Crossfire Content Competition!

Hello all, as you might have noticed in recent weeks we at Crossfire have been in need of some juicy content that only Crossfire can produce! Whether that's controversial journals, through provoking columns or just plain old news - the summer is over and we're in need! Interested? Read On for the awesome prize.

To stimulate the drive for content and to get this show back on the road (whilst we fix many a user reported bug) I'm offering up 1 Valve Forever code as the prize for the best content producer of October. A valve forever code entitles you to all Valve games past and present, betas and all! You simply pop it into steam and it activates all the historic titles and then you'll see the future titles start to come as well when they're released. I've had mine for 2 years and its amazing.

So from October 1st to October 31st we'll be running that competition. To get you warmed up in the month of September we'll be offering up 2 x DOTA 2 Beta Keys as prizes for the best two pieces of content this week. The content really can be anything, journals might be marked on number of good replies, news might be marked on its relevancy and columns on quality of writing.
In b4 10000 shitty journals by kamz,horse and seareal
No matter how many journals they make they'll never inspire 'good replies'
most of the replies of crossfire are inb4, /!\, and chains your not going to get a good reply there is to many brain deads
in b4 shitty keith getting busted again /!\
god damn it im tempted to do this stuff.
then go go! got my fingers crossed!
Would you accept fighting game coverage on Crossfire? I was thinking about doing it earlier but wasn't sure if it would be accepted and if there would be any interest :d
We can for sure expriment that in the side news section and see how much users show intrest.
What Simon said, everyone says theres a big fighting game community - though I'm skeptical! ;)
Definitely a big community, just quite a closed one though I guess :p
I don't even play much personally, just by far the type of game I enjoy watching most.
It's HUGE and very vocal. One of my favourite!
I've never been to EVO, but every other event I've been to that features fighting games, MLG/WCG etc its been rather drab and to be frank half as quiet as a weekend at WZZRD!
The good events are hosted by guys from the community, the FGC hasn't quite accepted "e-sports" yet and for that reason the support for tournaments like MLG and WCG has never really been there. In addition to EVO there are "majors" pretty often. Some bigger than others. I would consider the FGC similar to smth like MMA/Boxing I guess. It has taken a different route than games like SC and CS.

Why does cf have a 502 error 90% of the time :(
same here :/
server is not really configured properly atm, its using an older less secure system of executing PHP.
very nice move, retard of the month with the 1 month ban award would help to improve the content as well :D
Now now, we can just ban Kamz for a lifetime then?
i think more people would like to see u banned :(

my posts provide entertainment and keep this site alive, u do nothing interesting
Any reason they would like me to get banned? Oh, now its suddenly about keeping the site alive. I remember some journal you made where you said you were quiting CF.
did i miss something...? who are u?
sry didnt want to reply on your comment

hate this new design -_-
my column would have won, I guess im gonna have to go back to my shed for some more inspiration.
but quality > quantity right? :D
Lazy people's motto :D
It's not about the size though.
That's what she said.
How the fuck did you know that?! ARE YOU SPYING ON ME?!
too late
Damn, too bad i suck at writing columns or any other kind of content :(
1 month posting to be the happiest nerd on crossfire xd
Ok french man
-10pts for griffondor mister potter
religion journals always do the trick
amen to that
inb4 this journal gonna explode now and tosspot taking the trophy home! it was all planned :)
Yup, I wanna win so I can run the competition again next month. GENIUS!!!

November 1st - Crossfire Content Competition 2

As the winner of October's competition I am kindly donating my prize to run a new competition in November...
neverending activity :o)
all religions are equally bullshit
not true!
now everybody can see how dead cf actually is after the update
It can be seen by almost every journal with 10-15 replies.
only interesting journals would get more than 15 replies on CF3. :d e.g. one journal today got 150, another 45.

blame the people who make boring ones. (that and on CF3 the majority of journals got next to no attention..)
I got some nice content coming up. Only downside I can see is that main news get way more attention that the former "other news".
As a normal CF user I cant decide where my news go, a lot of the other content providers have mod status and can put them on the frontpage and immediately aproove them.
Also, their news dont stay unpublished for hours after changing a single caracter in them...
I'm quite sure that the admin team checks all the newspost more than once and make them main if they find them main worthy, I don't see a problem with that however I agree with you the edit->need of new approval needs to get removed on the other side proper use of draft and re-think before you hit the post buttom could prevent a lot of re-accepts.
My FIFA news got accepted quite fast but I had a "," instead of a "." in a block of text, somewhot my spell checker fucked up on that.
After editing that, it took 5 hours for the news to be back online and that only because I pmmed an admin.
It shows up perfectly for us as admins the only problem is that one has to be online but this 're-accept' "feature" is probably going to get removed, atleast that's what I'm trying to make happen.
You talk with one of the site's greatest ever admins on a daily basis.
Not really talking to Simon and Thom that often ;)

Yes I know. That's why I said one of the site's greatest ever admins and not Dutch noob and Finnish noob with ET tattoo on heart.
It's extremely rude to point out that someone is Dutch, you shouldn't do this again.
Return of THE journals!?
Regular random babes definitely count towards this prize!
So I have been clicking a couple profiles lately and for some reason everybody seems to have the same acchievements, whats up with that?
How does one achieve those Valve Forever codes? Tried checking more info about it but couldn't find any. Secret Society perhaps?!
Know people at valve!
This is a really nice initiative, *applauds*.

If I may say one thing however, there should be some smaller prizes for a second and/or third place. I'm very interested to take part in this but it would be a huge bummer to end second or third and not get anything out of it. These smaller prizes don't need to be anything special, it's more a matter of getting something for your time spent. You guys are creative, you'll figure something out if you want to.
Smite or CS:GO key I'd say
for example yes, i would be semi interested in both so they are nice ideas ^^
Potty had like 4 or 5 CS:GO keys as a "present" from Steam :P
I have 2 x DOTA2 beta keys, for 2nd and 3rd!

really? did tosspot just announce the biggest steam secret thus far? or is he lying?
last december xmas holiday competitions had Grand Prize (1 winner) - EVERY game - 3rd Prize (1000 winners) - Valve Complete Pack (EVERY valve game) on steam so it definately exists. or is that different thing lol dno
oh okay, not so fun anymore :(

although complete pack wouldnt be future games would it?
eSports works in mysterious ways.
It's all right, it's all right, it's all right
It's a good idea u got there, but I know why there is so much less content as before. And the reason is CF4.0! Atleast CF4.0 made me change my homepage from CF to google. Bcuz CF is pain in your eyes now.
I still come here from time to time, but browsing CF4.0 only takes around 20 minutes, while browsing CF3.0 it could take 2 hours, and that's not only bcuz the content!

And fix the freaking 502 erros before you start generating content, content is only useful if it's possible to access...
I think its a bad idea Tosspot is just a big lier.
Still havnt got my prizes for winning BFB
And comming second in the next one.
ET is dead simple as.
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