CB EuroCup - IYA vs. Sticked!

The Clanbase EuroCup just started and with the first qualifiers already played we got some interesting and surprising results and with two games scheduled for tonight this evening might bring even more astonishment.
image: cbec

The first match I want to talk about is a bit controversial due to the fact that the lineup of Europe IYA is still unsure and some rumours said Kamz might play. That would mean the player who just decided to boycott the EuroCup with his own team (colt45) is joining ranks with some of his other mates. Additionally the guys around Sinnu are trying to play with aphesia tonight but as he was playing with TAG in yesterday`s match against Lost Soldiers he is not allowed to play except the headadmins will change the rules and I just got some last minute information that the TAG vs. LostSoldiers game got canceled - nobody knows why - which brings us to the situation that aphesia is allowed to play and the TAG vs. Lost game needs a rematch if I am not wrong plus Kamz is not needed to replace aphesia in the lineup for today.

Uhhhf, serious business here! Enough of the chit-chat. Let`s come to their opponent. France sticked is known within the image: et ET community for a while now and with many hours of gaming on their shoulders the French frogs look stronger than ever. They were able to beat the powerhouse of devilry and surprised by taking it to a decider against Team Decerto in the ESL SummerCup Grand Final some weeks ago. I don`t need to mention they had a more or less easy walk in the park against erAse yesterday evening and in case they are able to get their teamplay working like a clock work they might surprise tonight against the likes of Sinnu, aphesia, razz or joshua.
image: trenn

Europe IYA
  • Estonia Sinnu
  • Estonia yEnch
  • United Kingdom razz
  • Canada bN
  • Netherlands aphesia
  • Netherlands joshua

Time: 21.45 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, Radar
image: game35433

France #sticked.et
  • France AiR
  • France kEEJi
  • France invi
  • France Provok
  • France Skynet
  • France soma
  • Spain WeZoR

image: trenn

The almighty United Kingdom Pansy might stream the game so cross your fingers that she figures how to establish a bad ass stream within the next few minutes! If this will fail you can still connect through one of the ETTv-IPs!

The second big game is more important - atleast for the participants. The top mentioned teams are already sure to take part in the upcoming EuroCup in contrast to United Kingdom encrypt and Poland devilry. They both can`t make it to the legendary online competition so it is a make or break game and I guess we will see some tears rolling after this one. Check the GamesTV.org page for all IP`s and keep an eye on both games!

To round this newspost off I gathered some player opinions:
QuoteIt's very possible sticked could pull through as they've done numerous times to good teams in the past few months, however if IYA play smoothly as a team I can't see them losing this one. Though their lineup looks pretty damn random, if there are no last minute roster changes then I predict 4-0 IYA, can't see them losing Goldrush/Radar. - United Kingdom Artstar

QuoteI'd actually consider the french newschoolers the favourites here, they aim well and have been nerding with the same lineup for years and IYA probably doesn't give quite as many fucks about this cup as they do. - Finland Vanhaomena

QuoteAccording to the LUs, I don't think that sticked stand any chance to win this game. And they had to change their LU a few weeks ago so i don't think they had time to pracc enough for this. But they surprised every one by beating jungle brothers a few months ago so let's hope for them that they will create a new miracle tonight. My prediction: 4-0 IYA; Player to watch: either razz or aphesia - but please, don't spec sinnu! - Belgium Buzzer

QuoteI have to go with what i know and what i know is Razz the mans a monster so im sure he will come up with the goods but who knows what Sticked.ET can bring - United Kingdom Pansy

but rly nice job!!!
we need more of this!
not an eye-friendly formatting, but besides that nice read. gj SPU9
wow Pansy... what a quote.
flaming encrypt hard, gg
where to?
gl iya!

nice write-up m8 =]
Quote I don`t need to mention they had a more or less easy walk in the park against erAse yesterday

Ha :D thats why they only won 4-2 and erase as a team did more dmg than they did ofc :) (inb4 game is not about dmg)
thats why i said more or less ;D
oh cmon, how can u call that more or less :p
well pointed out deanm8
Quote : I'd actually consider the french newschoolers the favourites here, they aim well and have been nerding with the same lineup for years and IYA probably doesn't give quite as many fucks about this cup as they do. - Vanhaomena

On a website where you prettend to be the mirror of e sports comunity,where nerds want to look like real journalists writing articles and columns,how can you(Spu9) include such pertinend insolent language in your presentation and how can admins allow it?

Also if Kamz decides to play,prooves some hypocrit behaviour. He wants us to believe he has a spine,a solid structure ,that he is a trustable and worth to follow leader.He needs to show some real qualities than.

The decision of Goldorak of canceling the Tag match is absolutely normal under this circumstances. Nothing has to be denied or argued about here. Tag needs to get their hands on a nerd free of any contract with another team,with or without the skill they require. Since the ET scene is sinking every day same as the legendary Atlantida, i think the expectations of certain teams should be lowered and any possibility should be taken under consideration.
sup non human
Doubt it's unforgiven; this one puts spaces after his punctuation marks
But he didn't for half of them. It makes it look like he tried to follow some grammar rules for once but failed. The sentence structure is also quite unique and the content is the same kind of anti-everything rambling the gypsy has been spewing for the last year and some.
Oh, you're right; didn't read carefully enough :D
Should I add:

The quotes are the sole opinion of the speaker and they do not represent the opinion of Crossfire or me...?
But in your quality of write of this article/column , you have the moral obligation to sort what kind of quotes you include in it.
If I do play, it will only be for the sole purpose that it provides a platform for practising for the adroits lan..

The actual cup I could care less about :}
Kamz, when i say i have huge tons of respect for you I m not lieng or trolling.

That s all i had to say, the rest is up to you.
I thank you for your respect but I make decisions for myself and not for others
Newsposts should contain more facts and less opinions/rumors...

Good job otherwise, I guess.
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