Battle For Berlin - Finalized Map Pool!


Hello Crossfire Community,

Battle For Berlin has finalized the map pool (maps to be used in the tournament) and is working hard on finalizing the scheduele.

The finalized map pool is as follows:

- Ice
- Base
- Frostbite
- Beach
- Village

The scheduele isn't fully complete, but expect to be playing 2-3 times each week, if not more, for the duration of the 15-16 day tournament. Obviously, if you loose in the losers bracket, you will be eliminated.

Expect a final scheduele within a week.

There is only 1 spots left out of 32, with each day 2-3 more teams sign up. Please sign up asap to hold a spot for your team for the tournament. Send a "draft" with your team name, 3 players + guids, and a team leader email (all which can be changed prior to the tournament) asap.

If you do wish to compete, but come after the 1 other teams has registered, we will add you to a "backup list". Some teams might pull out within the first week due to whatever, even tho it isn't expected, we want to be prepaired by taking 5 backup teams. First come, first serve after the tournament is full.

And lastly, if you do want anything to be changed or want to petition anything as far as config settings and CVARs, you should show a feesable amount of information and get support on our forums. The CVARs will be worked into a server config and be released in the near future.

More info on the tournament:
Battle For Berlin News
Battle For Berlin Team Registration
Battle For Berlin Game Rules
Battle For Berlin Forums

Thanks for taking interest in Battle For Berlin! For detailed listings on our prizes, sponsors, rules, brackets, and more; please visit our website. Thanks and enjoy the tournament!

Zach "Mortal" Hooper
Battle For Berlin Tournament Director
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