
LoL, KRP is so much better than most of those teams xD
why not playing?
well if ur in it then i dunno lol cos u are one fucking awful player :D
I'm not 6th for c45, someone else is, just agreed to be avi as backup [x
You're the only player from the last EC winners to play this cup, how does it feel?!
not anymore xd?
t4Mjtoday, 08:23

on your request colt45 will be removed, and every your team wont be accepted to EC anymore. kkthxbb
With FIFA 13 coming out in two days I'll doubt I'll play a game this EC :D
haha, aren't you playing csgo with alexL and co? ;o
Yea, it's only me, jonas & alexL who's playing most of the time though. We don't really have 5 people who actually want to play "seriously". So kinda losing interest in that game. FIFA 13 is probably the only game I can say for sure that I will log serious hours on :D
I'm avi to roll with you (:
Are you playing FIFA at Adroits?
I'm very tempted to go there just for that actually :D
But probably not
potter, saken, me, rapt6rr, squall, cupra and many more are always looking for people. :)

Improved a lot since u left..

Doubt that u/esse have or will improve at all. Anyway I am supporting u very many not hating. . More money to come when you win EC, go.
Got new laptop/screen :s skillboost much
now this literally is the lowest EC ever
better than last year
Random mix PinkFluffyWarriors invite? Okay so.
half of their team won more than the whole community together
Surely a more deserving team who prac's should get it?
don't think that "praccing" is the key for an invite
wouldn't call it random :D they've all played with some of the team in various teams
wauw Royalblood a quali???

Did they play any matches in the last 6 months

a bit wierd!!!!
looks fine, gl all
Not 1 mPG player attending, well done miNd you corrupted us!
maybe he doesn't miNd?

nuggan plays for c45 doesn't he?

well yeah, if kamz goes all bat-crap crazy about not getting a direct invite and quits, then yeah, no one.
think he was "backup" or so, just saw comment here from him

MANT plays with though!
Oh, what happened here, haha :p
looks decent, piegie @ ec :O... nah seriously tho eund deserve it!
100+ comments, cf 4 got this
hell yeah, i made it !
cupra in ec quali ? this game is seriously dead :P
iNmotion laughs at this EC. But we wish all contestants the best of luck at giving poor quality ETTV games for nobody to watch.

Team Queen??
nice to see Royal Blood gets every season a new quali spot , they lose it , quit and try it next season again! but now ET is nearly dead i believe in RB! GO 4 IT!
This should be... Interesting
I don't see why you fucking faggots are whining
The EC looks fucking awesome.
Go fuck yourselves you inbred, down syndrome, subhuman, demented fucking fagg0ts
c45, echelon, iYa, sticked, TAG, Pharaons,, bsturz
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