Blizzard ready their next moves

Blizzard, famed developers of the Starcraft and Warcraft series and fresh from the new WoW update are readying their next moves in the games sector. In an eSports sense the developer, despite being a profound supporter of eSports, have recently been overshadowed by moves made by Valve and certainly RIOT. Now the boys in blue are ready to strike back...

The first announcement came at last weeks Valencia eSports Congress where Blizzard big wig Dustin Browder confirmed his interest in moving Starcraft 2 into a free to play model at some point. Blizzard have been out maneuvered in the Free to Play movement and still charge either on a monthly subscription basis or in the case of Starcraft 2, initial fee and then expansion packs.

Dustin said of the challenges in the move: "We don't know how [Blizzard] would monetize it. While it might be good fun for me to play against someone with only half the units available to them, that's not going to be an enjoyable experience for them."

The second announcement was more direct to those currently challenging their domination as a whole when Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime states "We're ready to support [Blizzard All-Stars] as an eSport". With Valve offering a yearly $1.6m in DOTA2 on top of the best feature set for eSports (Items & Spectator) and RIOT Games offering $25m in Season 3 of League of Legends - Blizzards efforts, once revered throughout eSports are now falling behind. While little is actually confirmed for Allstars, its rumoured to be headed our way in 2013 with a 15 minute match limit. Does this latest statement say they're willing to bust the bank to get it to the top of pops?

:: Source

Interesting to see how this will develop.
What is it with all this talk of prizemoney. I do get that in order for large, professional esport clans/organisations to succeed and players to make a living with playing there needs to be some sort of money involved. but as far as i understand it a lot of that comes from sponsors and lets be honest sc2 isnt all that bad, financially speaking.
must developers really throw this much money at the players rather than their business modell and marketing in order to attract new players?
i mean riot and valve are putting those numbers out there simply cause they can and cause it makes for incredible headlines. people start to realize how big gaming/esports actually is. but the number of games/publishers that can do that is so limited. i just cant see sponsoring prizemoney being the most effective way to invest funds into esports.
It kinda works, people that i know that never played mobas suddenly want to play these games cause of the high price pools eventho they will never reach them.

Dont like the way of putting money in it makes the game and not because its such a great game.
ofc sc2 isnt bad financially speaking, but compared to dota2 and lol things are getting worse. which shouldnt be the case looking at the size of blizzard. i think it's all up to blizzard if they are willing to invest enough to keep up or be better with other 2 games. not to mention it's way easier to organize sc2 tournament than moba tournament since it's played 1v1,unlike moba's 5v5. they can definitely be ahead if they want. sc2 is still more fun to watch if you ask me, the problem, besides financial situation, for me is how much harder sc2 is than moba game for a casual gamer.
I really dislike your approach.
If I were a dev id be really pissed if people held me accountable to invest money into events.
it should really not be their job bur riot forces it onto people cause they have the money and realized theyd like to have esports aswell, so they went ahead and out right bought it.
i dont agree with the purses being this high in the first place. some ugly ass basement nerds from soviet russia keep winning millions cause they move around some dota heroes? come on, get real.
its aritifcially inflated to show off who got the most cash (riot does) but real esports doesnt need that sorta thing.
and i really dislike u attacking me for no reason. are you fucking serious? what does 5 or 10million mean per year mean to a company like blizzard? do you fucking know how much they earn because OTHERS are promoting their game? or how big their income is per year overall? i didnt say some xy nerd should earn 1 mil $ on some tournament but I'm pretty sure they could invest moneys even in some sort of amateur series or to get things better, but guess, they dont want. there are so many options missing in sc2 that ll come in next 2 expansions only because they have no more ideas how to attract people with new things but instead they ll use "new" things that were invented in games like wc3(watching replays with friends for example,coming in hots).

and agreeing you or not, gaming is a growing industry, where a lot of cash ll be invested and taken, not because of you or me wanting or not, but more because of sheer numbers. number of players,viewers, sponsors or whatever u want...because often it looks like: numbers=money

and about russians controlling dota heroes, yes i agree there with you. 2bad such a stupid game got a huge attention, but they made it profitable and it's up to others if they gonna keep up with it or simply disappear.
i expressed an oppinion and made an argument, that was not meant to be personal.
pls also dont take the following personal: from the stuff you write it is easy to see that you have no degree in economics neither have you ever had any interest in it.
5-10million dollars matters to pretty much every single entertainment company in the world, let alone game publishers.
the only ones who can put up big prize money are valve, blizzard and riot (and get those 5-10m out of your head, that is just naive).
i still remain positive that publishers should not be sponsoring anything other than launch tournaments. and for years the recepie has remained the same: third parties sponsor feasible amounts of money to get involved in events.
all this "publisher needs to put millions out there in order to make big headlines" is a cancer to the industry. by that deffinition: how can small games (like ET) ever be competitive?

ur rant about blizzard holding back on functionality to sell it later makes me feel sick. you display some greedy, communistic attitude that i strongly dislike.

you also dont seem to know much about the gaming industry in general claiming that numbers = money. the situation has changed. more games = community spread out further (it is harder to sell original IPs than it was). f2p and other monetizing models are where its at.

"2bad such a stupid game got a huge attention, but they made it profitable"
how little can one person know and still run around aritculating their oppinion?
that is wrong on every single level.
LoL is a trash game which got huge attention and is profitable. dota2 isnt in any way profitable for valve atm, no humanly conveable way. vavle spend millions to make a game that is perfectly balanced and has an array of functionality yet to be matched.

please dont talk if everything you say is bitter rage or plain wrong.
Has the 25m by RIOT actually been announced yet? Last I heard about it was that it'd be more than 5m but no actual numbers had been mentioned.
Yeah its confirmed.
Looks like you're the first one publishing it.
Nope not at all, its old news now - was released in August.
Any source for this? All Brandon Beck said in his August Forbes interview was:

Quote"We haven't figured out the exact numbers, but it's going to be bigger than that number. It's going to be bigger than last year, and we're trying to go bigger across the board."
I bet you $25m that its $25m! (Distributed in S3 prizemoney, Players Wages & Stipends and community tournaments).
Official answer from RIOT on a reddit thread was something like this: "its going to be more than 5million but under 25m" and this was month or two ago. I would like to see source for this too
I cant make two bets that size, but see my above comment for confidence!
good read

"free to play models" is really bad for the future of gaming though, hope they stick with retail and expansions.
Aren't they famous developers of Diablo? :E
Can't list all their titles! :P
Yet you listed two rts. :P where's the variety? :D
15 minutes match limit is ridiculous in sc2 it's like :
Sc2 becomes free to play, 15 mins left so let's prepare an all in.
15mins is huge in sc2 :d
depends on how fast r u able to play i gues :>
15 minutes is for All Stars not SC2
IMO with 15 minute games All Stars have all chances to succeed. In League of Legends the rounds are unnecessary long, if you play ranked you must play hundreds of matches, and its a real life killer in long run with 40+ minute games.
The pace of game could be increased without any damage to the gameplay, cut the creep spawn timers, increase movement speed of both creeps and players, maybe re-balance item pricing and you can easily fit into 15 minutes/game.
Blizzard should start making some FPS games. With their gameplay knowledge I'm sure it would mean a revolution in the genre.
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