Adroits LAN: Last Day

Today is the last day of Adroits LAN and we have a few more games left for you in the ET tournament which has 6 teams left. Europe £1 Fish will play against Germany Rockit in the winners bracket final and Netherlands Decerto, Germany PDEG, Germany Lost Soldiers and Belgium sereNity will do their best to battle through the losers bracket and make it into the top 4 to take home some money.

image: 8vPRE_CywC00TlyQsxFC2XFiz6AkhZoLKEgnm_K0QXU

The tournament will restart at around 10am even with the delay last night with players playing into the night until 4am. Heopfully everyone, including yourselves, got some sleep! enjoy the games and thanks for watching.

Lower Bracket Final

Europe £1 Fish
Belgium chry
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqZz
Netherlands xPERiA

image: game35881
Netherlands Decerto
France An7ho
Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
France kARnAJ
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands saKen
Germany sTOWNAGE

Upper Bracket Final

Europe £1 Fish
Belgium chry
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqZz
Netherlands xPERiA

image: game35876
Germany Rockit
Netherlands abort
Latvia Clown
Estonia frEeze
United Kingdom koop
Estonia Night
Finland Salaneuvos

Lower Bracket Semi Final

Germany PDEG
Germany stRay
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany humM3L
Germany Bl4d3
Turkey fireball

image: game35878
Netherlands Decerto
France An7ho
Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
France kARnAJ
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands saKen
Germany sTOWNAGE

Lower Bracket Round 2

Germany PDEG
Germany stRay
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany humM3L
Germany Bl4d3
Turkey fireball

image: game35875
Belgium sereNity
Netherlands Cupra
Belgium eron
Netherlands LavOd
Netherlands NoHead
Belgium Piegie
Belgium ViKO


Germany Lost Soldiers
Netherlands Artifexx
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands jo0f
Germany laNgo
Netherlands vANQ
Italy vjto

image: game35877
Netherlands Decerto
France An7ho
Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
France kARnAJ
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands saKen
Germany sTOWNAGE
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well done merl, get some sleep now!

goodluck to crumbs abort and clown in the finals!
gj with coverage m8
merlinator ftw gl £1 fish! smash them all boys:p
we need some shoutcasting!
gl serenity

eron & viko! gogo
A caster would be nice
gl saken & co
FAIL! First force the players to still start games at 3am and then ask them to be there again at 8:15 am? You guys are sick, just force the QL guys to smoke less next time. Or walk by their PC's and press F3 when they are smoking outside, QL retards really.

Just shows us that ET is the second event on the LAN, but the LAN area is fucking empty when there is QL. LOL.
ye, you can't expect these players to get only like 3 hours of sleep, just not human
Just take a break every round and delay the remaining QL shit until midnight. They will all miss their flights back home or come late at their job on monday :D
A lot of them did miss some stuff or were late
this is so retarded
close enough GermanyLost Soldiers!
Lost Soldiers definitely the surprisers of this lan
Off-line only :D
G'wan Dickers!!!
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