ESL ET Autumn Series

This year's Autumn Series will be indeed a Cup Series. We will host several one-day cups and the best teams will join the final cup where the prizes will be raffled! We are hosting a Cup Series in 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6.
Read on for all details!

image: modusimage: rules

We are hosting eight cups in total for 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6 each. Every cup will be announced in time so that you can sign up. Below you will find a table explaining the qualification stage in order to gain into the final cup.
image: ranks
Pay attention! The "Check in system" is enabled. Means you have to confirm your slot some minutes before the cup starts! You can do so by clicking the "Check in" button or ask an admin.

1st Cup 1on1:
9th Oct 20:00 CET
image: signup
(till 9th Oct 19:30 CET)
image: checkin
(from 19:30-20:00 CET)
1st Cup 3on3:
10th Oct 20:00 CET
image: signup
(till 10th Oct 19:30 CET)
image: checkin
(from 19:30-20:00 CET)
1st Cup 6on6:
11h Oct 20:00 CET
image: signup
(till 11th Oct 19:30 CET)
image: checkin
(from 19:30-20:00 CET)

As little gimmick we have some prizes for the respective final cup winners! Thanks to our partners and sponsors for providing some severs as prizes aside our premium packages (at least 8 contestants/ cup needed for prizes!)
image: prizes2
image: bghimage: prizesimage: pgs

In case of problems, questions or whatever feel free to contact an admin by private message or IRC ( quakenet or use the browser IRC.

Related Links:
Thanks to partners and sponsors!
image: crossfire image: gamestv image: ycn image: beginners
Whenever I press an newspost by Sn4ke, I just know that it is going to be good.
thanks! hopefully i will never disappoint you with some bad news :X
1st Cup 6on6:
11h Oct 20:00 CET

11th, np
How many 3on3 cups there will be in total and can you sign up to just one or more of them (if you didn't succeed in the 1st one)?
you can sign up to every cup in order to collect your ranking points to gain into the final cup.
if you win 3 cups in the respective format you are automatically qualified for the final cup

there will be at least 8 cups for every format (see above), maybe more if the interest is high enough!
why u ban me and why do you delete tickets if i ask why i got banned ?
Tickets are not deleted but only closed. You can re-open them at any time.

You are banned because you cheated.
i never cheated .
proof it plz
not going to deal with somting i didnt do ...
prove that you didn't. Its about you to do your move. There is enough proofs for ban from our side. You don't need to spam every comments which ESL Admin makes, just because you feel like we did a mistake. If you are not guilty then be sure to write all details in ticket that is already opened from your side.
there are so many proofs (like 1000000 cb bans) that your friend tohaj is a cheater, but still he's not banned in esl where you are the admin. So I guess its about you to do your move
This. :D I remember when I was browsing through those 2on2 ladder teams in ESL (since I wasn't unbanned on CB yet) and found out that Tohaj, the guy we played against 2-3 days ago, got banned. Then the next week his ban was cleared. :D
Nice talking crap, like you don't know the case. Just stop flaming about that and let it go. Besides esl has nothing to do with cb and opposite.
was going to paste Foamea's explanation to you which he did for you at some journal. But ok some journals are not working. Anyway ban was to old for ESL to ban him for that. Simple as that. Cya at next news/journal, where we will be talking about that again.
he did not cheat

keith was the one that cheated, while using a TZAC account created by harmen (but never actually used by harmen)
atleast im hapy clanbase understand it
shouldn't he be banned for sharing accounts?! like Poland dmk recently was banned for this reason. :d
Probably going to tell same story as Tropic did
"he hecked it lOl not mY bed sorry ^^ :pxa"
didn't work for dmk though d: probably the fact that he's Polish (seems to be enough?!)
Must be that :D
dmk's case is different and you know it

honestly, I couldn't care less whether ESL bans harmen or not, but to say he is banned because he cheated is just stupid
or trop1c case? Did trop1c got banned on CB? Because this is totaly same case if so. If not then we have different policies of baning.
again, it is a different case

Tropic was banned for cheating because the TZAC account which got banned for cheating was his main TZAC account that he had registered on CB and used on a regular basis

harmen will not be banned for cheating because the TZAC account which got banned for cheating was not the TZAC account he has registered on CB and was never used

as I said, I respect that your policies may be slightly different, and obviously you can ban whoever you want, but don't try to justify your ban by saying he cheated when he clearly did not
but you are saying same for trop1c like we do for harmen. And trop1c did share his account also. How can you say that trop1c was cheating then? Main account or not, we are checking accounts that user has and not only the one entered @ league. And yes by this you can see we have different waypoints. Besides @ TZAC is even a rule (no multiaccounts allowed). But almost every 3rd player has atleast 2.
Tohaj´s cheating crew
ESL's admin crew is composed of 7 admins. We have a very well made procedure regarding bans related to cheating where every admin is involved.
So much effort put into this i can tell, gl!
fuck i hate BO1 rounds but still nice =)
last guy to post decent ET news on here <3
miss 2on2
vokki and swani too good so they decided to give up that format
Very nice!

Amazing work, keep it up! :-)
nice, gj snake
nah not me but the other staff crew members set it up! thank them
thank you other staff crew members
sounds nice :)
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