CB EC XXVI Qualifiers Kicking off

The summer came to an end and with that a new season of EuroCup starts. Last week the Clanbase staff announced the EuroCup invites and qualifiers, a bit of drama came up with the announcement, and what does this community like more than a bit of drama now and then? United Kingdom Kamz decided not to play this season because he wasn't satisfied with a qualifier only so with this we lost Europe colt.45 already.

Invites & Qualifiers

Invites (4):
France An7ho
Canada anim
Netherlands JALLLA
France kARnAJ
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands saKen

Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany humM3L
Germany KRESTi
Germany stRay

Poland dialer
Poland fanatic
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland Lukey
Poland lesti
Poland grzesiek

Poland hunter
Poland zMk

United Kingdom koop
Finland olBaa
United Kingdom R0SS
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz

Qualifiers (16):

United Kingdom
Belgium chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom Kamz
Sweden NuggaN
Germany sTOWNAGE
Netherlands xPERiA
vs Portugal
Portugal setup
Portugal sexclick
Portugal ag0n
Portugal arto
Portugal saeba
Portugal WhT

Poland Aima
Poland Elviss
Poland l4z
Poland LoCkheed
Poland mag
Poland stexx
vs Belgium
Netherlands Cupra
Belgium eron
Netherlands LavOd
Netherlands NoHead
Belgium Piegie
Belgium ViKO

Europe Netherlands abort
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands joshua
Finland lettu
Estonia Sinnu
vs United Kingdom
Sweden cupcaKe
Croatia danL
Croatia diablos
United Kingdom hvK
Slovenia m1ke
Germany mental

France AiR
France invi
France kEEJi
France soma
France Skynet
France Provok

Spain WeZoR
vs Poland
Poland Abject
Poland Czarek
Poland Dolar
Poland errol
Poland michat
Poland miks

Netherlands Lightning
United Kingdom med1xza
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Hope
vs Europe
Estonia Cannonize
Finland Good
Finland lEku
Netherlands forever
Slovenia seareal
Germany violy

France KareN
France kartez
Belgium kaze
France didi
France meNth
France talG

France Bowler
France yokoo
vs Germany
Netherlands Artifexx
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands Jo0f
Germany laNgo
France Snatix
Netherlands vaNq
Italy vj7o

Estonia JyrkZ
Estonia mant
Spain magico
Canada monkey
Estonia Raul
Estonia subbi

Netherlands Leonneke
Estonia Night
vs Poland
Poland btw
Poland Pius
Poland th0rdis
Poland Turki
Poland viC
Poland Voodoo

Sweden fuchS
Belgium Player
Germany sPECULA
Slovenia sLy
Finland Swanidius
Slovenia verunA
Finland vokki
vs Europe
United Kingdom clarkee
Netherlands esSe
Norway Hexagon
United Kingdom niPs
India rAmbo
Finland toNi

Yesterday's game

Yesterday the first qualifier was played, a match between Europe erAse.et and Europe bSTURZ. The battlefields for the first round of the qualifiers are Supply and Bremen. bSTURZ full held erAse.et in Bremen and after that they won with a time of 8:41. Supply was the second map bSTURZ started off with setting a time of 8:14, erAse.et wasn't able to beat that. it meant that bSTURZ took the first victory in this EuroCup.

image: game35375

Tonight's games

Tonight we have 4 qualifiers coming up, a game between Belgium sereNity (evolved from EUNd) versus Poland Echelon and a game between Europe In Ya Ass and United Kingdom encrypt both at 21.00 CEST. After that Poland devilry versus France #sticked.et at 21:30 and the last game will be between Norway Chickens With Guns and Europe TAG. As I said the maps are going to be Bremen and Supply and if it comes to a decider the traditional elimination rules will be followed.

image: game35394

QuoteThe match seems fairly easy, considering that we have some big names in the lineup. Other then that, I hope that encrypt put up a huge fight and show themselves in a good way to the community of ET. They deserve the spot and IF we win this game (4:0), I hope they win the next one and get to play the EC. GL to all of the qualifiers.
Estonia Sinnu

QuoteWe just came back after a very long time of inactivity so getting qualification has come as a surprise, realistically we're expecting OC and we're expecting to lose this game, but who knows what might happen, tonight or in the next game.
United Kingdom hvk

image: game35400

Quoteechelon looks like a fairly strong opponent. Hopefully we can use our team play in our advantage. Should be a close and exciting game.
Player to watch:Netherlands lav0d
Netherlands Cupra

Netherlands Cupra couldn't say anything about his predictions on the maps, 'top-secret' is all he could say. One thing is sure, Belgium sereNity surely has the pro gaming attitude.

QuoteWe were preparing for this match for 2 weeks of intensive training. It won't be easy match, but we are ready to stand this fight ;).
Player to watch: Poland Aima

image: game35406

Quotecoming soon...
Poland devilry

QuoteIt will be the 1st EuroCup match for sticked.et and our 100th match on GTV. No need to tell you we want to win, moreover devilry defeated us on Tuesday. We know it will be hard, they are really strong but who knows?
Player to watch: Poland abject
France skynet

image: game35410

QuoteI've played cWg a few times in pracs, last time being yesterday. With that I'm predicting us to win 4-0. They have a really silly way of playing ET, not really utilizing the pressure you can put on your opponents by constantly pushing in on attacks.
Player to watch:Netherlands Lightning
Finland lettu

QuoteWith taggers standing in our way to our first EC, I must say we as a team are in doubt if we can make it into the EC, but without a doubt we will show some quality gaming and give it our best, I would like to take this chance to thank clanbase for the qualifier, and to wish the best of luck to our tagged opponents.
Slovenia seareal

Predictions by Finland twidi

Norway CWG vs Europe TAG:
This should be a very easy game for TAG as they have by far the more skilled and experienced line-up. Both teams also have played together for a long time already (at least the core of line-ups) so that doesn’t bring CWG any advantage. 4-0 for TAG

Poland devilry vs France sticked:
Sticked surprised many teams last ESL season by beating Jungle Brothers line-up featuring many star players. Devilry hasn't been doing that bad either and they already have experience from multiple EC seasons. I would expect this to be a very equal game and it could go either way. I'm predicting that devilry will manage to turn this game around and win it 4-2

Europe IYA vs United Kingdom encrypt:
IYA's line-up has the big advantage when it comes to individual skills and experience, but on the other hand encrypt has been playing together for ages with almost no changes. encrypt might be able to surprise and win a map with their team play, but I think that IYA should still be able to win this one pretty clearly. 4-0 or 4-2 for IYA

Belgium sereNity vs Poland Echelon: Just looking at the linkups I'd say that this one goes clearly for Echelon, but from what I've seen sereNity has been doing really well and are certainly an underrated team. This game could go either way, but Echelon still is the favourite for this one in my papers. Anyway I'm predicting that sereNity will surprise and take a 4-2 victory

Cup page
CB Qualifiers first round
Still want to sign up for ClanBase OC Fall 2012 season? It's not too late - we currently have 2 open spots! Contact Ohurcool @Quaknet #clanbase.et [CB]ohurcool
So much typos, but nice coverage :)
Would be cool if you point them out, that way I could work on it.
none as far as I can see
You corrected pretty much all of them already.
Good luck everyone!
yes okay squid, still rolling EC

gl gays i know (koop nohead hvk tomoyo etc)
etc means et cetera very special people ;) gl m8

kiss kiss

going lan?
nah, stopped ET ages ago and cba to start playing again :P seems kinda dead to me

would go to lan if I had the money and time though just to meet guys :)
Shame :( would of been nice to see you!
CB didn't like Kamz's troll? :P
nice work SimonKinsler!
colt45 kicked or dropped?
As I wrote down, kamz decided that they didn't want to play if they didn't get invited directly.
dat emo kid
actually, with that lineup.. shouldnt they be direct invited instead of pdeg?
That is the decision of the cb crew, not mine.
yeah im just starting a discussion
I would have had colt 45 as direct and tMoe as quali, but tMoe was 2nd at NC and something like that aswell in EC last season, but meh Kamz is just a bit of an emo :x
nah tmoe came second last EC or smth, so rather PDEG out for colt
I just think that PDEG is stronger than tMoe at the moment.
hm well i havent played against either for months or even years so dunno :p just know that when I played, colt45 put up a lot more resistance than highbot (not really identical lineups but)
Gotta agree with this one :D
I think we deserve it more than tMoe but that's not why we dropped from EC. I would have been happy to play qualifier but there were other issues involving bias and unfairness ;(
nah, more than PDEG

no :P the lineup written in the newspost was theor POSSIBLE lineup like a month ago, chry and Jere were no longer members by the time they signed up to EC.
hm I actually prefer squid over them belgians anyway, but yeah I see your point with pdeg actually winning :p

still on paper and .. based on how the scene were back when I played, id prefer colt45 over pdeg. and yeah I know the scene now isnt the same etc etc :(
scene is the same as 6 months ago, everyone's just mixing = worse teams. anyway colt are a bad example of a good team, they hardly were able to get 4 online for a 6v6 prac in a whole month ;P
guess :P but i didnt play ET serious since I played with target .. I guess a year or more ago :D and even then ET was dying :(
what does et dying mean to you :d to me, et has never been alive even from 2003-2009 compared to games like cs/cod/quake/lol/sc2 but guess what.. hundreds of thousands still played the game. :D I can still play wars everyday if I feel like it, go to a public if I want and when I decide to join/make a team it will be just as easy as it was for me to do so everytime in the last 5 years d:
ET dying to me basically means that the competition isnt high enough anymore.. not too long ago playing EC was an accomplishment, now everyone with a bit of skill can play EC :p same with NC etc
I disagree about NC - but EC, definitely true. this is what happens when your cream of the crop ET top teams decide to boycott :) this hole has been dug by them, but even so, ET is far from dead.
well okay then, guess ive just become this old boring player who thinks the game is dead -- one of those I used to hate when I played active.. still, activity isn't really as huge as it used to be
just remember what I said about: "et has never been alive even from 2003-2009 compared to games like cs/cod/quake/lol/sc2 but guess what.. hundreds of thousands still played the game. :D"

when talking to guys like Feuersturm, who pretty much quit competitive playing in 2005.. who do you think he rates as talented? surely guys like replicator, darkie, potter blabla etcetc and to him ECs must have looked dead in 2007 when the rest of the community (current community, that is) look at those times like the golden age of ET. it's all the perspective we've grown to have because all of those players featured in movies like Zaigon, ET Allstars, This is ET and Requiem. imagine guys like kresti, subbi, koop, mind, xperia, phyzic, lampje, aphesia, baggiez, chry, zak, jere, flopjehz and many other who have proven in matches that they are able to compete on a top level, imagine they featured in multiple allstar movies and such, the entire low-level community (always the majority) would be convinced they are the best players around.

it's all some shit in the mind of these players, like if butchji, mystic, snoop and raziel started playing actively over the next year they would shit on the current scene. it's total bullshit and you can see that by the attempted comebacks over the years by many older top players d:
instead of replying "wrong", give us an aproper explanation.
it's already written in the journal

Quotei know what's happening here, in order to make these invites/quali's he asked people such as fanatic, saken, etc now obviously they gonna put themselves in the invite list which not very fair imo :((
royalblood scared the shit out of kamz lol
why do ppl think we are good? :S
Hehe was just a troll but like I said, not really bothered about it .. EC is not EC anymore and with admin decisions like this it proves why ESL is now the life of ET. See you guys in Storm Assault!

Also this is wrong
QuoteKamz decided not to play this season because he wasn't satisfied with a qualifier only

That is not the reason. It is the procedure that was used that has disappointed me.
implying anything is the life of ET
storm assault = 16 clans

hardly life of et :d
didnt sign up like 25 teams in like 4days?
25 teams = life of et?
EuropeIYA 4 - 0 United Kingdomencrypt

BelgiumsereNity 4 - 2 PolandecheloN

Polanddevilry 2 - 4 Francesticked

NorwaycWg 0 - 4 EuropeTAG
No hate or anything else involved, just my prediction :-)

You have € 250 on ceWEge
You won € 2440
Didn't Kamz say it was just a troll? So basically it was CB crew kicking colt because of this behavior?

Second thing, why isn't colt45 replaced by some OC prem team?
QuoteHehe was just a troll but like I said, not really bothered about it .. EC is not EC anymore and with admin decisions like this it proves why ESL is now the life of ET
United Kingdom Kamz

So he didn't agree on how the invitees were selected.
Is that a reason to kick his team :P?
He decided himself to not play because of that.
I dunno why ur making this stuff up tbh? We have been kicked from EC
Untill now I honestly believed (thanks to your comments) that you decided to step out.
Our boycotting thing was just a troll. I wanted to let everybody know what's happening though, but the not playing EC thing wasn't serious. Goldorak knew it was a troll but still removed us. But like I said, I knew very well there was a chance of that before making the journal which shows that I am not really too concerned about it. But the journal has shown me how bad Goldorak is as an admin and how he doesn't know how to handle things properly.
goldorak is knowing your trolls these days? man you need to step it up
must have been the bit where i said "this post was a troll"

you thinked cb u troled but urself u troled :D
oh no, the troll has backfired and now we kicked from EC !!
hard life troling life yes?

(writing simple English because recipient is an immigrant)
gg masters student getting called dumb by college dropouts who dedicated their entire day for years to win ec and never left their house :c

only on internets man
I have left my house multiple times though. To get beer, to fuck bitches, the list could go on forever (not really, its very limited)
Fins and their imaginary world. Well it's the internet and you can be whoever you like my friend!

But we both know the truth :(
india faggot subhuman
lol skinny finnish nerd gettin mad
Haha I think you hit the spot right there :D
ur so cool troll, troller of the internet imo :P
every admin will do that. and afaik CB cup department was handlig this so dont blame goldorak..

Keep it up!
(That's what she said ;-))


Wow twidi, really fucking impressive predictions your worthless whore
poor twidi :((
hehehe kresti hehehe :-*
go fuck yourself douchebag
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